All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

By: Porter Barrington
Outline One: The Bible
The Bible is The Word of God

It is important for a new or renewed Christian to start right; therefore, the first
lesson is designed to help establish your faith in the Bible, for it Is the word of
God. Keep in mind that the Bible is not a book of philosophy, although it is philosophical. Do not go to the Bible for a scientific argument. However, there is no discrepancy between ascertained facts of science and the Bible. The Bible is not a book of history, but is found to be accurate when recording history. The Bible was given to us from God, revealing Jesus Christ, the son of God, and God the Son, the only savior John 14:6. He is the center and the circumference. It is Christ from Genesis to Revelation John 5:39.

The Bible is high above all other books as the heavens are above the earth. Someone has said of the Bible: "read it to be wise, believe it to be safe and practice it to be right."

1 The Bible claims to be the inspired word of God - (II Timothy 3:16-17): 16) "All
Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17) that the man of God may be complete , thoroughly equipped for every good work."

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God." Upon this statement of fact,
evangelical Christianity stands. The Bible claims to be the inspired word of God. By "inspiration " we mean that the Holy Spirit exerted His supernatural influence upon the writers of the Bible. The writings were inspired - not necessarily the writers, for the Bible nowhere claims to have been written by inspired men.

1)The Holy Spirit is the author of the Bible (II Peter 1:21). Christ told His disciples
that He would leave "many things " unrevealed, and that the Holy Spirit would come and choose certain persons and through them reveal His perfect will unto man; and that the Holy Spirit would be the believer's teacher (John 16:12-15).
2)Man is the instrument used by the Holy Spirit to write the Bible
3)Results: the infallible Word of God. Therefore, the Bible is free from error and
absolutely trustworthy. (Psalm 119:89 and Matthew 24:35)

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Even though I accepted Jesus Christ in my heart when I was 8 years old, I wasn't living for God fully most of my life as a teenager and adult, rejecting Him every turn, and living for myself. My tracks lead me to and from God, back and forth, always feeling His pull to Him. I am 55 years old now, and finally living the christian life He was so desperately showing me, never giving up on me. God was and is always there to show us the way to Him. Thank you for your powerful discussions, David. Keep your light shining my brother. Agape love snd blessings.

What a wonderful testimony you have Sister Ruth, I can tell that it truly comes from
your heart. Thank you for your encouraging comments, noticed that you like wildlife.
I always hunted and fished, so many amazing things that the Lord created, now that
I'm getting older ( will be 65 in September) just am so thankful to Him. Also noticed
that you are friends with Sister Tammy, she is a wonderful Sister to know and she is
always willing to help, I met the Lord in 1986 + my mom taught us when when we
were younger, I like you can see that it is Him all along , blessing us with his love
mercy and grace. Oh what a mighty God we serve.
Be Blessed today my Sister


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