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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Something I've wondered about for a while Scripture for everyone? IE: Because David was king, will we all be elevated? Because the disciples were martyred, will all be? Because some were healed or healed others, will we?

I've heard for years that God is no respecter of persons. That what He does for one He'll do for all. But the actual context of that is that He accepts everyone. It's not that He does the same.

This is sometimes a problem I see with healing ministry when people are told they just need faith or they don't have enough faith. Jesus healed in an instant, Peter and John said walk, and he did, Paul performed healing miracles.

The problem I have with preaching we're to speak that we are already healed by faith is this.

Jesus said this kind only comes out through prayer and fasting. He didn't say just speak it. Since the disciples tried that and it didn't work. The disciples went around healing but couldn't keep from dying themselves. Paul healed the sick yet had his own thorn God wouldn't remove. And most interesting to me is Paul said if there are any sick among you to bring them to the elders to lay hands on them and pray for them. For a man who had healed others, why would he say so they could pray rather than so you could be healed?

I think we are given so many possibilities in Scripture so we can see that God works in each of us according to His will. He left Lazerus sick until death for a reason. The blind man afflicted from birth hadn't sinned but spent much of his life blind so Jesus could show God had sent Him and He could heal.

In light of this, why do some believe God will heal them just to feel dejected if He doesn't?

I've been there. Rather than feel like He is going to heal me, it's less of a struggle believing He wants what's best even if it means I'm not healed.

Personally I believe He has healing for me. Perfect physical healing? No. But there will always be sick among us and our days are all numbered.

How about prosperity? Just because He prospered and elevated Joseph, David, Job...does it mean we're all gonna receive material comfort? What if we're the type that would spend it frivolously?

We should of course be hopeful and live expectantly. But expectant of God's will even when it doesn't match what we think it should.

I don't believe Scripture to be a one size Bible. But it meets every situation as designed by God.

And I pray no one goes through a crushed spirit because they were ever led to think weak faith was why they weren't healed, or told they must be sinning. That's not a Christ like way of building one another up.

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Actually, I spent about 2 5 hours reading some devotions and looking up articles on Biblical topics, checking emails and typing that response. I'm one fingered on a cell phone but that finger moves fast. LOL

I don't know if it's frustration or what. I just know I heard a lot of this, so that when all this trouble and prosperity didn't come and so much got worse, I'd get mad at God.

Lately I've watched some of the televangelists, and rather than getting mad at God, I get disgusted by these prosperity preachers scamming people by telling them to plant a seed of whatever arbitrary amount and within whatever arbitrary amount of time, God's gonna dump a load of cash in their laps. I fell into the same trap, tithing what I didn't have because I thought it was disobedience not to, and I was hoping for a blessing. I've learned though to tithe what I can not for obedience but because I see a need and want to help. And I don't see the tithe as money to pad the church pews and put up fancy chandeliers. Tithing was for the priests to eat. And I see it as helping our family of God, and not always the church. When I give more than my offering to the church, it's usually when I know it's going to missions that day, or to a guest who had expenses to come preach at our church. And I've read Scripture. Sewing seed had to do with sewing into other's lives, not tithing to the church.

Frustration or disgust, I just think we put so much focus on what we can get from God than in being thankful for His sacrifice for us and being worshipful. And it causes turmoil for new believers.'s flat out wrong.

Yes I speak in tongues and I've seen miracles from God in my life...I'm sure were intended to build my faith and trust more than anything. But I know what God has called me to and it isn't to go out and heal. He may do that later, He may not. He doesn't call everyone to the same thing. And believing that I will do sometimes different than I'm called to only leads to frustration and failure. It's stepping outside His will in our lives. God said believe and receive, but believe in what? I can believe in a million bucks but if I'm focused on riches I'm not focused on Him. Even thinking if we focus on Him, He will give us all these things is still focusing on the "things".

This was meant to be one question but it covers a lot of territory. LOL
Ok, that took about 20 minutes. Haha
And so timely. Reading a devotion now. And it says "Too often we ask God to fix the problems around us when what He really wants to do is solve the problem within us."
God cares about us and He never makes any mistakes. I don't actually think because prominent people in the bible carried various setbacks we must be happy with awkward situations we find ourselves in. Lets remember that King Hezekiah's life was extended after God Himself had said his death was due. This is clear picture of not giving up and always wanting the best. Though there are many other situations where people didn't get what they asked from God but I believe that always hoping God is going to change the situation always makes us feel better and also help cope.


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