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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

with all the problems in this world, a Christian has to wonder why did this happen? or what did i do to deserve this? God of course has every situation in His control and we are not meant to understand His reasoning. but our inquisitive natures want an answer. 

what if you could ask God just one question? what would that question be? would it be about a sick loved one? money? bad people?

i think my question would be, "why did the Holocaust have to happen?"

what would you ask? i'm anxious to see how you will answer this.

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God has not forsaken you. i can say that with all confidence. He always keeps His promise: "I will never leave you, nor forsake you."

I am 100% certain the reason doesn't exist yet.  If God had to create a person *only* to hand a bible to a lady on the street, it would be proven he lacked mercy.  Not once in my life has God shown his love to me, nor has he given my life a single bit of meaning.  So I KNOW there is no such reason *yet*.  

Yes, I believe in God, have not seen him no.  I cannot "stop believing", my point was simply that almost all atheists out there in the world have more peace or worthwhile lives than I ever had.  It would be far superior to live as an atheist than to never "live" at all.  

Hello James,


I know you are directing your answer to Carla, but I hope you don't mind me giving my biblical perspective of what you have shared.


>>I *totally* know that God creating me has to do with him rather than me, but on the other hand, he would have to have a significantly good reason to create a totally worthless person with a completely meaningless life.


God indeed has created you according to His good pleasure and according to His own will. However God did not create you, so you can think or express yourself, about   yourself in the manner that you do. You are not scaring of shocking God or me with such a depiction of yourself since unfortunately you are not the only human that has ever felt as you do. The way you view your life is the way many others view theirs’, it's a common symptom in the world we are living in. I do not mean to say that you are trying to shock anyone and I do thank you for your boldness to speak your heart,


If you are a born again believer, which you say you are in your profile than some obvious things have been lacking in your life, which have led you to your current state.  Many might think I am presumptuous by stating what I will now share, but I believe there are plenty of biblical truths to back up my assessment of your current status.


God told the Samaritan woman these words:

Jesus said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, 4:14 but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty. The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life."


After reading these verses (and there are a lot of verses speaking of this truth in various ways) the natural question that rises for you and any other Christian who is not experiencing a spring of water within them, that quenches their thirst to the point that they seek to give the water away to others hallelujah, is: What are you not doing, for this truth to be true in your life?


I remember you brother and you have always shown an ability to comprehend things well, but I remember telling you in the past that you spend wayyyyy too much time researching STUFF, and not enough time in the word. I admit that this is a huge assumption in my part, but I have not met a Christian yet who spends time with the Lord and thinks of themselves as you do. Before Christ saved me I always desire death, not so much suicide, but death to come to me, I welcomed it and many times sought it, but when I drank of the living water spoken of by Christ, life took on a whole new meaning and worth. I did quickly find out though that to keep joyful and maturing and viewing life in an entire new way, I had to abide in the vine (Christ), for apart from the vine, the branches wither and we can do nothing without the vine.


To summarize a fairly long teaching in a nutshell bro, stop investing time researching all the STUFF you research, God will certainly use your research and experience for His glory, but stop it now and get in the word. Abide in the vine and you will KNOW why God created you, what your purpose in the body is.


Blessings bro



Wow!!!! I just noticed that sister Carla gave you the same verses that I included here. I think God is trying to tell you something bro.

i think atheists have received their reward. they are not really living per say. Christians know living this life is what God wants, then we live eternally with God. atheists make the choice not to believe, not to have faith. they may be happy, but they do not experience the joy of being a child of God. i'm glad you believe, james. many times i questioned things like why people that don't put their faith in God enjoy the "good life". when i realized it take a strong faith to live for God and a weak or nonexistent one to live for this world, i started examining my own faith. today i live by it more than anything else. it's very easy to live for this world, but difficult to live for God. Jesus never promised our lives would be easy to live, only that He would be with us, guiding us.

Well, marty, God has countless others to love him, so that wouldn't be a suitable answer.  I haven't significantly touched *anyones* life.  No one has touched my life in a significant way either, so that also isn't a suitable explanation.  I'm already one of the "different people" (almost inhuman) that you refer to.  

In my case, my question isn't answerable by anyone other than God, because there's no conceivably adequate answer I can think of.

yes, God has others to love Him, but He loves YOU. no matter how many others you can think of, YOU are unique to God. each one of us is special in the way only God can use. He may use us to touch others, or He may use us to be touched by others. we may think we never touch other lives, but have you ever smiled at someone, or made someone laugh? that's a touch. when God looks at you, He isn't thinking of any other. He thinks of YOU. your hairs are numbered by Him. He calls YOU His own. when you're one of God's own, we're always touching someone, whether we know it or not. jeremiah 29:11 is a wonderful passage for someone wondering why they are here: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. " you're never thought of as a "why are you here, Christian, rather, you are here Christian, because...

I'm sorry marty, but that answer doesn't cut it either.  He has never once in this lifetime shown me his love nor has he ever shown or hinted at me being unique.  I am no more unique or special than a serial killer in prison.  Sure, they are people too, but God even takes time to show even them love.  And it certainly wouldn't validate my existance being created only to smile at another or make them laugh.  

It comes down to "his plans" that you speak of.  Personally I believe *half* the reason he created me is because he NEEDED someone with a DEATHWISH with no concern for their life.  How many other christians out there are willing to serve him at the risk of their own life?  How many of them love their lives so much they'd  rather not serve him in favour of keeping what they have?  But anyhow...having a deathwish so that I can fully serve him shows nothing of God's mercy or love, so there must be another reason too.  

i think i found something to help you understand it marty. God is all three. He is the Son, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. in math 1+1+1=3. but in this case it's 1+1+1=1 because there is only one God. He is God. He is the Son, Jesus Christ, and He is the Holy Spirit. Trinity is Tri=Three and Unity=One. He is so much more complex than we can comprehend, in our minds three beings is just that, three beings. but God is all three of these wonderful things. like Revelation song says, "such a marvelous mystery!" hope this helped.

Hi Marty,


In addition to what the other Marty has already written, God helped me to understand the Trinity a bit better by relating it to a family.  There is One Family, with Three people.  In my case, I am in One family (my husband, myself, and my two boys--four of us individuals, but one family).  It's the same With God.  They are One Divine Family, with 3 separate persons...all God.


Blessings, Carla

Great question Marty.. 


 At this moment in time I don't have one...however, that is not to say that I won't ever have one. 

Here's a well written article that takes a stab at answering your question about the holocaust.  Hope it helps.


Blessings, Carla




Let me start by saying that I appreciate this discussion and what I will share; I will not share with a desire to contradict your statements, but simply to add to this discussion.


As Christians, we do wonder why all that has happened, is happening and remains to come, happens, but one of the many blessings of being in Christ is that we have insight as to why things have happened. Not only insight, but our future is already disclosed to us in the word. Unlike the world who has no real hope, we are a people full of hope. We have insight into why and how things will come to an end. The manner in which our King returns may vary slightly between the different denominations, but the end result is the same.  


As partakers of the Holy nature of God we have answers for almost everything under the sun. At times we won’t have specifics, but generalities, which suffice at times to ease our inquisitive minds.


>>God of course has every situation in His control




>>and we are not meant to understand His reasoning.


His ways are indeed higher than ours, but God has revealed his plan for planet earth to us. He has also disclosed his nature to us, through Christ. You seen Christ, you seen the father. Christ is our head, God the Holy Spirit abides in us, so we have insight into his reasoning, but will not fully comprehend it, because we are finite creatures.


what if you could ask God just one question?


Can I have one Galaxy Lord, that would be my question, where I can create with his guidance and help beautiful worlds. I don't know how many people think about the new heavens and the new earth or what God has in stored for us, who love him, but I don't care to have answers about this earth, I already have those. I do ask him to have his way with me so I can be his arms and feet  for now though. I would want to know if He has other creations elsewhere, stuff like that…




Great Answer Davey bro... good job.


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