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Are fairies part of the spirit world? I read an idea once that fairies are actually angels which did not enter heaven or hell. Is this possible? Do fairies really exist? And as a Christian, is it wrong to write about them in prose articles?

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and God is a myth? I mean, we do have to consider several ideas.

As Bible-believing Christians we derive our understanding about both the seen and the unseen world from God's Word - the Bible. The Bible is truthful in whatever it says because it was authored by God who cannot lie and does not change. Accordingly, we need to go back to the Bible to get a proper understanding of the reality and dynamics of the spirit world including angels and demons.

The Bible talks about two broad categories of spirit beings besides God: angels and demons. Angels are messengers and servants of God. Demons are former angels which have chosen to rebel against God and follow their leader, Satan. All spirit beings were created, according to the Bible, before the creation of mankind and perhaps before the creation of the universe. According to the Bible, angels and demons can also take on different appearances and forms. For example, the Bible says, "Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14).

The Bible makes no mention of fairies. If fairies did exist and were important for us to know about we can be certain God would mention them in His Word, but He doesn't. Therefore, there are no grounds for saying that fairies are angels that didn't enter heaven or hell. Therefore, it is also safe to assume that 1) fairies do not exist or; 2) demonic powers could appear as beautiful fairies to distract and confuse people from worshipping and following God (see 2 Corinthians 11:14).

Now, having said that. I don't think it is necessarily wrong for Christians to read stories about fairies or to write stories about them as long as we don't let our imagination get the best of us and we start living in a fantasy world. "Fairies are fairy tales," like Ron said. You can't really write "prose" (non-fiction) about fairies because they are fictitious. You could write a novel (fiction) about them, but I'd rather see you spending your time on reading, studying and meditating on God's Word, growing your relationship with Jesus Christ, and serving your fellow man in humble acts of service as Jesus would have us to do.

Learn more about angels and demons at
I dont know,but as far as the bible is concerned, Iv never came across anything that has to do with fairies. engels on the other side,yes they are there coz the bible does mention engels e.g Gabriel. engels are heavenly beings (God's engels that is) if the book u read says faries are "engels that did not enter heaven" I get a bit concerned, that doesnt sound good to me. I feel like, if something doesnt belong to God, it is the devil's. so if they are not frm heaven and not from hell, its a bit confusing, coz whose message or work do faries carry, if its not frm God and not frm the devil?

I dont know bt Id rather stick to God the father, Jesus the son and the Holy spirit.
I hope this helps u..
Yes. I have been studying the Bible and I have leaned a lot. I gave up my interest on paranorma matters but sometimes, I succumbed to the temptation


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