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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
The Holy Bible : English Standard Version. Wheaton : Standard Bible Society, 2001, S. Mt 5:17
Yesterday I was going through my Bible and marking the Words of God  so that I could study them. As I was doing so, I thought of how much of the law we should be concerned with. I have heard some pastors say that because of Christ's death and resurrection, that we not be concerned about the law. However, in my mind, one can't disregard the law as God spoke it to the Israelites because I can't believe that God would give one law to the Jew and another to the gentile.
I know that we today practice church as being Sunday...not Saturday, or the first day of the week...not the last. And then tithing seems to be up in the air as well.
And then there is capital punishment taken off the table for murderers.
All in all, there are many of God's laws given to the Jews that aren't practiced today. Where should a Christian stand on this?
I know that the law of God is written on our hearts, but I think that we are breaking many of them because of our own will.
I thought of abortion being likened to a gift to Molech.
Just curious about what others think about the law with regard to Christ's sacrifice.
What do you think?

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Romans 8
Life Through the Spirit
1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in sinful man, 4 in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit.

Jesus fulfilled the righteous requirements of the Law for us. When we walk in the Spirit we too fulfill the Law. The law of the Spirit supersedes the written law and when we walk in the Spirit we its fully met in us. We are not under the law.
Well all rabbinical/Levitical laws are no longer applicable to us as believers of a New Covenant. All the law is "profitable for training in righteousness".

The Ten Commandments which are moral laws are still applicable and the command to keep the Sabbath was fulfilled in Christ hence our rest remains in Christ through faith,

Excellent question by the way

So what does it mean when Jesus said he fulfilled the law?

The saying, "The law" is synonymous to "The word."

Romans 2:13
For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.

It was written in the law that the Messiah would come and established a new convenent and when He did, he fulfilled the Law, the word prophesied. He also lived up to the requirements of the Levitical laws, which He was fulfilling, so we would not have to.

When we say the Law of Moses, we KNOW, we are not saying the Law originated with him but it is synonymous to saying the Torah, the books He (Moses) wrote, where we have the Rabbinical/Levitical Laws.

The Law can be fulfilled and done away with from practice without creating ANY conflict at all. Jesus fulfilled the righteous requirements of it and by doing so did what the Law/Word said He would do, hence fulfilling it.

The law (the 10 conmandments) remains useful to convict us of sin.

Matthew 2:15
Where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: "Out of Egypt I called my son."

If I tell you - look next year i will be at your house and whe i get there the work you are doing for me now untill then, can cease. When next year rolls around and i get to your house I fullfilled the law previously established by me and consequently do away with it too. :)

Acts 3:18
But this is how God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets, saying that his Christ would suffer

Why did he say, if you love Me, follow my commandments, what commandments can we separate as only Jesus' commands since Him and God are one and he was there when God gave Moses the 10 commandments

All the word, the law is summarize into two commandments: Love God and love your neighbor.

What does it mean when Jesus says I have not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it?

The law had Spiritual implication that most missed, (Matthew 5 You hear it said, but I tell you...) so He did not come to destroy that part of the law but to informed us of what the Spirit of the law intended to convey. Also, He did not come to break the law, but He lived it perfectly, so He could be the Perfect Sacrificial Lamb of God for humanity. Doing that he did away with it as it was written and established a new covenant.


It's Elementary my dear Watson
The reason for me posting this subject is that so many Christians don't seem to know or to care that we as a nation, are very much out of step with God. We are doing things (or allowing things to be done) that God absolutely speaks against.

We are concerned about our own welfare and not that of our nation as a whole.

When something comes up, our response is "we're under Grace" and so we are. However, it is my opinion, that if we do business on a day to day basis, with the thought of God in our minds and in our hearts, we will abide by the laws that He set forth.

We don't do that.

I don't think God put those laws into being for us to ignore them.

We have taken "Capital punishment" off the table for capital offenses. Why did we do this? God said certain crimes deserve capital punishment. If we had not done this, people would think twice about killing another person.

We are stuggling right now with the false religions of the world that overcome Christianity but we have ELECTED officials that are promoting these religions and whipping their feet on God and His Law of "have no other gods before Me".

I'm not actually talking about where we stand as Christians... I am talking about what we are actually agreeing to when we DON'T speak out.

What I am trying to say is that we shouldn't be agreeable to anyone that doesn't have God foremost in his life because if God isn't there, Satan is. And Satan is destruction.

Is everyone that you hold near and dear saved from the wrath of God? If Jesus calls us home today, can you say that you and all your loved ones are ready?

We need to do more than what we are doing to save as many as will be saved. And the way to do that, from my point of view, is preserving the laws that God gave us in His Word to operate from. By pushing to have these laws put into practice in our nation.

Think of Israel as a nation in these days. No, most of them don't call Christ the Messiah. However, they come closer to practicing God"s laws than we do. And God put certain promises in his Word regarding them. In the end, Israel will come out on top because of these promises. Yes, they will suffer, but...haven't they always suffered? Will they win a nuclear war with Iran? I say yes, as much as anyone could win, they will win. Because God is not going to allow Israel to perish. Not during the life of this earth.

Over all, I think the reason we are on the road to destruction of our nation is because we ignore God's Laws for laws that man has made. Preservation of our nation will be reinstating God's Laws in lieu of man's laws.Putting people in office that respect the laws that God put forth.
Rita, I am only concerned that others who call themselves Christians know the one true and living GOD our Father, and His Only Begotten Son, our Lord and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. That will not save this nation or any other, but it will save millions OUT of this nation and all others. I am not concerned about this geo-political hegemony called the USA. I am concerned about the individuals in ALL nations who are perishing, not because they cannot keep God's Laws, but because they have not been freed from death by believing in Him who is the Resurrection and the Life. Rita, the unsaved billions of this world CANNOT keep God's Laws, and you will not save this country by trying to legislate morality. You, Rita Cullimore, DO NOT keep God's Laws. If you were to stand outside of Christ's Righteousness at this moment so that God could judge you and pass sentence on you as you deserve, you would be burned to ashes. The only reason that any geo-political group of people continues to exist at this moment is because of God's Patience. He witholds Judgement until all the elect are saved, then all the kingdoms of this world, including the USA, will pass away under God's Wrath. The LORD did not send out His disciples with the command to politically reform Palestine and Judea so that it would avoid the devastation of 67-70 AD. Paul and Barnabas did not run throughout the Roman empire trying to end slavery, corruption, and war. No, they all went out to preach only the Good News. You obviously are not thinking clearly about geo-political, present-day Israel if you think it's continued existence has anything to do with the righteousness of it's people. It survives ONLY because of God's promises to the Patriarchs, so that He can demonstrate HIS character as a Covenant Keeping God on Whom all the peoples of the world can depend.
This is what I wrote about Israel.
Think of Israel as a nation in these days. No, most of them don't call Christ the Messiah. However, they come closer to practicing God"s laws than we do. And God put certain promises in his Word regarding them. In the end, Israel will come out on top because of these promises. Yes, they will suffer, but...haven't they always suffered? Will they win a nuclear war with Iran? I say yes, as much as anyone could win, they will win. Because God is not going to allow Israel to perish. Not during the life of this earth.
I don't see the word "righteous" in the above paragraph.

a bit of scripture......
i“When I sent you out with no moneybag or knapsack or sandals, did you lack anything?” They said, “Nothing.” 36 He said to them, “But now let the one who has a moneybag take it, and likewise a knapsack. And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one. 37 For I tell you that his Scripture must be fulfilled in me: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors.’ For what is written about me has its fulfillment.”
The Holy Bible : English Standard Version. Wheaton : Standard Bible Society, 2001, S. Lk 22:35-37

Another bit of scripture........
14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
The Holy Bible : English Standard Version. Wheaton : Standard Bible Society, 2001, S. 2 Ch 7:14

A person can be saved up until the moment after he has exhaled for the last time.
So can a nation.

I want to see my entire family safe in the arms of Jesus, but....because the USA is my home, and my neighbors are my family, I pray to see them ALL saved.

The way to do that is that we strive to change what we are doing wrong. That will happen if we allow God to lead the country as He was allowed to in the past. After all, repenting is turning away from something.

If that isn't a concern of yours, so be it. But I don't feel that way.

May you find understanding and not anger in my post.
Have you ever thought about how much power Jesus Christ has that if you truly believe in HIM that you will not have to be concerned about the laws because living in Christ will line you up in the way you are supposed to be living anyways? If you depend on yourself to follow accordingly you will fail and it will always be on your mind. Let Jesus take control and remember to always be loving of God for if you Love GOD with all your heart mind and soul I guarantee you that you will not sin or go against his word. And if you should then repent be forgiven and try try again. Have faith in Jesus trust in God and love always. Yes I know easier said than done but believe me in Christ anything is possible because of God.
I have been reading the comments concerning this topic and would like to add a few of my own.

First if all, as far as obeying all the Law . As we all know that if we fall short in one point we are guilty of ALL of the law and therefore would not have much , if any, chance of pleasing God.

Also I am reminded that the law requires the "death sentance" on any one who :

Curses father or mother - Lev. 20: 9 . (An yes I realize that this does not mean verbally abusing them , but to denounce them and refuse to provide for them. I.E. the practice of 'corbin' )

Homosexual acts - Lev. 20:13 ( both participants)

adultry Lev.20: 10 ( again, both participants)

incest Lev 20:11

a unrepentant rebellious son - Duet. 21: 18 -21 ( death by stoning)

as well as many other crimes against God.

Those listed , as well as countless others, are covered in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus. I do not mean automatically but when we confess and ask , by faith ,for forgiveness for them.

Also , according to the law , we are to offer a ' blood sacrifice for ;

The sin offering - Lev. chapter 4

the trespass offering - Lev. chapter 5

the Day of Atonement - Num. 29 : 7-11

For us to now offer any such sacrifice would ( in my opinion anyways) nullify the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

Perhaps ' nullify' is not the best word , perhaps 'mock' the sacrifice would be more accurate.

So what am I saying ? Is there no use of the law ? In no way , shape or form am I saying that !!

As was stated in the earlier comments from Galatians 3 : 24 - " Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we may be justified by faith."

Also in the fifth chapter of Romans Paul says that he would not have known that he was a sinner if the law had not brought this truth to him.

So the law definitely had a purpose , but not as a strict letter for us to live by since Christ's sacrifice.

To me anyhow the law of God should be studied for the simple reason that it shows the 'mind of God' : or perhaps better stated ' the opinion' of God in many of the situations that we must deal with.

God has not changed His 'opinions' ( I'm sorry I can't think of a better word than ' opinion') about the acts condemned in the law : it's just that He has provided ( through faith in Jesus' sacrifice ) a different ( and much more pleasing ,at least in my opinion ) method of atoning for our sins. At least He provides this option to those who receive Christ.

I must hasten to add ( before I'm chastised for saying it ) I don't mean that I think that it was a pleasing thing that Christ had to suffer for our sins , but that it is an extremely pleasing thing that He chose to.

I guess that it's like James stated in James 2: 13 - "... Mercy triumphs over judgement." I believe we can all say a glorious AMEN to that.

In closing I would like to comment on ' capital punishment'. While I could not call for anyone to be executed because of James 2:13 , I must completely acknowledge that God has given the 'right' and responsibility to execute judgement on the disobedient to the 'authority ' that He sets up.

Paul deals with this idea in the 13th chapter of Romans . Especially in verse 4 -

For he (government authority ) is God's minister to you for good .But if you do evil, be afraid ; for he ( again , government authorty ) does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God's minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil." ( BRACKETS MINE)

While I , nor anyone with 2 communicating brain cells , believes that there is not corruption in any and all human government , we still are compelled by God to submit to these authorities as long as they do not call for us to go against the teachings of Christ. As the apostles did in the book of Acts when they refused to quit preaching when they were ordered to stop ' preaching in His name.'

We must first, and foremost, obey God when man's ways conflict with His.

Anyhow , I've said enough.

God bless you all as you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.


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