All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

People believe what they want to believe today, and there are plenty of "false" prophets out there to tell them what they want to hear. It's mostly all humanism, "what's in it for me". They have no regard for Yahweh as Who He is, but rather for "what He has".

Satan has accomplished his purpose well. The willfully decieved are satisfied completely. They have no regard for truth and light. They use the Bible as a tool to find "promises" they can hold Yahweh too, and demand He obediently fulfill them, all the while walking in total disregard for obedience on their part, claiming "they are under grace and not under the law". ICABOD is the name that hovers above them. DAMNED is their future, if they do not repent. Most won't! A remnant will, if someone will continue to preach the truth in love.

Jesus said "strive to enter in" to the narrow way. Few find it, and then there is a struggle to enter in. Why? Because flesh has to die, by faith. Many come to the cross, but few willing present themselves as a living sacrifice. I'm going to keep saying it until someone besides me believes it. DEAD PEOPLE SIN NOT! They are dead to this world and the world is dead to them. They live only for Yahweh and Yahweh alone. Yah'shua is their shephard, and their ears are atuned only to His voice. They desire no other voices in their ears. They set no unclean thing before their eyes. They live seperate and uncontaminated from and by the world. Their joy is to bring glory to His Name, rather than themselves. They have no earthly attachments. Yah'shua is their sufficiency. His manifest presence in their life sustains their every breath. They have His praises continually upon their lips. They joy in Yahweh, and Yahweh alone. Oh happy day. Praise His Holy Name!

Yahweh said He honored His Word above His name. Those who are His tremble at His Word. To disobey is not an option. Compromise is not in their vocabulary or their lifestyle. They live above reproach. They are scorned by the religious crowd. The church folks on the wide road think them peculiar. Yahweh thinks of them royally, a holy people set apart unto good works that glorify Him. Alleluia! Worship Him. Worship Him. Worship Him.

When Paul said come boldly to the throne of grace, he did not say bring a boat load of sin and carnailty with you. Cursed are those who think they have peace with Yahweh who have peace with sin. They are not content with their own cursedness, but desire that they have plenty of company. They do not know the meaning of true worship, devotion, piety, adoration, and respect for the holiness of Yahweh and His Word. There is no awe in their lives, only greed. Their religious claims are a mockery of Yahweh before the lost. Their destiny is chaff burned by fire! Lord help us all...... oh Yahweh, that I may live to worship You this day. Oh Lord, that I sin not, nor re-present You in unholiness to the lost. Help me oh Lord, to live my life above reproach. Lead me by Thy Holy Spirit. Consume with Your love and glory. Thrill me with joy of peace with You, oh Lord. Oh Lord............ I worship You. - Lahry

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Thank you mam,

Give glory to HIS holy name!!!....You said it so right brother,keep up the good words of wisdom...Amen!
Thank you Trellis, for the knd words of encouragement. God bless you real good today.

Bro. Lahry


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