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Can a Christian ever be on the offense against satan? of Must we always be on the defense?  This probably sounds like a dumb question.  However, I would like to know and have Scriptural references, please. 

In Jesus Love,


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But your demonstration of Free will is not free will; your choice was guided by your heart's desires and inclinations. So was if really free? Did nothing come into play when you made that choice? No of course not. There are reasons you made that choice, you chose according to your inclinations otherwise you would have an effect without a cause and only God can do that.

Free will: Ability to choose freely without exterior or interior motives or inclinations.

And by the way you did not choose to ignore my reply Tom, you responded hahaha You are contradicting yourself hahaha

Insults and bad language has never been tolerated here as you well know. Each time you have resorted to such you get banned.

Mt 10:32-33, 37-39]: "Every one therefore who shall confess Me before men, I will confess him before My Father Who is in heaven.(33) But whoever shall deny Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father Who is in heaven."

David V.
Volunteer NET Moderator
Please remove your derogatory comment to David. These comments are not tolerated here.

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If I may well point out David - have you not plenty of times called yourself a "knuckle head"? So by your own admission:

Easy to love the lovable, but the knuckle heads are not that easy to love. (quote from above)

you are saying you are not that easy to love :-)

LOL! I'll bare with you David because LOVE bares all things!

Some of us have actually studied Calvinism (and Arminism) out thoroughly - let me see what books have I bought and read to study this issue out:

Calvin's Institutes - still considering that one and writing my own commentary on it!
Why I am not An Arminian (I can provide the authors if needed)
Why I am not A Calvinist (ditto above)
The Five Points of Calvinism by Edwin H Palmer
RC Sproul - The Holiness of God, Chosen by God and Pleasing God (3 in 1)

I could go on as there are more........

One could say that you have cost me some money David! And there are also the books I have bought on theoloy and hermaneneutics etc etc

BUT I am still some strange breed in between as Paul Washer has said!

God Bless!

>>you are saying you are not that easy to love :-)

That is exactly what I am saying. I am a Ram sheep hahaha and have no problem confronting in love anyone or everyone when I believe it to be wise to do so. So people are not comfortable around me at times. As much as I try to do all in Grace and love some will be offended, that does not cause me to detour though. There is much to study. You just started to study Calvinism and that is great, whatever you chose is between you and the Lord, but if you ever feel like discussing the topic your are more than welcome to. If you do not like how I discuss issues, I am not offended at all. No problema what so ever. We are free to choose and should not be persecuted for our choices.

I just try to keep learning and growing.
Rams can be aggressive and dangerous.

Just be mindful of the little lambs.......


But by breeding season that sweet friendly ram lamb can turn aggressive and dangerous. Maybe not so much in his first year, but perhaps dangerously so by the time he is a yearling........

A am a granddaughter of a farmer....

Ohhh I am a Ram, but not against the sheep. No, not at all. I am a Ram against our enemies and I am willing to die for the sheep and to fight, but fighting on my knees.

This is my best, but not the only offense i have as a Ram:


>>Should it not read

Well that goes without saying, but if you take the post apart trying to find fault you will find it. I am not perfect just like you, you are very far from it and so am I. So we understand or hope others understand what we write taking into account the abundance of stuff we have written, but I am not offended.

You are free to see what you want. And thank you for pointing it out. I will be more specific, so others don't think is all about me when I have for ever written the opposite.

Romans 1:
1 Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God—

It is a beautiful thing to know who we are in Christ by His calling and grace. All glory to Him.

Romans 12:3 (New International Version)

3 For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you

Without thinking more highly than we ought to, it is perfectly ok to know our calling and who we are through Christ.


This is one of the deepest and most simple and most beautiful truths we can come to embrace. I am in complete and total agreement.

Amen and amen.

Any relation? To Jaci that is.

She is my little sister. Can't you tell the family resemblance?

In Christ hahaha I wish she was related. I would be traveling all over with her. hehe

But yeah i got a famous middle name and last name hahaha

The link (which I couldn't get to link) is the location of another conversation in AAG where free will was discussed.
within this topic are several people known and loved by the members of AAG.

David I will say this.....Last night I tried to imagine believing as you do...that we don't have free will...the idea is very disturbing to me. My entire concept of Who God is becomes undermined by trying to believe as you do.

Therefore, I have to cease my side of this conversation. However, I put the address at the top of this reply, in hopes that others will take a look at it and measure this topic by those responses.

This doesn't mean you aren't my friend and beloved brother in the Lord. What it does mean is that the rest of this exchange is useless to me as it leads me away from, not towards God.

Sis Rita -

No offense taken and I pray none was given. Just for the Record, I do believe we have the ability to choose which is loosely called free will. Our differences are not with the fact that man can make moral choices. What I was bringing up is that there is a better and more appropriated term to use, then the words Free will. That is the popular saying to describe our liberty to choose, but in my opinion and the opinion of many is not the best one to describe the human condition.

>>Last night I tried to imagine believing as you do...that we don't have free will...the idea is very disturbing to me.

We haven’t discussed the topic and you have never asked me what I mean by us not having free will. I have placed a single line statement, but there is much to say about the topic with biblical references, so I highly doubt you have a clear understanding of what I believe about free will. We have liberty and the ability to choose according to our heart’s desire and inclinations, of course biases and prejudice etc… also come into play when we exercise our ability to choose, so to me that is not free will and I am not alone in such assertion. I am sorry the idea is disturbing to you my sis. I so wish we could talk about everything pertaining to God and Godliness in a healthy Godly manner.

What I found sis is that when I tell someone, human beings have no free will, before I get to explained what I mean with that statement people have already drawn conclusions and raised up high walls impossible to penetrate even with the truth at times. To me it's unfortunate because I am the opposite. If someone tells me you have no free will, I am intrigued and asked them to give me the whole spill and contemplate everything they say in light of scripture and have a grand time doing it and have a hard time understanding why others don't. I adore healthy theological exchanges. I am perplexed by human diversity at times and how we approach topics etc... But I am extremely blessed to know that Jesus Christ is your Lord and sisters and brothers, that is enough for me.

So we both believe we can choose sister. So all is well. I checked out the discussion and agree with some of the stuff that was shared and strongly disagree with other, but is ok. No problema. I would resurrect it, but these topics are not easy for people to discuss. So many have never given a second thought to what they have been taught to believe and when someone presents something different it creates tension and thought I do not run from tension or difficult situations, I do understand that we are all different and deal with issues differently. The believe that humans have complete free will is something I love to discuss. Well, I like to discuss everything pertaining to God and Godliness, but I respect your desire not to want to discuss it and will only say:

Your God is my God and your King is my King. :)


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