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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Ok ,here is the scripture:
2 Corinthians 6:14-15
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers,for what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accordhas Christ with belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever

If we have a friend or someone in our lives who is an unbeliever are we not to sit with them ? Is there not the same hope for them as there is for us and how are we to show the light of Jesus if we keeo them out of our lives without having them think we think we are better than them? Would that not deter them from wanting what we have in Christ?

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So what are your thoughts on the last two comments on page 2 dean?

 re last 2 comments on page 2

well, I suppose it could happen, I mean the Bible tells us we will have temptations always.

Nancy, i'm not sure I have to think on this,  ok... i guess one eg some kind, handsome guy who is charming, and flattering and interested in what 'you' think, and asks you out for dinner after you've got on for a long time as friends or associates, and you find out hes not a believer you would be tested if he asked to see you again, i am trying to think of other examples, but do you mean like a good friend nancy, do you have a particular instance in mind.

actually reading that back not sure is accurate, I mean for me would not be tempted, and im sure none of my sis's here lol, but i was just trying to imagine a scenario....where we might be i suppose if the other person makes foul jokes, (fowl jokes ) lol

sorry...or drinks, etc


well if the person did do all those things and you stayed focused on Jesus. And the outcome was that you did not fall into temptation then that person not only helped you in your spiritual growth but it planted seeds in them as well would that not mean even though they were not evenly yoked then that person actually wound up being used of God AND being drawn to Him at the same time? No nobody in particular sis. Been turning down a few lately because of the fact I know it is so important to be yoked with a man of God. In fact I feel as though its raining men these days. Haha!
Or is that a case of god turning what was meant for evil into good?
or should I just find a way. To explain what I mean so that everyone can understand and come back later? LOL
lol nancy, i get what you mean, raining men hey, we have a drought here LOL , but thats fine hehe.

Hey Nancy

 When someone is tempted, he shouldn't say that God is tempting him. God can't be tempted by evil, and God doesn't tempt anyone.  James 1:13

Our Spirits are sensitive to Holy Spirit, whenever we are in a sisitution that maybe, is  questionable there is apart of us that knows what is right or wrong.  I have been I similar situations as you are talking about.  All I can say is knowing the voice of our Comforter is a very valuable tool.  Just be certain that you do not find yourself compromising your faith.

Nancy thank you for your friendship, I do enjoy what you post. In the Love of the Lord

Oh nop. God never tempts us. Maybe should have used a better word
I guess really I am saying how God can turn everything into the greater good for those who love Him. And to shine his Glory! :)
And because we can be delivered from temptation it is ALL to the Glory of God! :D
Ok. I think I have better wording now.
Everything of God is good right? Well if the outcome of your temptation was good (you resisted) then the one who was used to tempt you was actually used of God because they actually caused you to grow in the Lord. If you had not resisted then the tempter was used of the enemy. Seems to me that. God can use people to help us grow even if the person meant evil against us. Does this make sense yet?


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