Ok, what do I do?
How can I witness to mom or the JW's? I'm not strong Biblically. It's possible I could get sucked in by deceptive talk/fear...what do I do?
We all had to start somewhere. Get a Bible. Read it. (Not your mom's copy as it is an incorrect one.) There are verses in her book that read differently than the Bible does. Talk to her about them. As you study, pray. Develop your relationship with Christ. Grow in Him. Grow in His Word.
When I decided to humble myself and seek God's face, I started reading a book of fiction about God. It is written as a novel. I got part way through it and turned to the REAL Bible. (Didn't finish the novel til years later!) I started in Genesis and read through 2 Kings and then started on New Testament. I also took various courses on www.bbnradio.org. They have a bible institute that one can take courses through.
As you learn about God, the Holy Spirit will give you what to say to your mom. Don't think about what to say or which part of the Word to give your mom...Holy Spirit will do that. God is faithful and Holy Spirit will guide you as to what to say and when to say it.
Blessings to you as you develop your relationship with Christ, our Savior....
Actually, she doesn't even read the NWT. They gave us both a NWT. Both are lost books,don't know where they're at.
I have a Bible. I realize why I have trouble with the Bible. Since, the JW's use a false translation I don't know how to communicate with them...They'll inisist on using the NWT. And, they won't really listen to any other translations. Since, that's a false translation it'll be difficult...For ex. when John 1:1 proves Jesus is God, in their translation they'll insist John 1:1 proves He isn't God. There's a gap. And, the issue is the translation they use...a translation that they will say will "prove" their doctrines...How can the truth be shown when their own bible "proves" false teachings and they won't listen to other translations?
Don't think about what to say? Is it still ok to find answers to their rebuttles?
There's not much you can do if someone won't listen. All you can do is put the truth to them, refute their arguments and let God do the rest.
Coffee,the problem is the whole religion is like that. And, if the pressue really is on they'll just go to their watchtowers if their bible doesn't help...
hi sister,
its worth pointing out here that all of the good arguments in the world won't save a person- it takes the Holy Spirit to change a person's heart to be receptive to the truth. that doesn't mean we should stop having discussions and presenting good arguments, but i know how it can feel overwhelming to try to show someone the truth of the gospel when they seem dead-set on denying it... ask the Lord to soften your mother's heart and above all, show her love.
i think its really telling the the bible tells wives that they can win their unsaved husbands to the Lord by the way they live their lives (not by facts, arguments).
ultimately many people want to see to believe. so maybe that's why Jesus told us to be light in the world.
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matt 5:16
ps- i am really convicted by my own reply here, i have so far to go and thank the Lord for His Word as it guides us in the world
Hi sister.
Thanks for telling me that it's from the Holy Spirit,I needed reminded.
Jenny, will you pray that He softens the JW's and my parents' hearts(dad isn't a witness but he still doesn't know Jesus) as well?
That reminds me of what the Holy Spirit has been reminding me of so much. To show love. :)
Thank you so much sister! :big bear hug:
This is so frustrating... You see today I returned to an ex-JW thing on Yahoo (they're now born-again Christians)...I found out they only use their bibles to pretty much help their doctrine. So, they won't even listen to the Bible...
Hi sister. Praise God!
Ok, I've got books from online (one to counter twisted scripture) and the other "Kingdom of the Cults". They're suppose to come;the 1st one is between the beginning of next month to the middle of the month and the other is suppose to be between now and the middle of next month. Please pray if He wills it I'll get them sooner rather than later.
I still need to find so many answers to their rebuttles but Jesus has me by the hand is leading me through this mess!
Thanks sis :hugs".
Love in Jesus
The late Dr. Walter Martin's "Kingdom of the Cults" is for many the definitive (if somewhat dated) text on the cults, and I highly recommend reading it. Martin provides a thorough survey of the many cults, including the Jehovah's Witnesses, detailing the corrupt doctrines unique to each, the techniques they employ, their common traits, as well as providing numerous biblical references and citations/footnotes.
Generally, cults, while varying in their beliefs and tactics, share certain characteristics: They deny the triune nature of God, are authoritarian in eccleasiology, have their own scriptures or other revelations that supplement the Bible or their own Bible translation, have aberrant beliefs that are not Scriptural, often have charismatic leaders that rule by decree, etc. Often, members are thoroughly indoctrinated by techniques of deception, if not outright mind control.
One has to be very careful in conversation with cultists. Many of them have been trained to respond in a predetermined way to the arguments you will make from Scripture. They are quite good at shifting the argument to keep it on their terms, putting you on the defensive. While they will use in conversation many of the same terms and phrases as orthodox biblical Christians, they often pour very different and unbiblical meanings into them.
As much as I recommend reading Martin's KOTC, I must make and underscore the following point. The best way to equip yourself to defend orthodox Biblical Christianity and expose the lies of the cults is by becoming thoroughly familiar with and grounded in the word of God. If you do not know the Bible well (as the title of your post implies), the cultists can turn many of your well-intentioned arguments on their heads and confuse you. If you have not already done so, I urge you to begin a serious and sustained study of the Scripture. Read the Bible, know it, and apply it. To equip yourself properly, there is no shortcut or substitute for immersing yourself in God's Word.
Prayer is a powerful tool at your disposal. Continue to pray that your parents may be led by the Holy Spirit to faith in the one true God of Scripture. Pray that the Holy Spirit will provide you with comfort, guidance and wisdom in understanding the Scripture and in effectively and lovingly sharing the faith with your parents.
Grace, peace and love in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Thanks brother. I've heard the book is really good.
Yep, you're right. They have so many hours. Talking in front of the congregation,going door to door and whatever else.
How does a person prevent them from changing the argument though? They've been at this a long time. And, if they get suspicous of one little thing I say...the WT red flag will go up. The elder would especially know if something was fishy. He doesn't come with his wife and the whoever she brings during that visit but once he'd find out what I was telling them I'd surly get a WT lecture!
I so wish I could see Jesus,especially when talking to the elder. He's strict and can be intimidating. I need a strong man with me to help me not be so scared. I'm not just talking about anyone,I'm talking about Jesus! I don't have any Christian friends (actually I don't have any friends to call up) to help me whenever I have to talk to these people. -_-:sighs: This can be intimidating. My one Christian friend is in college...
They're very good at manipulating their words. They use "theocratic warfare" which makes things even more difficult. :(
God is helping me learn about scriptures to combat their "rebuttles". The real problem is their NWT. What's a person do when there's a false translation involved "proving" false doctrine?
Thank you. Please I ask you, will you please pray for them as well?
Grace,peace and love in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
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