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Hi, my husband has horrible night terrors about demons. One night he swore he woke up from a night terror and saw satan in the corner of the room. He wakes up frantically and gasping for air sometimes, or fights the air as if he is fighting something to protect himself. Another instance he had a dream that he was God and satan was trying to fight him and satan won. It scared him so bad he could not go back to bed. I was just wondering what this could all mean. His last night terror was a few nights ago which I did not know about until the next morning and he said he couldn't sleep and that he had been up since 3a.m. I prayed that the Lord would protect him and keep those dreams from him and so far the Lord has done just that. My husband does not read the bible, he sometimes prays and thats about it. What could this mean, do you think???

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My son-in-law, although a Christian, had problems of that nature. He started putting his Bible under his pillow while he slept and no more sleep problems.

My grandchildren have adopted that method and they also have peaceful sleep.

I think that your husband needs to strive for a closer walk with Christ and the way for him to do that is study the Bible. Maybe you could help by putting your reading schedule in a study format and discuss what you read with your husband. Get him to thinking about the Lord in a deeper, more fruitful way.

We all have loved ones who aren't walking with the Lord as they should, but I think we, through our habits and living, can be the best lesson for another. When you pray for your husband, let him know you are praying and what you are seeing as results. That could go a long way in showing him just how powerful God is. Something has caused his disbelief (if that is what it is) but you can be the book he doesn't read.

Blessings to you as you teach him...
Thank you Rita. Yeah, the next night after his last night terror, he stated that he wanted to sleep with the bible open, I should have said "go ahead" but instead i said "all you need to do is pray before you go to bed" and he said that he does pray, but i said a prayer that night as well, and things seemed to have went peaceful. I should tell him about sleeping with the bible under the pillow and getting peaceful sleep. I wonder why this happens to Christians of all people??
Girl -

This is such an awesome opportunity for you to grab his hands before sleep and pray with him and for him after reading a psalm. Ask God throughout the day to place a scripture reading in your heart for him. I firmly believe the main reason God allows such experience (I get up swinging too ahahaha, your hubby is my kind of guy hahaha cause I get mad not scare :) is so they can realize that if there are demons there is a God and they need to seek Him.

Don't be scare of demons, they are just fallen angels (very beautiful in their real appearance, but portray things that scare us) who God has given us the authority to cast out by calling on Him. I actually get angry when I smell them (sulfur) or hear them around the house, you know the stomping steps. They have no business in my house, so I call upon the Lord to rebuke them.

Blessings to you and you home.
Your husban must have a salvation experience with Christ. Reading the Bible on occation will not protect him from this thing. Chirst must fight for him. Salvation first. Then anoint the home with oil and pleed the blood of Christ. Be ready to pray and fast if nessary. If you have some people in your church who know how to pray and press through share this need with them. I will pray with you but you need some folks around you. The Bible says to resist the devil and he will flee. Resistance sometimes takes a repeated effort. Keep resisting. And know that the Lord has already judged the devil and he is a defeated foe.
Sandra is your hubby born again? I am sure you mentioned it in the past, but I can’t recall.


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