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Hello everyone. I'm really discouraged because i have been trying to change for most of my adult life. I am a very insecure person and usually only speak when spoken to. We i do carry on a conversation, i seem to either one, give too much info about my life, or two, offend the other person by speaking and not thinking before i speak. I also reason that i am very selfish. I have been an unhappy person for years no matter what happens good in my life. I seem to always what things my way I obviously that can't happen. I've tried without success to change. I start off doing pretty good then maybe a day, or week later i fall back into the same pattern. I just need prayer. I can't do this by myself. I love the lord and he has truly blessed me. I really need to learn to appreciate the lord in all that he's done for me in my family

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Afeni it is so easy to become miserable about our lives, for we can always find something tha we can complain about or that we are unhappy about, but we have to learn to be thankful. You must make it a issue to stand up everyday and say to yourself you are made in God image and you are a child of the King and then start thanking God for even the smallest things... your eyes, your ears, warm water to bath in, food to eat,..... so mcuh to thank Him for.
But you have to do it out loud everyday, stand infront of the mirror and say it to yourself as unto Him...
We can change but it is a road to there and we have to made that decision daily, somethimes you will fail, repent to the FAther and start doing the same again, say you are HIs child and thank HIm and soon you will see the change.
It is of utmost value that you study the Word for there are so many truths hidden inside and word to uplift and build your life!
Keep us posted on how you are doing,Blessings
Dear Afeni,

The one thing that you wrote stood out for me. You said "I can't do this by myself"... Amen! That's right!

This journey of sanctification is a life-long journey... We will not be changed overnight. But as we submit to the Lord and are obedient to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, we will slowly see His Spirit rise up in us....and you will begin to see the fruit of the Spirit Gal 5:22, all of Galatians chapter 5.

It is encouraging that you see the sin in your life and it displeases you...that is a good place to start. It is by the conviction of the Holy Spirit that it displeases want to get to the point that it repulses you. When this happens, you will not want to have anything to do with it. Pray that you will see the sin in your life as God sees it.

God is constantly showing me things in my life. I think he probably had more work to do on me than most people.. :) Praise Him for His faithfulness and patience. He is creating in me a clean heart and putting a steadfast spirit within me.. Praise The Lord!

Lastly, don't be so hard on yourself that you are discouraged. God will never discourage us.. He wants to be in complete intimacy with you, that you rely on Him for all things! Trust in the LORD your God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. This doesn't mean that your life will be easy. We will all have many trials and tribulations...we depend on the strength of our weakness He is strong! The Joy of the Lord is our Strength! When you fail, go to God, let there be tears for what you have done....tell Him what is on your heart. I believe you will hear His still small voice.. "I Love you. Trust in me, Rely on me, let Me strengthen you... I will never leave you nor forsake you. You are my child"

Blessings, Carla
Hi Afeni... you got some great advice already.... and I totally agree.... the word...and the spirit....are what change us, not we ourselves...otherwise, we could boast....that we had a hand in our salvation... this is Gods job...

Our job is to feed on his word.... daily. Let it be our manna. Our heavenly manna.. the word talks about the washing of the water of the word.....meaning that the we take it into our spirit...and meditate on it....we are cleansed.... the impurities actually washed out of our lives.

Our thought processes begin to change...and we begin to change the negative to positive. You will see this taking place within yourself, if you will spend quality time, in the Lords presence, on a daily basis....preferably early in the morning... I would suggest reading at least one chapter per day, (more if you can) meditating on them.... allowing them to feed your soul and your spirit man....You will actually begin to see the changes taking place within.

Pray before opening the word, asking God to help you understand it, it is a spirit inspired book, and the very same spirit that inspired it to begin with, will help you to absorb the truths that are found within.

When I first started reading the word... I began getting answers to questions that I didn't know I had.... it most def. strengthened me...and still does. The word is alive....and can speak directly to your heart.... removing things that have built up, over the years....and things that have been handed down thru the bloodline.

Fasting helps also... it weakens the body a bit, but, strengthens the spirit.

Many friend.


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