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is it true that muslims will go to hell for worshiping false god?

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what if we were born in a muslim family ???..we would never know about JESUS ...but GOD has a time for everything n..everyone ....they will get to know GOD ...someday ..................u'll never know :) ... I know of muslim's and hindu's leaving there religion and following GOD..after watching a miracle or hearing a testimony ...GOD will allow them to find HIM !! :) .....GOD is just!...... he would never punish some 1 who sins unknowingly, he knows the heart .lets just pray for them!! ...and for us! to spread the word fast ..and be shining witnesses the name of JESUS ....let him save soul's through us !
Candy, a very good friend of mine was, indeed, born into a Muslim family. He served Allah with all his heart - even becoming a terrorist to "kill infidels" as he was taught. Every serious Muslim who has ever read a Q'uran "'knows about Jesus" - because the Q'uran references Jesus. However, their own leaders do everything they can to keep people from finding out the truth about Jesus.

The Love of Christ transformed my friend. Today, he is a marked man - under the threat of death from Muslims who want to silence him. But, he is a man who loves those who persecute him.

My friend will tell you: it is a sin for Christians to fail to speak the truth to Muslims: there is no salvation in any other name under heaven than Jesus Christ.

Yes, it is a privilege that you were born in a place and time where you were free to learn of Jesus without fear of terrible persecution. That privilege obligates you to tell those who are under the bondage of false beliefs.
Islam was birthed by a man named Muhammad who claimed to have visions and revelations. He was born in A.D. 570.
When he was 25yrs of age he was commissioned from being a keeper of camels to take charge of the business affairs of a wealthy widow, fifteen yrs older than he. She was impressed by his character and proposed marriage to him. She was his only wife until she died then he took numerous wives. When he ws 40yrs old,he began to retire to a cave for extensive periods of contemplation. He told his wife he had been visited by an angel who ordered him to "recite" and from that came the Koran which means " to recite". After his death(A.D.632) he left no successor. A leadership struggle followed and two separate groups began to struggle for power, Sunnis and Shi'tes. (taken from "Light in the Shadow of Jihad" by Ravi Zacharias.

We, do not worship the same God!! The Muslim goal is World Domination through geographical expansion and the Christian goal is to bring the rule of God into the Human heart!! (again..Ravi Zacharias)

I think Islam is the greatest danger we as Americans and the world in general faces today!! If we can demonstrate the love of Christ to a fallen and desperate world by following Christ, it is the only hope we have!!
Our obedience to God's commands to "Love Him with all our hearts" and "love one another" is our hope for eternal life.

Muslims will not go to hell just for being Muslim! What a horrid thought! How could God be so cruel? Christ will judge each individual by his actions; his thoughts, his words, his deeds, what he did and what he failed to do. If a Muslim follows the highest and the best within Islam and is truthfully striving to obey Allah with loving thoughts, words, and deeds then he will indeed be welcome into God's Kingdom.
Susan, are you a Bible believing christian?? Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, the light and no one will enter heaven unless they believe, confess and bow their knee to Jesus! I am not judging, I am quoting the Bible. John 3:5, 3:18, 11:25, 6:35, 10:11-14, 14:6-7, 17:1-5
Romans 14: 9-12. Jesus loves you, that is why he came as a baby, grew into a man and gave us a new covenant, he went to the cross, died and rose again so our sins could be forgiven once and for all . God's wonderful grace and mercy, he provided a way, the way!!

Allah is not a christian God, he was a man and he is dead! We serve the living, true God.
We, as christians, are called to love others, including the muslims. Thoughts, deeds, even misplaced love will not get you into heaven, only faith in Christ Jesus.
Yes is true.

John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

1 Corinthians 9:24
[ Striving for a Crown ] Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.
Muslim's will not go to heaven because they do not know Jesus Christ as their savior!! It is important to reach them for Christ.
The Church says that there are people, who for a myriad number of reasons, may not have the opportunity to enter into a relationship with Our Lord. For example, conversion to Christianity is a death sentence in the Muslim world. Most people, having a understandable desire to go on living, may never even bother to entertain the possibility of Christian truth. Moreover, there are people of good will who follow the Muslim religion, and by the dictates of their conscience continue practicing the Islamic faith. If I understand the Vatican II documents correctly, if these people are following a righteous life (which they can’t do without the help of the Holy Spirit) , we cannot preclude the possibility that God’s eternal mercy and his grace will permit them to eventually enter into His Presence after death.
Note: the following article is excerpted from A work-in-progress titled The Islamic World System)

Since Islam is primarily a political system, it would only make sense that it has a legal code. The Islamic legal code is called Sharia (also shariah), meaning the way. The source of the Sharia is the Koran and the Sunna (found in the Sira and the Hadith). Since the Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims do not agree on which Hadith to use, they have slightly different Sharia systems.

Sharia law covers all aspects of life, including how a man and woman should have sex, for instance. Roughly there are five areas of Sharia law:

1. Belief-Allah, His angels, His books, His prophets, the Day of Judgment and the decrees of God.
2. Moralities-giving good counsel, humility, patience and so forth.
3. Devotions-the Five Pillars, alms, pilgrimage to Mecca, and jihad.
4. Transactions-business law, marriage, divorce and disputes.
5. Punishments-stoning, amputation, lashings, and retaliation.

Some divide Sharia law into religious law and the rest.
The Sharia is based upon dualistic ethics. As you will see below in the actual laws, kafirs are abused, poorly treated and can be killed in jihad. Women are second class citizens. Slavery is a well regulated business. Dhimmi laws are part of Sharia, as well.

Apostacy–leaving Islam. The penalty is death.
o8.1 When person who has reached puberty and is sane voluntarily apostatizes from Islam, he deserves to be killed.
The law goes on in great deal about how one may be an apostate. Being sarcastic about Allah or Islam is apostacy.



1 Jihad is a communal obligation. When enough people perform it to successfully accomplish it, it no longer obligatory upon others.

o.9.4 Those called upon (to perform jihad when it is a communal obligation) are every able-bodied man who has reached puberty and is sane.

o.9.8 the caliph makes war on Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians (provided that he has first invited them to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the Muslim poll tax (jizya …)

o9.13 When a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact of capture, and the woman’s previous marriage is immediately annulled.
It is not true that all Muslims go to hell because they don’t accept Christ. However, if they do go to heaven, it will be solely through the merits of Christ. The Church cannot say who is in hell, because no human can fathom God’s eternal mercy. I’m also convinced all Christians aren’t going to heaven. As for myself, I’m not pompous enough to take my salvation for granted, and I struggle daily to be the best Christian I can be. Unlike evangelicals, I don’t believe in eternal assurance; just because I accept Christ as my savior doesn’t mean I have a “free ride,” by a long shot. I have to attempt to be worthy of God’s grace, and cooperate with it on a daily basis.

There are 1.3 billion Muslims on earth. Am I to understand that God ipso facto condemns them all to hell because of their religious beliefs? That’s a stretch for me, somewhat like saying that all the Jewish children who died in the Holocaust ended up in hell, because they didn’t accept Christ. Puhleeeeze.
Read the Bible my dear!!!! PULEEZ>>>> I am sure there are some Muslims who probably practise christianity quietly and secretly. According to reports from various evangelistic magazines, etc, Muslims are accepting Christ by the thousands!!! Praise God!!

As far as all christians going to heaven, only God knows our hearts and minds. He is judge of that . Sitting in a garage doesnt make you a car any more than sitting in church makes you a christian! 1 John 4:15 " If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God." And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. That is the Holy Spirit living in us! When we become christians we recieve the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to live the christian life. That is the resurrection power that will get us into heaven, knowing Christ Jesus as savior and Lord!
1 John 5:12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. 13. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God
so that you know that you have eternal life.

Read the Bible my dear!!!! PULEEZ>>>>
Please, don't be so condescending. I promise you that I read the bible daily.



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