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is it ok for a christian to listen to music in the secular world cos sometimes when i do , i get this warning nin my spirit that it conflicts with the spirit of god that is in me.someone said they get inspiration for those songs from the devil so listening to it makes me have a little of the spirit of satan in me.


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Check out this discussion that has to do with the question you are asking:

Regardless of what I myself will write and what anybody else writes to defend or justify listening to secular music, I believe that those I mong us that have chosen to let go of secular music, i think they have made the better choice. The more we do away with the world, the more Christ like we become.

Music for me has remained a challenge since i became a Christian. I love Christian music, even the one that has fluff in it, for i have learn to distinguish from worship music and (I forgot the right term for it) Christian music that is meant to talk about the joys and trial of our walk.

There is secular music that is just not right. When i got saved and spend hours in a daily basis in the word of God for years, i had no desire to listen to AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Metallica or Cypress Hill or even music that was not evil or unhealthy in context. My mind was occupied with my Daddy's business and what once appealed to me, had lost its value. Music alters our attitude, whether someone wants to admitted or not. I remember getting ready to go do a hit or something evil and using music to get ready while driving there, with Metallica's Seek and Destroy or 2 Pac's Hit them up. I would immediately be ready for whatever. Music of course brings up MEMORIES and those memories are not always pleasant ones. So music alters our mood in a positive or negative way. No Christian can justify music that pumps you up to do evil or that the Spirit lets you that is not pleasing to God. .

Having said the above, we are all individuals who should have such a personal relationship with the Lord that He guides us in issues that are grey and in which we can exercise our freedom in Christ, as long as we are not a stumbling stone to another in the faith or hurting our Christian testimony with the non-believers.

I still listen to secular music as i still watch secular movies, but i am extremely selective in what i allow in my mind. When i marry and want to get romantic I will use romantic music, that God's Spirit gives me the green light to hear. When the Spirit tells me not to listen to a particular song or artist, then i don't.

But not all of our family comes out of extreme live styles or abusive homes full of dysfunction, where a song can send them/us back to some crazy memories.

Christian music now these days is so diverse that there is no need for secular though some say and I agree, yet still listen to some secular. hehe
Hello Sister..

I used to listen to secular music ( as a nonbeliever) but since I have become a believer, I have done away with it... My interests have changed fully.
The exception is classical instrumental music--or U2...a secular Christian group. My husband is a to respect him..and he respects me, we have come to an agreement to play instrumental classical in the house so that neither one of us is offended.

When he is not home, and I am home alone with the's always worship music or Christian rock that I boys love the 'Newsboys' in particular.

I like what Linda and David have both said..I agree with both of them.

Regarding secular movies..I watch them occasionally..but I am also extremely selective in what I will allow in. We have TV's in our house but don't watch it. Even my hubby doesn't watch it except for sports.

Blessings, Carla
For me the difference is not between Christian music and secular. It is between acceptable music and evil (sin glorifying) music. There are many songs, like the one Linda posted, that do not mention God, but is clean and well within the range of acceptability for listening to by Christians. I listen to all types of music and change the channel when an offensive or improper song comes on.

I always ask the same question when people ask me if I only listen to Christian music. I ask them "if they only watch Christian TV?" I find that most people watch a variety of TV or no TV, but few watch only Christian TV. Would it be safe to say that if one requires a person to listen to only Christian music and the person who emphasizes Christian music only watches secular TV that there might be a little bit of hypocrisy there?

The key is discerning what is evil and removing it.

My two cents.

Lord Bless,
For what it is worth, I listen to smooth jazz among other genres of music.

Lord Bless,
Ok ok I listen to jazz as well... hahahaha we are a jazzy bunch hehe :)
We just like to jazz it up ... oh, no! Did I say that :-)
yeah.. jazz is also cool! I haven't listened to it for awhile..hmmm..... would prefer instrumental..
I would like to emphasize another point. For many coming out of a sinful lifestyle that inlcuded clubing, to name one example, they can be affected negatively by the style of music, regardless of lyrics, because it takes their minds back to their previous lifestyle when the style of music is similar to that which they enjoyed in the midst of their sinful behavior. For these individuals often a different style of music altogether is needed to avoid the trip down the dark alley called memory lane.

Lord BLess,
There are may secular songs that move us, whether they be to raise our political awareness, or to spotlight a certain issue, or simply to set the romantic stage between spouses. some songs are sad and we find ourselves on our knees, some are happy and we find ourselves likewise. Some non-christian songs have the ability to communicate truths that we can bear witness to - often b/c someone, somewhere in the song making process was/is christian.

I personally love that one song: Just the two of us, we can make it if we try.... I think of God when i sing it for now, but would love to play it with my future wife, God willing. When i listen to it - i know God gave that man the talent to sing. yes, to worship God of course, but i really don't think God is upset at men, singing about love or other possitive things. He is very creative and has giving us that gift as well. Again, i am very selective, i do not enjoy songs that talk about Adultery, as if it was the thing to do or sex before marriage, that stuff is garbage.

I am not trying to convince anyone that listening to secular music is ok by the way and i will say again that those among us that have left secular music, movies etc... have done a good thing. i know from personal experience that when my relationship with the Lord is where it should be, the world and what it has to offer as far as temporal pleasures go, lose their appealed, but i still enjoy Sam Cook's -A Change Is Gonna Come, I was born by the river.... or Mozarts symphonies.
ok, it has been established that some songs can be listened to if the lyrics are ok. but what of the case where the musician sings extremely bad songs then once in a while sings an inspirational song.bcos of his past songs, it is difficult to believe such things.
Hello -

Sis let the Spirit Lead you. If you get conviction over and artist because they would use the money of their songs/work to promote an agenda that goes against Christian ethics etc... Listen to the Spirit. Do not go against the conscience.

Lord bless you!
Sister Dianna,

You said : So if you feel good about it then cool if not then stay away.
Since when do we allow our feelings and emotions to dictate our Christian behavior?


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