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I know that as Christians we should have no need to consult mediums in aid to speak to our dead loved ones, but, my sister who is not saved did consult a medium today. After her visit to the medium she came to visit me to tell me about her experience. The medium gave her messages from two of our dead grandparents, telling her things that only we would know, the messages were not long and did not predict the future but they were very personal and very confused and im not really sure what my question is....I guess im wondering that if these mediums can give us messages from those in spirit why is it so detestable to God, as a Christian I know there would be the danger of us leaving Gods path......does the Bible say that those in spirit can't speak or connect with us and if they can't, how on earth can some mediums relay precise information to a living person from someone in spirit????

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Hi Moomins,
You asked How did the Medium know?
Simple, let me give you an example. There are myriads of demons listening to every conversation.
My Gran who was an avid believer in Spirit-ism, had word from the war department that her two sons were missing in action.
You can imagine the grief in the house that week... Friday nights were the night that the Spiritist church held seances with a membership of roughly 50 adherents.. My Gran never missed a Friday night.
Lo behold, without a word from my Gran the Medium was able to tell her that her two sons were missing in action and the terrible shock and grief the family was experiencing. The medium even knew the names of the two missing men.
Now to answer your question how? Demons are everywhere especially in the homes of Spiritist Mediums and their adherents. They listen to everything and you can bet, that the night my Gran went to the Seance, more than one demon tagged along with her. Once the meeting started and the Medium went into a trance, the demons could not wait to inform her of my Gran's two sons and their names and that they were missing in action. Its as easy as that.
When your sister went to a meeting the same thing probably happened, listening to conversations in her home these demons pick up names of deceased family and friends and pass them on to the Medium.
Let's Assume that your sister is going on holiday to California and before the holiday she decides to go to a Seance meeting. Let's listen to what the Medium has to say: "My Dear I have your Grandparents Jim and Rose with me, they say that you are going on holiday to California, they want you to be careful on the road. Also they say that you must take that Pink dress that you are always talking about, with you on holiday" Of Course Jim and Rose are simply names I pulled out of a hat. But the demons would know the real names of the Grandparents, they would also know that she is going on holiday,and they are fully aware of the pink dress your sister is planning to take with her. It's as simple and frightening as that.
Now you will understand why God warns us NOT to fiddle with familiar Spirits and Mediums. Get your sister out of there as quickly as possible before she becomes hooked. The only words these people are going to get from Heaven, is when they stand before the Judgement throne and hear God say: "Depart from me you workers of iniquity, for I never knew you."
Thank you Ron for simplifiyng this for me, I have been trying to find a way to tell my sister how wrong this is and that I won't be convinced into 'going for a visit' to the medium....unfortunately, she is already 'hooked' and has been for many years....

In Christ
I just joined this site a few mins ago and the advice you gave is great..and so true.
Hey Moomins,

I think the first step and the most important step to take is to come to realization that God 's Word is true and to tell Him that. What He says is more important and more accurate than anything we see in the natural or anything someone says, no matter how much that person look wise by giving us facts that does not line up completely with God's Word.
For example, a doctor can come and say there is a cancer in someone body, the facts are there, it is true and the person is going to die, but what did God say? that person is healed by Jesus stripes and I believe if we just bless God and honor what He says, only HIM at any given siatuation, God will honor us by showing us what to do and He will give us the needed peace and joy in a particular situation.
In every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king questioned them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom (Daniel 1:20). I encourage you my sister to look up every scripture on mediums and may our Lord guide you and lead you where you need to be guided and be led in Jesus name.
There is such a thing as a familiar spirit. The name suggests their function. They are familiar with habits and situations. They know many things about us. The familiar spirits can imitate a person's voice or a sound, a fragrance. I know, it's creepy.

The witch of endor had familiar spirits and a spirit of divination. Paul was supposed to have all of these people put out of the land, and yet at least one remained that we know of. Paul wanted to talk to Samuel after Samuel was dead. The witch did not recognize Paul at first and yet it says he was head and shoulders above others in the kingdom. Consulting a medium can cloud your thoughts. Some of that may come from a reliance on or addiction to the spirit.

I used to be a spiritualist and supposedly a good witch. I have this list of things I used to do that I'm not proud of. I had a lot of bad spirit power. I could have been the head spiritualist in the midwest. I was offered the job. I knew exactly where my power came from. Most people dabble with this stuff, and they have no idea what they're doing. Speaking with honestly and straight from the depths of my heart, you and your sister don't want to mess around with that stuff.

God is rich in mercy. I am very thankful for that. Mercy means you don't get what you deserve. God chose me, and there's nothing that I did to deserve His love. Some of the others on this site probably know that I didn't receive a lot of love in my home life.

When true love came into view, I had never felt anything like it. Jesus Christ is my Lord. The lving word has changed me. I'll never be the same.

God bless,
Mary O.
Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, God comes to give life, and it more abundantly.

He says that Jesus is the door, that we need to enter, to get to him, and if we come in any other way, we are a theif and a robber.

Going thru a medium, is exactly that.... the wrong door.

You see, Satan wanted to be worshiped..... from the beginning, and he actually attempted an overthrow of God kingdom, however, he did not fully understand the power of the King of Glory.... and he ended up kicked out of Heaven.

He is now, on the earth, and he still wants to be worshiped....

He goes about this in many diff. ways, spiritism, witchcraft, New Age Mysticism, and a host of other ways.

The bible says, to Choose you, this day, whom you will serve.

Love your sister, and pray for God to give her his true enlightenment, so that she will stop being deceived.

And by all means, please don't follow in her footsteps.
Hi there hun,

I want to pray for you and your sister. I wasn't even able to finish reading all the posts as even reading about evil spirits and works of the enemy does such harm. I want to cover you with Gods love and let us not judge you but encourage you to seek the word of God and the fruits it provides. You are such beautiful people being tricked and treated by the enemy. Do not feel angry/ashamed from the feedback or give up on the bible but be thankful and give praise that jesus died on the cross. The hard work is done. Go and emerse urself in the precense of God and feel the peace his unconditional love can provide. Love and hugs. Krissy xo
While you may offer her all of the scriptural reasons for avoiding exposure to the occult remember that your sister will be observing your walk in Christ. Let His light shine upon her via your life in Christ. Talk to her from your heart then in private bring this problem to Jesus in prayer. He will know what to do.
Excellent advice Murray.
Hi There Moomims,

The reason why it is so detestable to God, is that it is not friends or relatives that supposedly pass on messages from the other side. The information that is given to these mediums who go into a trance can be quite convincing until you know where it comes from and how it works.
Some time ago, on AAG I explained how it works and why it appears to be so convincing. Never the less I will explain it again.

The Mediums are given all the data they need by demonic spirits in order to give messages to the people in attendance.

These spirits are around all of us day and night , looking and listening for opportunities to encourage us to sin or fall from Grace.

We shall call our hero Jack. Now, assuming Jack wants to go on holiday to a coastal resort using his motorcycle for transport. His parents are not at all happy feeling that it might be dangerous and try to encourage him to rather go by bus. They remind him how worried his late grandparents, Arthur and Mary were about Jack riding the Motorcycle. Jack's parents remind him about this, saying that Grandpa Arthur and Grandma Mary would turn over in their graves if they knew about it.

One week before Jack goes on vacation he is encouraged by a friend to attend a Seance for fun. Jack goes and with him go all the demons who always listen in to what Jack and his family have to say.

The rest is simple, At the Seance the Medium goes into a trance and the demons inform her of what is happening in Jacks home. The Medium will start by saying something like this: "There is a young man here who plans to go on holiday to the coast, but there are loved who are also here who I believe are his grandparents who died last year. I'm having difficulty now, but their names could be Art or Arthur and your granma's name is quite clear, it's Mary. I have it now, it's Granpa Arthur and Granma Mary. They send their love and beg you to rather take a bus than go on the motorcycle as you have planned. Is your mother's name also Mary?" Jack acknowledges that he is the one and confirms that his mothers name is also Mary. "Well says the Medium your grandparents want her to know that they are quite happy and comfortable where they are and send their love to her as well"

Jack can hardly wait to get home and give his mom and dad the news. "Dad, Mom.... The woman even knew their names and gave me a message asking me to go by Bus. It was fantastic, how on earth could she have known all that?
She even knew your name Mom. It sounds impossible Dad, but you should have been there."

A couple of demons maybe even more.... Look at each other and just wink and smile knowingly at each other as they listen to the conversation..

Moomins at no time was the Medium in contact with the dead, but with demonic spirits that listened to Jack and his parents at home and then passed it on to the Medium while she was in a trance. They especially love it when they are able to convey names to the Medium, because it then sounds more Authentic.

My Gran was an ardent follower until we spoke to people in the know and studied scripture and got to the truth of what is really happening in the Spirit world. I would strongly recommend that you speak to your sister and encourage her to stop.

The living know that they will die, but the dead don't know anything. There is no more reward for the dead when the memory of them has faded.
Their love, their hate, and their passions have already vanished. They will never again take part in anything that happens under the sun.
(Ecc 9:5-6)

your friend in Christ
Moomins, these things are warned against by God for the specific reason that Satan works to deceive people and draw them away from the truth. God does not send the dead to communicate with us. This is no different than the sorcerers and witches of the Old Testament who conjured spirits. It is no different than the Shaman or Witch-doctor today who uses demonic forces to manipulate and call up demonic manifestations.

I have personally, and know of several others, who were drawn in by false spirituality of these kinds. These things are 100% the work of Satan and his demons. They are completely designed by Satan to deceive.

Lest you doubt: I have personally seen apparitions (ghosts) and poltergeists (inanimate objects move by unseen forces) and heard spirit voices that deceived me. I know of others who got involved with this stuff. It is purely demonic and designed to convince you that there is some other force or power in the universe equal or superior to Christ. The labyrinth of deception is very deep and very dark and will draw people away from Christ, whenever they play with it.

Flee from this. It is a powerful delusion!

The good news is this: your sister did not become "more unsaved" than she was already. She may have become more confused or more deceived. But - the power of God is available to you still. Christ gives you authority over the power of Satan.

Remember: for the believer, it is always true "greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world" Satan's power is nothing compared to Christ. Missionaries have overcome the demons of Witch-doctors in a thousand villages, in the name of Christ. At the name of Christ, even the demons must bow. I know of many cases where demonic stuff was going on, and a young believer with little sense of authority has cast out the demonic presences.

Pray for your sister. Quote the word of God as an intercessor on her behalf. Do not allow Satan to deceive you, and do not fear him. You have authority "over every power of the enemy, to tread on serpents and scorpions" in the name of Christ.

But also remember: a healthy respect and concern (not fear) for these practices is very good. Satan is a deceiver and he has been stripped of his authority in this world. Yet when people dabble in this - there are real demonic forces that are at work. Mediums have become demonized and even fully possessed by demons by playing with this stuff. Don't treat this as trivial. There is a spiritual battle to be waged.

Fight that battle with truth, fight that battle in the spirit by digging deep into your relationship with Christ. Hold fast to the word of God. You will need to.
A quick note: read Deuteronomy 13.


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