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Me And My Partner Are Not Married And Do Not Have Sex With Eachother But Is It Still A Sin To Have Oral Sex??


I need advice my brothers and sisters.

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One thought without wishing to challenge all that is said by others:

Joseph and Mary when Jesus was born to them, were by todays standards not yet married. The customs at the time and place were that a man and woman become betrothed (engaged) but were not formally married until the first born. This was a necessity driven by species survival in a time of extreme infant mortality, but nonetheless by todays standards CHRIST WAS BORN OUT OF WEDLOCK.

The question that Jesus often put to us was that the most importnat message is LOVE, There is a whole raft of stuff aound cultural differences in respect of marriage, divorce etc that would take pages to explore, but alos consider this for most of the western worlds more recent history, 'Marriage' was undertaken simply by a comittmnet, and not by a church wedding for the majority of the population. Until quite recently in our history only the very rich would formally 'Get Married'

I don't intend to pronounce either way but suggest that you know what you feel and God will love you whatever you do if you love him, if you consider your acts sinful then stop now and repent.

In Christs love

Good male what I can say to you esque this way being married the sex aral this one badly when we are in crucifix jesus we are new creatures are born denuevo everything past stays behind everything what asiamos before already we cannot aserlo when we are born denuevo but I that we are of meat and bone that we are not gods but because of it he says that the balientes only should inherit the reyno of the skies ban when come temptations of the devil but sigh that to give him the back and you know and be you consent that this badly and that this well which is black and which is blaco does not exist internedio IS IF OR NOT BENEDICTIONS
Hi Brother props on breaking the ice on a touchy question.

yes it is still a sin to have oral sex think about what the mouth is meant for and how even to speak with a potty mouth is not a good thing :) <3

Lots of <3 to you in Christ,
Stacey A.
When my Husband and I went thru our counseling before we got married my Pastor said if there was anything going on sex, oral sex, touching in ways down there it needed to stop. We were to ask for forgiveness and strength to resist this temptation. Yes it is a sin. Now I think it is fine to hold hands, hug, kiss, but no sex oral or whatever.

I know it is tempting, but you will be so happy and proud of yourself if you abstain until you are married. It will make that marriage even more special.
Hi Warren,
such a sensitive subject
SEX is SEX even if you just think about it you have already done it, so we need to renew our minds and fill them with Godly thoughts

Romans 12:2 (Whole Chapter)
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Ephesians 4:23 (Whole Chapter)
And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;

This is why the Lord tells women to dress modestly so that we do not make others think about things that they should not,With Prayer and Fasting it is possible to change the way we think and react but do not allow yourself and your Partner to be in situations where you are tempted and do not spend a lot of time alone together. Find someone to whom you can be accountable and who will support you and pray with you.

Be Blessed and I will also pray for you


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