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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

There is a spiritual side and a physical side. This thread is directed towards Christian married couples....however it doesn't necessarily exclude marriages where one is a Christian.

First let me define spiritual. In essence it is, as the Bible not be unequally yoked....for if the minds are to meet...similiar spiritual beliefs need to be in place.

Now under this heading comes what I believe is a very important spiritual component....that is, each partner's motive. This motive is what we want from our should be,

"How can I assist my partner in their Christian walk" regardless of what they may throw at us.

This involves love on the third level (agape). Now I say this matter what happens in a marriage.....if our goal is to keep this motive uppermost in our mindset......Our motive is pure....not on self and God seeing our motive is with us.

No, I am not talking abour being doormats.....something quite different....for true love confronts sin... for the benefit of the sinner.

Wisdom motivated by love is the key....find this key and the door to spiritual joy..... will be found.

Have you ever accomplished a task and been proud of it......this is the joy I refer to. hard to full of emotion.

It may takes years (in my case 16) for this spiritual relationship to unfold and changes to take effect.....but be sure....if you have widsom guided by love....God will answer your prayers and most likely in ways you never thought possible.

So I encourage you to focus on the spiritual......the body may grow old....but the spirit lives on.

So stay young of heart and find joy and peace in the arms of your Creator.

May God be with you.

.....and by the advice to men on the physical level.... is wait for her to come to you.

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Hello Blue Sapphire.....

Can you please advise me....what is the difference between being a doormat....and assisting our partners in their Christian the context of an unequally yoked marriage! This is husband does not have a walk with Christ, nor does he want to. Most of the time I feel like a doormat regarding my husband...he discourages my walk with Christ telling me many things of why it is a waste of time... This only shows me the spiritual warfare going on....

I pray for God's Love for him....which brings me to weeping because he is not saved. each of us has a freewill...It is too much for me many times to know God's heart towards him being lost. I know the answer is to hand it back over to Christ...and give it to Christ in prayer.

I am truly interested in what God shows you on this.

Blessings, Carla
Hi Carla.....

You need not feel like a doormat......even though you do right a believer you have your Maker on your side.....consider this for a moment....the Creator of the universe....on your side.

Who can be against you....when you have this.

The key though.... is your relationship with you really trust in your flesh getting in the road of your relationship with you worry needlessly......worrying is not trusting in Him.

Do you carry a heavy load each day.....this is in the the spirit your load is light.....for your relationship with Him should bring joy.

Growing in Christ is the answer to your question......much wisdom is required....God wants you to have this.....and in your situation you are at a great advantage to obtain this....for your struggles...if you understand them....are meant to bring you closer to your become mature and complete...lacking in nothing as in James 1

Hope this helps
Dear Loren,

This is a beautiful perspective.. Thanks so much for sharing.

Much Love in Christ, Carla
ps--welcome to the family! :)
Hi Blue Sapphire,

I am facing a divorce that I do not believe is what God wants for my marraige and family. It has been a little over 2 months and things feel very hopeless at times. There have been some things happen that I know are from our wonderful Lord telliing me to stand and wait this out and not just move on. My husband does believe in the Lord and so do I,however I don't know what his life is like now,he has moved in with another women. I truely feel she is pushing him for the divorce,she paid for him to file. She carries his cell phone and never answers when I call so our children can speak with him,he rarely calls anymore to even talk to them. I know I need to be obediante to the Lord,but is there any advice you can give me that might help?
Hello Melanie....this is a late reply...for I haven't been on this site for some time. Your husband it seems has already made his decision by moving in with another woman. However if he is a Christian....a true believer...God may have other plans.....only time will tell. My advice prepared for every eventuality.

Your husband has walked away from his responsibilities.....he is accountable to God for his actions. God will deal with him in a way that only he knows best. Ask God for the wisdom to see His hand at work in your husbands life....wheverever that may take him.

Should you divorce, but if he wants a divorce ......that is his choice and I believe you should honor his choice for that is between him and God. He will pay a price for this choice though.....and you would do well to pray for him whatever he choices to do. Your prayers for him will help you.... just as much as it will help him.

Blessings in Jesus name
Thank you for your advice. It has helped me and has confirmed what has happened in my life up to this point with my divorce. I was very lost and confused when I asked for it and things have taken a eye opening turn...I do believe we will get a divorce but I have come to understand why the good Lord will allow it to happen. Thank you again for your words of advice.

God Bless You


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