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Is it wrong to remarry?

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I think he was comparing it to the verb form of adulterate, rather than the adjective form.....


Okay. I appreciate all the feedback. It will go nicely with my study no matter how strikingly different and

contrast some statements were ;)

Sometimes it is better to not argue over certain issues.  After all Jesus did ask  a lot of questions. I hope

to be more like him..not just by asking questions either.  Sometimes its just not the question but the

questioner. I'm sure we should be doing more good with this discussion than harm. So I thank



P.S. Also if anyone wants to add me, I can use good friends in the family of God, and hopefully,  with

love, witness and help those who aren't:)

Chip, what about James 5:20 and 2 Timothy 3:16? There are times when it is necessary to offer correction in the form of admonition. See Romans 15:14. We do not want wayward people to continue on the path that could lead to spiritual ruin and that takes great love for others and I hope I am loved enough by others that if they see me erring from the truth, they will point me back in the right direction. Sometimes we need to care enough to tell people what they really need to hear. You are right that only God can bring about the changes in people that are required. All we can do is sow and water and God will give the increase.

Yes, Chip. I see the love in this answer. For me. Let me clarify something for you. I don't believe in any additional revelations. We have the Bible and we have creation and we have Holy Spirit. I believe in enlightenment. When I speak of God revealing things to me from His Word through the Holy Spirit what I mean is God has helped me understand the truths in His Word and not that He has given me anything new beyond His Word and I believe in God's Word. As for having an answer ... 1 Peter 3:15 says, "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect" (NIV.)

I admit my faults and that I need more grace in the last part of that statement but I also think that applies to you, too and to others as well. As for the entire statement, we need to be prepared to give answers to everyone who asks about the reason for our hope and if people are going to come out swinging from the get go saying things like the Bible is corrupted, misquoting Scriptures, stating as facts that re-incarnation is truth and past lives are truth, or that they are God or Holy Spirit, then I am going to come forward and quote Scriptures to them. Jim Jones was also delusional as are most cult leaders seeking to lead people away from God and into destruction.

You said

Id appreciate it if it were me it was happening to......If someone who saw something I didnt or heard something I should have paid attention to and didnt and was headed head long into something that would have brought about dispair and doubt...I personally know that the enemy is trying to destroy me.

Well, that's what I was doing with my comment above as I pointed you to several Scriptures which tell us we are to help people in such ways. As far as I am concerned, what I see everyday is that very few people love others the way they love themselves. All of us need more grace to grow in that area.

Probably not what you wanted to hear, huh?


Let me further clarify, Chip. By enlightenment I mean that God shines His light helping us see. We are also called to be lights. I do believe that God will speak His truths to us in visions and dreams and those things will ALWAYS match what is already revealed as truths in His Word and Holy Spirit will confirm them. For example, God would never give us a vision of ourselves experiencing re-incarnation. It wouldn't match what the Bible says about death and the resurrection. God might give someone a vison about whom to marry, if that person is a believer and if the marriage would not be sinful, as in causing someone to commit adultery. Do you see what I mean?


I agree with you about being argumentative, however we are to defend the I coming

off like I am arguing? Or were you not referring to me?


It looks like some people in discussions "may", and I'm just saying "MAY" as I have been reading them... take the way you come across rather..hostile, and with little or no love. I am not sure how to take the way you are, as I cannot see your body language or hear your tone. I do know all of the scriptures you quote directly from the Bible as  many others do.  There was a time when I only had head knowledge,  but no heart knowledge...Maybe you could put more love into your explanations and truths from the Word. You can attract more bees with honey than vinegar.  Or life experiences of how you became a Christian perhaps.. Some folks believe the way they do because that is how they were brought up or simply came to believe. I know Jesus used a lot of illustrations to get some points across, and other times he just pointed to His Word  Which I think was pretty awesome. Just a thought:)

Winter, I appreciate your words and perhaps some may feel this way but not all do. I love people enough to point them to Jesus and the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Sometimes people don't like hearing truth and other times people read the words that others have written using their own tones, or projection. What I believe is that there are essential doctrines that do matter and from the life of Jesus we see that He was not always well received for speaking the Truth. In fact people wanted to kill Him for His words of truth. "I know you are Abraham's descendants. Yet you are ready to kill me, because you have no room for my word" John 8:37.

I believe in confrontation, concern, and change. I love people and care enough to confront them out of deep concern in order to help them see the Truth and turn to Jesus and allow God to make the changes in them that are required. If someone is believing in re-incarnation or past lives or that there is no absolute truth, then yes, I care and love them enough to be concerned for their souls. It might mean they will feel offended but I will only tell people that which is found in the Bible. That's why I quote Scriptures. Those quotes are truths from the Word. If the Bible offends them, that is between them and God. But I do wonder why it offends people when the Bible is quoted.

I admit I am a work in progress, far from perfect, and have said so in many of my comments here at AAG. I have areas where I struggle deeply. My blog posts are filled with my life experiences. I, too, had to learn that it's not all about me. It's all about God.




Wow. It's rare but at the moment, I'm speechless. OK, thoughts are returning now. I think what I see as confidence & taking a stand on His Word you've misconstrued as hostile. I see a lifetime of experiences, hurts, pains & circumstances & a  heart that seeks to know the deeper things of the Lord. Not everyone is peaches & cream & not everyone has a joke as I do. We all have ways of expressing ourselves & no 2 personalities will ever be the same nor would we want it to be. It would make life a little boring. Well, unless everyone was like me. 


Thanks for writing to me. I actually never said that anyone was being hostile in regards to your friend. I am thinking right now at this very moment. We will be spending eternity together. Now either that can give a person a great feeling or not so great, but I find it rather great. "Nope you didn't sound hostile at all!" was actually what I wrote in regards to how I felt. Other than that, what people have written to me concerning anyone else and how "they" feel, I have pointed them to LT as I am not in leadership. Thanks for your concern but I actually like Amanda and find her rather knowledgeable. Thanks again for writing me, I was having a rough day and felt better because you did.




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