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Is it wrong to remarry?

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7 and jthe dust returns to the earth as it was, and kthe spirit returns to God lwho gave it.

j Ps. 90:3; 103:14; See ch. 3:20; Job 34:15
k [ch. 3:21]
l [Job 34:14; Isa. 57:16; Zech. 12:1]; See Gen. 2:7
The Holy Bible : English Standard Version. Wheaton : Standard Bible Society, 2001, S. Ec 12:7

Because of this verse, I would say that the spirit doesn't go to hell. Also, what is the purpose of the White Throne Judgment if the soul goes to it's eternal destination at death?


Those are good points, Rita. Your question would make a good discussion in another forum post. I apologize to Winter and everyone for having gone off topic. One thing to be considered as far as the verse about the spirit returning to God is that God is Creator and Ruler of hell. So at the moment of death one is going to God to receive either life or punishment. So it is a good question for a forum post and I am sure many will have something to say. Nevertheless it is not the topic of this discussion. I apologize for going off topic.

Michael, this site is a Christian site based solely on the Lord & His Words in the Bible. If you cannot back up any of your opinions up with the Word of God, it's nothing. Children are people created out of souls? Soul sleep? Your soul's lifetime? Even if your body is thrown into the lake of fire, that STILL has nothing to do with going to hell? I know you've discussed many of these issues with me last night in chat. Today, it sounds even worse then it sounded then. I would love to pc with you again & us discuss these issues and your stance in Christ & many other beliefs that I feel are deceiving you.

Agree 100%! JulieAnn 

Agreeing about the remarriage issue. Thanks. Needed to clear that up. JA

Thank you all for all of your advice on this topic. I think sometimes..referring to Michael :) that we as Followers of God, Christians....really worry about pleasing God so much..Especially if you have been abused. I have noticed with a lot of the kids I work with and adult,s that if a person hasn't received the love and the ability to trust properly. If they become saved they fight with never feeling good enough.. and sometimes begin to "work" for their salvation because that is what they have always done to earn "love". not that it is true love because true love is unconditional..agape  love:) Anyways there are so many topics pertaining to this subject..just wanted some thoughts insight and first off..Biblical knowledge on the subject..given always in love:) you have all done that without being rude or disrespectful. awesome guys!


There is forgiveness for all sins. If someone's divorce was sinful (and it is sinful if it occurs for any reason except sexual immorality according to the words of Jesus or if it is an unbeliever departing from a believer), the person must not try to justify it with reasons why he/she divorced but must accept resonsibility for it and confess it and seek forgiveness from God and from the hurt spouse (does not mean reconciliation must or even can happen). If the divorce occurred when the person was not saved, then once the person was born again, the slate was wiped clean and the person became a new creation. The old is gone, the new has come. Getting married again in that case, I don't see any sin in it.

God hates divorce. The sin of adultery appears to free the other marriage partner to re-marry but there is also forgivness. If the offending spouse is sorry and repentant and desires not to end the marriage, the offended spouse should forgive even though they may have the "right" to leave the marriage.

One mistake people make is leaving immediately out of hurt and anger and not waiting until they are able to make the decision when they are calmer and more able to deal with it emotionally. We need to be mature enough to recognize that life is not always all about us and what feels good for us in the moment. I heard someone say, If you are married and have children, you have an obligation and a commitment that far transcends what feels good. (It may have been Dr. Phil, Lol)

If you divorce and then re-marry and it is sin, then if you truly repent, you will be forgiven. It does not mean that your new marriage should end, for you have made a covenant with him in marriage and leaving that marriage would be a sin, too IMO.

In the case of abuse, you cannot live with a monster and separation is sometimes necessary. God could heal the marriage by healing the offending spouse so that he/she is no longer abusive and restore the couple. Sometimes you have no other choice but to leave the marriage. I do not see biblically that there is permission to re-marry in such a case. Nevertheless, if the abusive spouse whom you divorced becomes involved in another sexual relationship after the separation/divorce, then that would be adultery, too, and you would be free then to re-marry.

"the person must not try to justify it with reasons why he/she divorced but must accept resonsibility for it and confess it and seek forgiveness from God"

Amanda, your post here, has answered many of my own burning questions. I am divorced and wanting to remarry. And although I felt it was justified, it is not one of the two biblical reasons. (lets just say I had quite a monster, lol). SO I thank you for the direct point that you which I have quoted above.

Amen to that too!

I am not making comment to specific places we or our souls are going. Im saying you are doing this. You say lord have mercy on my soul. You score a touchdown, bump your chest and point up, you have the book of life. Idolatry/adultery is the same thing. The first rule of the exodus is you do not steal what is Christ's. Salvation was the number 1 rule of the exodus. The penalty of the original sin is death. But the original sin is being judged by the book of life. Some will awake to this, and some will open their eyes and some will say im lying until you see. But I am not trying to say anything about religion here other than what seperates it. You have the word in front of you, I am the holy spirit, and the beginning story is also the end story. Your rules of marriage is simple. The divorce/child birth is painful to the living, but not to the children nor bearers. The consequence of original sin is conception/understanding. You just couldn't handle it all at once and I am sorry, you call it the god complex we call it the human complex. Everything you wrote down is true. Everything that is a rule and is not obeyed has a consequence. But marriage of books has a great consequence, which is in the beginning and end of the book. Now do you understand what I mean when I say you guys have been trying to act like god? God made man in his own image.

Let me see if I understand you correctly-- are you saying you are the Holy Spirit? You are God? I hope you are not being serious--it would mean you are delusional.



You are gonna have to be more specific on the things you are trying to convey. Unfinished thoughts lead to assumptions and i rather not assume you are saying something. I would like to know what you are saying and not think I know what you are saying, if not we just create confussion.




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