To read Job wondering what I will glean from it, I know it has pain and sorrow, why to read it now maybe cause of Jobs poor state, .
if any can take me through this bible study please contact me and maybe we can to the study together, a sort of job buddie like one someone gets when one wants to give up smoking or drink, Im sure theres someone who knows alot about this book .
Some Background information of the Book of Job
The books of the Bible are not arranged in a chronological order. The books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers and Deuteronomy are, by tradition, believed to be written by Moses and are usually believed to be
the oldest books of the Bible. But this is not the case. The book of Job is the oldest book, some even believing
it was originally written before the flood. The most compelling evidence for the antiquity of the book of Job
is its use of Hebrew words. In many cases the more ancient, concrete meaning of a word is found in the
book of Job. As an example the Hebrew word “pachad” is used to mean fear or awe an abstract concept but is
used in its concrete form only in Job 4:14 – “dread came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones shake”.
Excerpted from Biblical Hebrew E-Magazine – Issue #019:
Wow! Great Bible study of the Book of Job.
You guys are astute and sharp in your sharing of this project. it`s really a pleasure and learning experience to be involved with ya`all. (No I`m not from the south, but it fit).
Chris, I don`t like to capitalize that snake Satan`s name either, but it is in all the Bibles I`ve seen.
Amanda, an excellent synopsis on the Book of Job.
Scribe, " more foolish than I am now" (LOL). Love ya, Bro.
Sharon, Thank you for your reference to Isaiah 57:1. Most folks are not aware of that important verse. I`ve used it on several occasions of untimely deaths.
When we think of people receiving blessings in their lives by obvious manifestations, and then people not being blessed, by experiencing hard times, and maybe thinking - those people are not believers. And maybe they`re not believers. BUT, MAYBE THEY`RE MODERN DAY JOBS............
Alright guys, I agree God has a hedge about His children (just like Job). Scribe, I had similiar experiences as you.
BUT,(and this is a large but) what if God wanted to test us, to show Satan how strong we are, or to see if we could pass the test, He would drop the hedge........ Then we`d be in the valley, just as Job was.
I think God does this regularly to see if we`re for real.
Remember, Brothers and Sisters, this is a war, between good and evil, and we are in the ranks of Jesus Christ.
It`s my personal opinion that the Book of Job is for the purpose of showing we can be in Job`s predicament from time to time, not knowing why, but God Knows. And bottom line - how are we going to do?
We have to remember, it`s not all about us. It`s all about God. Too many people believe in the secular trinity( me, myself, and i) rather than the Holy Trinity. In fact that`s why many cannot come to God through Jesus Christ because they can`t give up themselves.
The objective of this life, is not this life.
Can we do as well as Job did?
What do you think about all this?
Grace and Peace.
Beautiful Amanda!
You are so right!
We have to remember, it`s not all about us. It`s all about God. Too many people believe in the secular trinity( me, myself, and i) rather than the Holy Trinity. In fact that`s why many cannot come to God through Jesus Christ because they can`t give up themselves.
The objective of this life, is not this life.
Can we do as well as Job did?
Standing 'O'vation! You Rock Brother!
Sharon, sometimes we have disagreed sharply. I want to say that in these statements, you and I could not agree more!
"We have to remember, it`s not all about us. It`s all about God."
"The objective of this life, is not this life."
You ask a great question: "Can we do as well as Job did?"
I will tell you that Job is the "gold standard" of faithfulness and trust in God, from the standpoint of being an ordinary mortal man. It should be our objective to live up to his example. I remember once hearing a preacher speak a message critical of Job's final hours of his trial, when he became impatient and challenged God. After going through trials of my own, i have come to the place where I realize exactly why God boasted of Job, calling him "my servant Job" and saying "There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil".
Each one of us should hope to live up to Job's example. Far better to have God's praise than to have his rebuke. Considering God's rebuke to His servant Job, who was blameless, we ought all have a healthy reverence for God.
Greetings fellow Bible students,
Yes, I agree that Mrs. Job has received a lot of negative comments over the years, which are totally unfair.
You`re right, Amanda, she had to be suffering too.
RESPONSE, RESPONSE, RESPONSE, is key. How we respond to tests and trials in our lives will dictate our future.
Look how Job responded. Perseverence, patience, faith holding like a rock, under extreme duress. Isn`t that one of the main lessons of the Book of Job?
We see that our friends may not always be helpful. They did best when they sat with Job seven days and seven nights with their mouths shut. Then they started talking and things went downhill.
And help came from an unexpected source - Elihu.
Doesn`t that happen in our lives sometime? Excellent counsel, or physical repairs come from a real surprising source.
Grace and Peace.
Hi friends,
Thank you, Sharon, for your kind words. I really don`t deserve them, but I`m humbled.
What a great Bible study this is turning out to be. Well, it`s no wonder because of the Bible Word Warriors who have gotten involved. Michelle: A supurb overview of the whole book. Amanda: Award for the best statement - "The righteous suffer - not always because of sin - but just because. And God can do that, because He is God."
Chris, may God richly bless you for starting this study.
You guys are great!
Grace and Peace.
Dear Chris,
Please accept a long-range cyber space hug. And, if you`re up to your eyeballs in depression, go ahead and cry. Jesus wept on a couple of occasions in the Bible.
But, you can`t stay down too long............
Yes, by all means, read the Book of Job. You can relate to him as you read. You might be wondering, why is this happening?
Remember, through it all, Job did not turn away from God. Please remember also, it`s not all about US. It`s all about GOD.
There`s a reason for everything that happens. We might not find out the reason. Job didn`t. Maybe you do know, or will know.
Job was put to the test.......... for God`s purpose. Maybe you are being tested too.
At any rate, go ahead and relate to Job as you read the book.
When you finish with Job, read John 16:33. No peeking. Finish the book first.
Grace and Peace.
I was just at the chat room looking for you.
Please respond if you see this. We need to talk.
Grace and Peace.
We`re praying for you...................
Grace and Peace.
Chris, i think you have captured the message of Job very well: it's about seeing the bigger picture. Job did, even though he didn't see it in totality. He did not know the contest of wills in the Heavenly realms and he did not know God's purpose for his calamity. But, he did know "my redeemer lives and he shall stand on the earth in the latter day"; he knew that there was a bigger story to be told.
We often forget that, and I think this is a key to over-coming. We are a part of something much bigger and we have a redeemer that lives who will indeed return to stand on the earth in that last day. It's easy to forget and we are tempted to give up. But, if we have the patience of Job, I believe we will over come.
Greetings to my Brothers and Sisters who have been studying the Book of Job.
Let me say this has been a blessing, sharing this study with some powerful insights posted by you guys. Thank you, in Jesus` name.
Until recent years, I haven`t paid much attention to Job, as I just cataloged it to another Old Testament account of a good man`s perseverance through God`s severe testing of him.
But, after personal study in recent times, reinforced by Chris`s starting this forum, I have experienced a revelation. If I may, let me share some thoughts with you.
The Book of Job crystalizes the perennial question - "Why do bad things happen to good people?"
Of course we know there are no "good people" on then face of this earth. But, putting that aside, I think many folks, saved and unsaved, cause bad things to happen to themselves without realizing it.
For instance, entering into a marriage, after praying to God that this was the one He sent to us (NOT!).
Abusing one`s body doing habits, diets, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, whatever, and then praying for God to remove cancer, std`s, whatever, from what was self-caused.
Testing God on something desired by an individual - following through with this matter "on the come" that God will honor it, after earnest prayer.("Thou shalt not test the Lord thy God.").
And then the biggie, that the Book of Job illustrates. We might be suffering to bring Glory to Almighty God.
It could be like Jesus says in John 9:3," Jesus answered," It was neither this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was in order that the works of God might be displayed in him."
Could it happen to us today? Yes. Would we understand it? Probably not. Job didn`t.
So, if or when we are experiencing difficult times, maybe we don`t know why, but we must be faithful, and trust in God. Who else can we trust in? Romans 8:28 has a special emphasis during these times.
"My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" Sound familar? We must remember, as His Son did, God is ALWAYS FAITHFUL, and there is a reason for the suffering. And guess what? God doesn`t have to discuss or explain it to us.
I`m done. Thanks for your support.
Grace and Peace.
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