I've been hearing this phrase 'live the gospel' regularly, and it has brought me to a point of questioning exactly what that means.
The Gospel is this: The word gospel means “good news,” so the gospel of Christ is the good news of His coming to provide forgiveness of sins for all who will believe (Colossians 1:14; Romans 10:9). Since the beginning of time when the first man sinned, mankind has been under the condemnation of God (Romans 5:12). Because everyone breaks God’s perfect law by committing sin (Romans 3:23), everyone is guilty (Romans 5:18). The punishment for the crime of sin is physical death (Romans 6:23) and then an eternity spent in a place of eternal punishment (Revelation 20:15; Matthew 25:46). This eternal separation from God is also called the “second death” (Revelation 20:14–15).
The fact that all are guilty of sin and condemned to spend eternity in a place of torment is very bad news. But God, because of His love for the world, has made a way for man to be forgiven for their sins (John 3:16). He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to take the sins of man on Himself through death on a cross (1 Peter 2:24). In placing our sin on Christ, God ensured that all who will believe in the name of Jesus will be forgiven (Acts 10:43).
This is the gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news that God provided the way for man to be freed from the penalty of sin (John 14:6: Romans 6:23). But not all people will be saved from hell; only those who place their faith in Jesus will go to heaven when they die (Acts 4:12).
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the best news anyone will ever hear, and what a person does with this news will determine where he or she spends eternity. God is calling you to choose life. Call on the name of the Lord and be saved (Romans 10:13)!
Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/gospel-of-Jesus-Christ.html#ixzz2e6xCjpaE
Considering what the gospel is, and who we are, Do you think we can live the gospel?
My thoughts... I personally don't think we can literally 'live the gospel'. We 'proclaim' the gospel, and then we live in such a way (as New Creations) that our lives 'line up with' what we have proclaimed.
What are your thoughts?
Sounds right to me Amanda.. We rest in what Jesus has already done.
Romans 10:16,17... great reference.
The NASB says "However they did not all heed the good news...."
NIV says "But not all the Israelites accepted the good news. ..."
The CEV says "16 Yet not everyone has believed the message. ..."
The NLT says "But not everyone welcomes the Good News,..."
I see this to mean 'obey' as the NKJV which you have already referenced above. :-)
It seems to be a command to repent and believe.... Romans 10:21 says 21 But as for Israel He says, “All the day long I have stretched out My hands to a disobedient and obstinate people.”
Anyway, I agree we just rest in our Lord.... and than includes obedience to His Word ----Repent and
Believe the gospel. Our lives change because we love Him, and we shine our light to open up the possibility for them to want to hear why we're different, and we can tell them about Jesus.
I really like this that LT below "we are to look different than the world, act different than the world. This difference that they see in us may draw them to ask us questions or it may repel them, but it is the difference (which should be the Holy Spirit living in us and the manifestation of the Fruit of the Spirit beginning to flow from us) that they see. But, like creation, our difference can demonstrate the reality of God as others witness our transformed lives, and our transformed lives may draw their interest ... it will not save them"
Blessings, Carla
Hi Amanda,
What you wrote is so much attuned to how so many 'feel' and struggle. These things you pinpointed plague all of us at some point... and sometimes stronger than others.
Every time I feel that way, I am reminded of my frailty and how I am so broken and sinful. I'm a sinner in desperate need of a Saviour! Praise God that Jesus Christ came just for that purpose.
I'm learning to pray in such a way that when I feel dragged down or anxious or guilt.... I pinpoint my prayers according to that.
For example... My youngest son has a peanut allergy... He's now 10 years old, and we learned about his allergy about 9 years ago. Over the years I developed a fear for having ALL kinds of nuts around the house. It was irrational, unreasonable and inconsolable. Finally 2 1/2 years ago I prayed specifically for freedom from that. I just said, "Father, I don't want to live in chains over this anymore. I need You to lift me out. I want to be free. Please help me." ....Over several days I felt the anxiety over eating other nuts lift. We slowly introduced Joshua to different kinds of nuts (still no peanuts), and now we all enjoy many other kinds of nuts. It sounds like such a small thing, but it was big to me because it was keeping me in chains.
Amanda, we all fail in many ways all the time. In regards to your sister, I'll present to you another perspective. Perhaps it is good for her to have to pay off debts. Now she knows that she is accountable. It also gives her a sense of accomplishment to be able to pay off the debt, and gives her independence. If she was not able to pay it off, than she wouldn't not have done so. I have a sister who is always asking for money. She has never paid any of it back, and she just believes that money will come to her. She has a hard time staying in a marriage (divorced twice) and holding a job. Presently she has just begun another work contract. It's hard to say 'no', but at what point do we continue to enable and 'help', and at what cost? When is she going to learn? My husband has said he won't help her anymore....but I know that if I told him it was urgent he would help again and again just because I asked him to. It depends on the context of the situation also. :-)
I'm happy for you that you are on the substitute list for public schools... That's amazing. And YES, it's okay to have a few nice outfits to wear... clearly you don't take advantage of that, and it's not your top priority over the Lord. There is nothing wrong with you buying a few nice outfits.
It's hard to overcome the condemnation that people and the enemy put on us.... That's not what God has to say. There's no guilt or condemnation for those who are In Christ. It would be a different story completely if you were going out and overspending on outfits neglecting family responsibilities and dishonoring your husband----That's not what happened. All that happened is you bought some outfits for a new job.
Love you girl... I'm hoping to spend a lot more time here on AAG.
Hi Amanda,
Bless you... you went through such a hard time with your Dad. As surely as you knew he loved you, I'm certain he also knew he was loved. The small gestures of making his favourite dessert and sitting with him to eat it are what matters in that context. Your mom had some difficult heart wrenching decisions to make... how hard that must have been.
I believe that God puts us into certain circumstances for different reasons...ultimately He wants us to learn to live how we were intended to. Colby gives us some great reminders in this thread.
In regards to your sister, now that you have given some more information, it helps me to understand where you are coming from a bit better. It also must be such a huge blessing that you and your sister share a faith in the Lord... You have the ability and freedom to send her encouraging scriptures and reminders that God is our refuge... I don't have that with my sister.
I'm happy to hear about the good things in your life..... When we remember the good things, it helps us to be grateful. When we're ungrateful we kind of start to 'horde' things---we want to hold on to them because we feel like we don't have enough....like love, sharing, listening, encouragement etc... However, when we are grateful for what we already have we are more likely to be generous to others by loving them, listening to them, sharing with them etc.... We know it's okay because we realize that we are not actually lacking anything. When we give away encouragement, we are encouraged also. When we listen, we gain trust and people know they are valued and feel understood. When we share, we can fill a need and know that we have done a good thing. When we love, people feel accepted just as they are. Living these ways are contrary to what the world has to offer. Living these ways has nothing to do with 'the gospel' or good news of coarse, but they are just some small ways we can show God's Love. It seems to me you are already doing these things. :-)
In sending your sister the encouraging texts, and also being a listener for her struggles, you are showing her God's Love. Those types of relationships in this world can be seriously lacking. God meets us right where we are, Loves us right where we are and always encourages us to move beyond right where we are.
Blessings, Carla
Thank you for the warm and loving welcome Amanda.. I really love being here, and am looking forward to being around more often. :-)
I would tend to believe that most of those who use the term in this way are well meaning, but some times we make things more confusing. The gospel is the Good News as you pointed out. The gospel is critical to salvation as stated by Paul in Romans 1:16 for it is the power of God, and in this we recognize that the truth in conjunction with the work of the Holy Spirit will bring about a transformed life. This is seen in 2 Corinthians 5:17 where the old is gone and the new has come and that we are a new creation. People who knew us before salvation should begin to see a radical difference ... we are not the same as we were and this is more evident over time as we grow. Those who meet us for the first time, or barely knew us before, will recognize that we a different. The Bible calls us a peculiar people. As much as many dislike this next statement it is true none-the-less ... we are to look different than the world, act different than the world. This difference that they see in us may draw them to ask us questions or it may repel them, but it is the difference (which should be the Holy Spirit living in us and the manifestation of the Fruit of the Spirit beginning to flow from us) that they see. But, like creation, our difference can demonstrate the reality of God as others witness our transformed lives, and our transformed lives may draw their interest ... it will not save them. As Amanda has referenced Romans 10:14-17 is very clear that it is the message of Christ, the Good News, that God ultimately uses to bring people to repentance and salvation ... the transformed life that we call being born again.
Food for thought:
Let's say someone notices the difference and they ask what makes us different. The dialogue could go something like this:
Me: Jesus made the difference.
Them: Wow, that is really cool.
Me: Yeah, I'll never be the same.
Them: Can that happen to me?
Me: Sure.
Them: How?
Me: Over the next few years just watch how I live my life and seek to emulate me.
Them: Really? That's all?
Me: Yep, watching me live the Good News will set you free by you trying to emulate me. Gotta go ....
Now, I know that is an exaggeration, but it is to make a point. People need to hear the truth about Jesus and come to realize that they are sinners in need of a Savior. That without Jesus they are destined to hell (Lake of Fire) for eternity. The message is God's mechanism (no disrespect intended in that) that He uses in conjunction with the work of the Holy Spirit. Me living a sanctified life will not do that for them. It may draw them, stir their interest.
Lastly, for clarity on what I am saying. A transformed life may draw people to seek and ask. Creation may draw people to seek and ask. God may use dreams and visions to get people to seek and ask. He may even send an angel as he did for Cornelius. But, he still needed Peter to bring the gospel. Peter recognized that it was the gospel message that made the difference (with the Holy Spirit) as seen in Acts 15:6-11.
I will go to my grave, or be raptured, believing, trusting and teaching the Gospel Message, the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.
BTW: It is great to see you here!!! You are missed :-)
Lord Bless,
Thanks for this LT.. There is Grace, understanding and clarity in your message as always. :-)
Summers are busy here at the Butler household. :-)
I'm going to make a concerted effort to be here more often....there are some bible studies to get going on. :-)
Blessings, Carla
We are called to be Christ’s disciples--to live a life that is based on the principles of Jesus’ teachings and to daily renew our faith and to breath new life into our discipleship. Jesus said to his disciples and followers: "If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me." To follow Jesus is not an easy task-- it is a difficult road to travel--but Jesus will walk with us. Jesus will light our path with his love. Every time we love the unlovable; every time we feed the hungry; every time we care for the lonely and the hurting; every time we stand up for the poor; every time we share the Good News of Jesus Christ, we are bearers of the light of Christ.
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