Let's discuss God's attributes. Can you name some of them (limiting to one per post) and describe them individually in relation to God?
Lord Bless,
Elohim. Three in one or Trinity. "Let us make man in our own image.(Genesis 1:26.
The doctrine of the Holy Trinity, the triune nature of God, is the key to understanding the nature of the one true and living God -- the God of Scripture.
When we speak of the Holy Trinity, we are referring to the way that God has revealed himself to us. The Trinity describes a God who is in perfect relationship.
God reveals himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We know that our limited and imperfect understanding of the Trinity is not the totality of who God is or what God does, but only our limited, human experience of God. We are in no position to limit God; to put God in a box. God is always much more than whatever our limited human understanding can grasp.
I was just watching the night's sky....it always has beautiful colors just before the sun goes down. Then I was reminded of how the starry hosts, the trees, the flowers, and yes, even the rocks will cry out, the mountains, all of nature will praise the Lord but people....people will reject and lift a fist to their Creator, WOW.
God's attributes - God is just.
For we must all stand before Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in our bodies. ” (2 Corinthians 5:10)
We are so blessed to have such an awesome God.
I love going through this one again. It's important to place our thoughts in places of the higher courts.
God is love. God's nature as revealed in Jesus is to win us over with the power of love. God loves you and me right where we are, and just the way we are. God longs to have his love, as incarnated in his son Christ, dwell in our hearts and reach out through our lives.
I do not understand why God loves and then forgives me my many sins and I do not understand why God loves you and forgives you your sins. And I certainly do not understand why God loves this world God has created. This side of heaven we will never fully understand that. But God does love me as God loves you. And God loves this world. We know that because God became flesh in this world in the person of Jesus. God has graced us in the birth of Jesus.
Jesus came to meet us where we are in the reality of our lives as they really are. He came with a strong, clear message: God loves us and can't bear to see us separated from God and from one another. So Jesus came that we might be reunited with God. To do that, he had to go the cross. It wasn’t glamorous or spectacular. It was in the real life and death of Jesus that God revealed the most important message ever delivered to the human family. And it was in the resurrection that the message was ratified for all eternity.
Amen. All Glory to God.
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