All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Last night I had a dinner discussion with 2 people.  One who believes that religion is a way to control the masses and the other who is a theologian.  Weird as it was, these two truly believed their words.  The theologian claimed that the most peaceful religion on earth was the buddhist religion and the other that claimed that  they just didn't know about the afterlife, but went on to say that there might be, just that they weren't convinced.  

I know what my response was....but I'm interested as to what yours would be?

I also might add that the theologian was raised by Christian parents, but stood against everything in the Bible  What do you say to someone who seems thoroughly educated in the way of religion/christianity?  

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In these cases, I say what I believe. I don't debate them because there really is no use. Of course, like you, I stand strong on my beliefs & won't back down. I don't really know anything about Buddhists to throw an opinion out there. I don't really have to though if it's not based on the Word. I do know when Tim was really big, he went to China. They would rub his belly. One said he was a great man. They thought it was awesome. HAHAHAHA. We thought it was horrible he was big - very unhealthy. I guess they thought he was like Buddha. 

Hi Watchman,


I understand Buddhism to be a belief of cause and effect ethics.

There is no reality or thought of an Ultimate being.  It is the belief in karma. Karma is the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.


Buddhists, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and unfortunately some Christian denominations.... all of these 'religions' believe in behaving a certain way to gain God's (god's) approval.  In some cases, these are even atheistic because they believe that their own actions determine a certain fate--good or bad.  A focus on a religious outlook puts 'self' at the centre, rather than 'JESUS' at the centre.  The Pharisees are a great example of this.  The focus is outward appearance over everything else.


They believe that by behaving in certain ways they will earn their way up to God, or even become a 'god' themselves.  If they don't believe in God (so to speak) then they believe in a reward of some sort...but they have to earn it.  How do they know when they’ve done enough to earn it?

The beauty of Jesus is HIS self-giving sacrifice for us.  It's all about HIM and what He has done for us.  We will never be good enough, but HIS Love is greater than our sin.  His mercy and grace is enough.  His forgiveness is endless.  We’ll never do enough, but because of His love, we are enough in Him.

It's hard to have a discussion with someone who believes in Buddhism, because they don't believe in a moral law given by Creator God.  Also, the emphasis is peace, and it's difficult to disagree with that.



The Buddhist doesn't disagree with the teachings of Jesus in regards to murder for example.   The problem with Buddhist teachings is that they are 'self motivated' rather than 'others centered'.  It's a heightened level of 'I'm a good person and I don't need a Saviour' attitude.  It's a disconnect from reality.  The reality is that none of us are good...  if they're honest even about their personal thoughts they would have to come to terms with who they are and the large gap of who they are created to be. 

Sin is not peaceful.  Sin is the result of the fall because humanity has been separated from our Creator.  Jesus came to earth to reconcile us back to Him.  Since all of humanity has not been reconciled back to Him, war, death and evil is the result.  War is a reality and no one can deny it unless you are completely out of touch with reality. 

Jesus does not advocate war---people do.  Jesus merely tells us it is the reality of this world.  If people were obedient to His teachings, and actually lived out enemy love, mercy and forgiveness the world would be a different place.  Christians have done their fair share of killing.  How will we answer to HIM for this?  We, as Christians must be accountable too.

Also, how do they know when they've done enough?  For instance, if they’ve done something that is considered wrong, how do they know when they've done enough 'good' to make up for it, and how do they know it was wrong?  Where and what is their measuring stick?  Buddhism asserts that reality is not ultimately personal and the distinctions between good and evil are not actually real, therefore, Buddhism does not have a true foundation for ethics.  How can ethics be personal if there is no personal God or being to answer to?

There's lots more to talk about with this...It's an unending conversation... There's just so much to say.

I've learned that I personally can't change anyone's mind. If their heart is ready to hear it, they'll hear it.  Prayer is the answer.

It's important to have the conversation though because you are planting seeds.  I'm sure that your response to them was really great, and it likely has them thinking.

This verse comes to mind:

Proverbs 26



“4Do not answer a fool according to his folly,


or you yourself will be just like him.


5Answer a fool according to his folly,


or he will be wise in his own eyes.”


I take this to mean... talk about it show them their error, but know when to stop and simply walk away.

The authority we speak with is not our own.  We have been given the freedom, the right and privilege to tell others about Jesus... His goodness, forgiveness, love and mercy.  We just have to share the gospel.  My church pastor always says "just start talking about Jesus".  The answer is Jesus...  then elaborate.  The answer to every meaningful question is Jesus.  Know Him and share Him.

Satan is a slippery conniving serpent.  he has certainly deceived a vast number of the population. rambling thoughts.

Great Question.  Thanks for posting.


I would share what I know to be true about Jesus. What is true about God our Father and creator. How my prayer time is peaceful and gives me comfort knowing that Jesus is our Great Intercessor. If they are ready to listen, they will hear. If not then, God will water the seed planted in time and they will choose or not.

This is really excellent..  It speaks to the longing that every person has.

We long for peace, comfort and hope.  And we also long to know our purpose (why are we here anyway?)

Jesus is the only One who answers these questions and meets our deepest desires.

Thank You so much Tammy, Carla, and Journeyman.  

It was difficult for me, so your replies were very encouraging.  I am thankful for your responses, because that's all I knew to do at that particular time, was to share what I knew to be true and then leave it at that.  

2 Timothy 4:2 says:

preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. [NASB]

I felt like this was my "out of season".  :)    I do pray that a seed was planted. 


Girl, that's all we can do. The old adage, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Yea, that was lame but it's truth.


I think that old adage still stands true.....

Love you bunches

You too to pieces

The enemy wants us discouraged after these types of interactions so that we stop having them.  Don't stop.  Your love for the Lord is shining.

Thank You so much Carla.  I have to tell you I was pretty discouraged, felt ill equipped and inept....don't want to feel that way again.  I was surprised by the conversation and even more surprised by  the direction it took, shouldn't have been, but was.  

You've given so much love and good information, I can't begin to tell you what that means to me. All of you, Tammy, you, and Journeyman are good mentors.  

Bless you Watchman.  I've been in that situation many times...  I relate to that feeling...It's gnawing and discouraging, and simply awful.  I've realized it's an enemy attack.  It subsides through prayer and fellowship... and a bit of time.

You are well equipped because you belong to the Lord, You Love Him, Know Him and desire for others to know Him.  You study God's word and you know it, and are prepared to share it, that makes you a threat to the enemy. 

If anyone reading this is a new believer and wanting to share their faith........there's nothing stopping you from sharing your testimony.  No one can take away our testimony and what we know to be true.

Stand Strong dear sister.

Much Love in Christ.


I'm just going to say it. You? Ill equipped? Of all people, you're the last one that should ever feel that way. You could confront Satan himself. I have absolutely no doubts. I have full confidence in my mind that if ANYBODY ever came to you be it Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist, Mormon, whatever that you are prepared to give an answer in season & out of season. Never allow the enemy to tell you any differently. I can guarantee you that you left that evening planting seeds, fertilizer, water & probably a few shoots grew before you walked out that door. The enemy is just telling you differently right now. I've known you for years & girl, I can tell you right now, you know your stuff. The enemy is just hating right now & is on your back. You think he wants you to do that again? That's how he wants you to feel.


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