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I have a question, and maybe I am misinterpreting the message, but I need to get clarification on it.

Jesus, during the final meal, after making known His betrayer said in Mat 26: 24 "The Son of Man is going just as it is written of Him; but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been (more profitable and wholesome) for that man if he had never been born".

Am I mistaken if I say that here Jesus has actually condemmed Judas for what he would be doing? Yet, it is written in Zech 11:13 (first part of the verse) "And the Lord said to me, Cast it to the potter [as if He said, To the dogs!] - the munificently [miserable] sum at which I [and My Shepard] am priced by them!"

Here already the Lord has said what the price would be for the deliverance of our Saviour.  It goes to reason that this was all already planned as we know, for the fulfillment of Jesus to thus perish and rise again, for us all to be saved.

Why then, if it was all predestined for it to happen, was Judas thus condemmed for what he was supposed to do?

Help pls

God's blessings be on you all.


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And I respect yours my brother. I am just having fun with this topic, hope you are too.


Do you believe that He has?
When man and woman eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil they fall into
a physical trap. Our thought process is restrained, limited by our reference point. When we know
what good is the only reason we can understand it is by comparing it to it's oppisite---evil. This thought
is not spiritual but is grounded in the law of oppisites. This is like a hamster running on a treadmill. Or
a cul-de-sac one drives into that has no exit. One goes around and around but goes nowhere!
Evil exists as does darkness. When one sees them both, light and darkness, and their relationship
to each other, a mystery is revealed. Duality isn't two seperate entities but is together and whole. Jesus
said, " I have returned all to you Father save one, so the prophesies could be fulfilled". God also used Pharoh
to glorify Himself.
When growing in one's understanding of God's plan for us, I believe we must step outside of duality
and futility. The purpose of a negative is to allow you to find the positive. Sticky wicker Raj. I hope this adds
something in your quest for answers. One can only understand predestination one one suspends their mortal
understanding of time and steps into God's time. It is outside the camp.

I will highlight some of your comments and directly under them answer.

>>When man and woman eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil they fall into
a physical trap.

Are you referring to Adam and Eve and/or men and woman of today? Yes humanity felled into a physical trap, but it is the Spiritual death, disconnection, that is the most significant thing about the fall.

>>light and darkness, and their relationship to each other, a mystery is revealed. Duality isn't two separate entities but is together and whole.

1 John 1:5
This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.

There is no duality (if you are using duality as 1the state or quality of being two or in two parts; dichotomy) in things such as Light and darkness. Light is, Darkness is not. Darkness is the absence of what is not present. Evil is the absence of God, God is light and in Him there is no duality and so it should be with us. For now there is Light and the absence of it, but light does not need darkness to exist. Darknes is permitted for now so God's glory can be display upon those He saves and on those He will excersice His righteous judgment on.

>>When growing in one's understanding of God's plan for us, I believe we must step outside of duality and futility.

Right on.

I am enjoying your comments dusty, our Lord bless you.

>>If all human souls are precious to God, why would God pre-destine someone to be evil?

How do we explained that God harden Pharaoh’s heart, doesn’t that mean that God created evil in Pharos’s heart, no!, as we all know the Holy Spirit restrains the world from being as evil as it can be.God can harden the heart by one of two ways. By going into the heart of man and creating evil or by simply removing the restraining power of the Holy Spirit, which is what I believe the bible means when it speaks of God hardening the heart. He as it’s stated in Romans give them up to their lustful ways; He is passing judgment over them and will allow them to be as evil as they desire to be according to His perfect and good purposes. God has the power to make any of us do what He wants, but God is not evil or the doer of such.

God does not predestine anyone to do evil.
Raj, I am not saying God uses people to His will. The Bible says He uses people for Hids purposes.
What does BTW mean?

You are out of line with the second part of your comment. Please refrain and stick to the topic.

Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator
Raj, I can see. Good-bye
Amen LT.


You asked dusty that same question on his page, there is no reason to bring that up on this discussion.


According to your profile you love God and we love you for your declaration that our Lord is your Lord. Thank you for your kind response to Raj.

Blessings bro.

David V.
Volunteer NET Moderator.
Wicus. Very well said. Confusion reigns. What if God is eternally present in the past, present and future?
Dusty ,

I have given the topic you are bringing up some thought and here are my thoughts about it.

It is a biblical fact that God is not constraint by time. He created time and space and is outside of it. I do not mean all Historical events are happening now and forever will be playing out, but God is outside of time and how that affects his present, past and future, I do not know. He is called, I AM because of multiple reasons I suppose, not exclusively for one or two reasons.

If god "knows" the future like it is his present, then how can he change it? He can only observe and act within what he "knows". If the exact details future is known to him, by whatever means it is known, it is already a done deal. If he changes it, he changes what he already knew.

I believe God can change the future for our prayers are honored by Him when they align to His will. God is aware of what we need before we even ask, so I believe His response is already in conjunction or worked in into the big picture, according to His perfect will and plan.

In other words to me God is not waiting on our responses. He knows the end from the begining and has already done what He would do. That does not take our bonafide ability to choose at all, but puts God's sovereignty and man's responsibility in accord. At least in my mind.

So I do believe that eternity has a concept of past, present and future and that God ,has chosen to include us into His eternity and interact with us, however I am assuming that as God He can step back and view His creation from outside our known space and time. In my mind it makes perfect sense.

We are no particle physicists that are attempting to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity. But students of the word and our lack of the correct terminology does not annual our biblical reasoning. Haha or at least that is my excuse.

My meaning of God being outside of time is the same as yours, it only differs I think in the fact that I see Him being able to step back (and please don’t ask me to define “step back” haha) an view His creation from a creator’s view point without leaving His creation to its own, since He holds the heavens and the earth.
(Quote) Was Judas chosen to be the betrayer of Jesus and He is condemning Judas for what he was born to do?
He was born and God 'knew' he would do this.....but it was still Judas' 'choice' to do it. Seems plain enough to easily undeerstand. He 'knew' what Judas would choose. God did not 'dictate' that Judas 'should' do it. God probably took every opportunity to tell Judas to 'not' do it. But God knew he would not repent of the deed.....which would make Judas already the most likely person to do it.


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