All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I have a question, and maybe I am misinterpreting the message, but I need to get clarification on it.

Jesus, during the final meal, after making known His betrayer said in Mat 26: 24 "The Son of Man is going just as it is written of Him; but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been (more profitable and wholesome) for that man if he had never been born".

Am I mistaken if I say that here Jesus has actually condemmed Judas for what he would be doing? Yet, it is written in Zech 11:13 (first part of the verse) "And the Lord said to me, Cast it to the potter [as if He said, To the dogs!] - the munificently [miserable] sum at which I [and My Shepard] am priced by them!"

Here already the Lord has said what the price would be for the deliverance of our Saviour.  It goes to reason that this was all already planned as we know, for the fulfillment of Jesus to thus perish and rise again, for us all to be saved.

Why then, if it was all predestined for it to happen, was Judas thus condemmed for what he was supposed to do?

Help pls

God's blessings be on you all.


Views: 1484

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I bet your wife will know. :-)

Boy.. we have really gone off topic.. :-)
That sounds yummy Linda Ruth. I hadn't thought of putting cake flavorings in coffee.. It would likely be really yummy with vanilla flavoring too. :-)
;-) go to town Carla - when I discovered the taste sensation the essence isle of the supermarket was very alluring.......needless to say I have alot of essences now.

Gave a rum essence coffee to my housekeeper and he worked twice as hard that day! He is Polish and then provided me with some Polish essences in the most beautiful petite bottles...... Polish chocolates are to die for - where's Choco - she would love em.....

Anyway, sorry Wicus back to the subject at hand or has that been lost....... remind us again.......
Joe, you want hairs on your chest?
Try KPOI LUWAK coffee from indonesia.
Carefully gathered from the droppings of the Civet cat, that eat the beans and then roasted. Yum Yum.

Partakers suggest that the taste is quite different and unique.
I'll bet its a unique taste!!!!
Too much already Lol.
If you were a gambler you could bet on it; [the uniqueness of taste] But if you were a Christian, you would probably rebuke it.

I must agree with the post of Carla’s, we are way off topic.
If we keep this up: we will all need prayer. Amen?
Wow! I get home and see all these posts and think o, yeah, much to talk about tonight. Delete, delete, delete. Nothing on topic. O well, who's playing Monday Night Football. Never mind, I'll skip that one as well.
I'll pass on those! I am not into strong coffee. I can't even do Starbucks. If I do, I have to dilute it with half cream.
Greetings all,

This forum has exhausted the original topic and has branched into several other topics that will make it very difficult for people passing through AAG to understand. I am closing this forum and suggesting that if those engaged in the various other topics want to start a new forum regarding those topics to please do so.

Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator


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