All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

In chemistry,

He changed water into wine.

In Biology,

He was born without the normal conception;

In physics,

He rejected the law of gravity when he ascended to heaven;

In economics,

He rejected the law of diminishing returns by feeding
5000 men with two fishes & 5 loaves of bread, "An Act allowed himself
Well with the Malthusian idea that the more people
Increases, more resources per capita are reduced. "

In medicine,

He healed the sick and the blind without administering a dose of

In the story,

He is the beginning and the end.

In Government

He says He will be called wonderful counselor, Prince of peace.

In religion,

He says that nobody comes to the Father except through Him;

Yes, who is He? It is Jesus!

Join me and we will celebrate, He is worthy.
Eyes seeing this message shall not behold evil,
The hand that will send this message to everyone needs a hand, not

And the mouth saying Amen to this prayer is always smiling.

Keeping in God and seek His face always

In Him, there is everything! Amen

The greatest Man in history

The greatest Man in history, Jesus had no servants, and
Yet they called Him master.

He had no diploma, but they called Him teacher.

He had no medicines, yet they called him Healer

He had no army, yet kings were afraid of Him ...

He won no military battle, but He has conquered the world ..

He has committed no crime, but they crucified Him.
He was buried in a tomb, He still lives today.

I am honored to serve such a Leader who loves us!

If you believe in God and Jesus Christ His son; share this with all your friends

If you ignore it, remember that Jesus said. "If you deny me
before men, I will deny you before my heavenly Father.

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Jesus is the son of God he died on the cross for our sins


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