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The other day I was on "The Bible" group page on facebook. If you go there, expect to see a lot of athiest and agnostics there trying to tear down Christianity. But anyway, I was there and one guy made the comment about Osirus and the similarities between Osiris and Jesus. He made the comment that the Osiris story was here long before Jesus, about 1200 years. His point was that he believed that the story of Jesus was actually copied from the Osirus story. He went on to say that there arr too many things that are the same, so he could not believe the story of Jesus.

Here are the simularities

Similarities Between Osiris and Jesus Christ

In the Ptolemaic Period, the cult of Serapis was reinvented based on the myth of Osiris
Early Christians in Egypt identified Christ with Serapis, renamed their god to Jesus, and continued their worship as usual

  1. Osiris before death was titled " The Good Shepherd", and Jesus Christ is a shepherd to his followers
  2. Both Osiris and Jesus were killed by treachery from close relationships, Seth and Judas respectively
  3. Osiris and Jesus both suffered a painful death, with sacrifices that were gloomy, solemn, and mournful
  4. The symbol of Osiris was the Djed, which resembles a cruciform form similar to the Cross of Jesus
  5. Both Osiris and Jesus Christ were briefly resurrected, Jesus resurrected after three days of his death and Osiris by the magical spell of Isis
  6. Osiris' and Jesus resurrections served to provide hope to all that they may do likewise and become eternal.
  7. After their respective deaths, both gods became kings in the afterlife, Osiris being the "Lord of the Underworld" and Jesus Christ the "King of Heaven"
  8. They both perform the final judgment of the dead, to decide who should join their Kingdoms and be granted eternal life.

    So the reason that I brought this up was to get your opinions on how to handle this topic. How do you explain the differences that make Jesus' story the one that is real. How do you explain away the Orisis story and its simularities?

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Fix you,

I completely understand what you are saying. I believe there to be the outer calling that we preachers give as well as the effectual calling, which is also known as Prevenient Grace, of course there are doctrinal differences in the details of those, but I understand what you are saying. The historical context must be viewed and in order to do the text justice we must take into account the audience.

Having said all that and keeping in mind your reminder - We do have plenty of bible (which I will note quote at this time) to firmly understand the enormous privilege we have been given to be coworkers with God in the spreading of His Kingdom and persuading men to surrender their lives to Our King.

Of course we must understand that is God who gives the increase and that before a man can seek God, God must first have sought the man.

Tozer said it like this: “Before a sinful man can think a right thought of God, there must have been a work of enlightenment done within Him. Again - there are doctrinal differences in the details among the Christian churches about what comes first, faith or regeneration etc... But the truth we all agree in is that is God who works in the heart. Our most eloquent* speech and most powerful sermons means are nothing if God does not work on the individual, yet it is the Gospel message through His servants the instrument God so often uses to start that work in the heart of the blind regardless of back ground.
5.Both Osiris and Jesus Christ were briefly resurrected, Jesus resurrected after three days of his death and Osiris by the magical spell of Isis (Quoted from original post.)

Christ was resurrected and still lives, He wasn't briefly resurrected.

Moses' writings were spoken during the Old Testament times and I would think that if someone heard these scriptures, they could come up with a "god" from their imagination that closely resembled what Jesus would be.

Satan knows Jesus, and he could give those thoughts to a person who was receptive to him just as he continues the same way today.

Isaiah speaks in a profitic way about the Messiah, so one could fabricate a "god" using Isaiah's writings as well.

The Bible is the proof of which is the Messiah.
I would like to thank everyone who responded. The information and thoughts are a great help.
I got questions answered that I didn't even know I had. LOL
Perhaps you might be interested in the information on this page, specifically the section linked to:

A number of well-read atheists I personally know find the Jesus/Osiris/Horus discussion based upon "19th century scholarship" and don't find it all that compelling.

Yet it remains "on the street."

Additionally, related is this:

Worth nothing is that most scholars (believing and non), reject the overall Christ myth theory.

A song from my childhood went:

He lives, He lives,Christ Jesus lives today!
He walks with me and talks with me
along life’s narrow way.
He lives, He lives,Salvation to impart!
You ask me how I know he lives?
He lives within my heart.

For some, such is thoroughly convincing. For others, not. It's faith, not proof.
I'd like to add to this discussion two points. The first is that Jesus is a historical figure whose resurrection is historically demenstratable. The second is from the writings of C.S. Lewis. He suggested that the Myths of dying gods who then live again may reflect that fact that the resurrection of Christ was being waited for in the subcounscious of men, that perhaps the creation itself contained clues to the coming of Christ and therefore these myths reflected the internal hope of man in the coming Christ.
Many false Christs shall arise
Having studied the occult in order to save a family member, I know where this garbage comes from. It is from satan and it is overall meant to create doubt and desensitize one to the occult and new age concepts. On a personal level, the online forum describes what is straight out of a few movies online. I do not advocate this move but one is called zeitgeist. They show the same exact thing you are talking about. But when probed deeper about its content, it's advocating and quoting new agers and practitioners of theosophy, to name a few.

There is a lot more I could point out but I don't want to be a messenger. Spiritually, some will conclude that showing an interest in the occult will open doorways for demonic activity. Be careful when researching this stuff, pray always, and don't get sucked in. God bless you.
Rodney, I haven't taken time to read all of your responses - so bear with me if I am repeating something that has already been said.

In my understanding of the Egyptian story of Osiris: it was a mythology created to tell a tale about Mankind's origins - especially Egypt. Not unlike many of the Greek mythologies. Some say there is fact buried inside these tales, like a rock used to create a giant snowball. Ultimately, all of these ancient stories are works of fiction used to explain human origins - and to keep humans in control by the governing authorities.

Here is how I look at this: there have been many fiction writers who envisioned future events. Some got certain details right about future events. Some examples:
* Tom Clancey's vision of terrorists using planes to crash into American Government buildings. He got the planes part right, but the buildings wrong. (If I remember correctly his tale envisioned the White House and the Capital destroyed).
* George Orwell's book "1984" which envisioned "Big Brother" using technology to control the world, especially the UK. In fact, technology has been used to keep the "Big Brother" types from controlling the world (at least this far) and the internet seems to be giving "we the people" more influence than when the media controlled the news. And... 1984 was a banner year for new technology that gave people more independence.
* Jules Vern's stories of futuristic technologies included blasting people to the moon. One problem, I believe he envisioned using a gigantic cannon.

So, there are many other examples of fiction, which had futuristic views that got some details right, but which missed the reality by a long shot.

Now, the Devil inspires people to say and do many things - even today in the age of Grace. So, I have no doubt that he understood the prophesies of Genesis well enough to realize that God had a plan for redeeming mankind by the death and resurrection of a Savior; in much the same way that Abraham realized that God would have to raise Isaac from the dead to fulfill his promise, if Abraham obeyed and sacrificed Isaac.

So, it is entirely plausible that Satan used the culture of Egypt to build up a story which would later be used to confound people. One of the clear evidences of Satan's involvment is that Egypt was apparently a cruel society that enslaved people and used the worship of Demi-god Pharoahs to control and manipulate people. God's word repeatedly talks about the way that Egypt is symbollic of false worship and human systems of thinking.

Therefore, it is no trouble at all to see that Satan could inspire writers to create myths, that got some facts right, about the Savior that God would send to redeem mankind. He is a master at deception, after all.
Spot on man! As I have experienced this for myself, satan will set things up in advance in order to take you out in the future - sometimes called "telegraphing punches" or spiritual minefield/trap.


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