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Did Jesus wait to preach until He was 30 because that was when He become filled with the Spirit after baptism? But, Jesus is the Spirit, right? I've just been thinking about this lately and going back & forth with it. I must admit that I haven't looked into it deeper on my own but just wanted to see your thoughts on it. Thanks

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lolol. Funny as well as a good point



I believe that Satan is so full of himself that his arrogance led him to this act, and in that we could call him dumb :-) I will toss out here another view I have that many do not share and that is I believe Satan is fighting to win the war, even though we know he cannot. He is not silently going to the Lake o Fire, nor do we see him going kicking and screaming ... he is waging a war, one I believe he hopes he can still win even though the Word says otherwise. With that we simply need to remember he was in heaven and saw God and yet rebelled. He thought he could win then and I suspect he still thinks he can ... though that is a fools dream. Again, not a hill to die on, because we know regardless of his motivation in the end he loses ... hallelujah.


Food for thought.


Lord Bless,



I like your take on things.  It makes sense.  It explains and accounts for Satan's motivations.  Amen!



Thanks for the positive word.


Lord Bless,


The why tempt Him part we may not be able to answer, but if He is God, which He is, He cannot sin, for God cannot sin (Dt. 32:4).

According to the following scripture, we as born again Christians, cannot sin either; “spiritually speaking” 1 John 3:9, Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remains in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

 However in our flesh, “soul” which can only be renewed, but not born again; we can, and do sin, 1Jo.1:8,  but those sins are not being imputed unto us. Ro.4:7-8,

The bible even says that we are complete “in Him” Col.2:9-10 (i.e.) In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and you are complete in Him, which is the head of all principalities and powers.

Jo.1:16, says “and of His fullness have all we received, and grace for grace”

1Jo.4:17, says “Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment, because as He is, so are we in this world”

There are other scriptures I would love to use here, but I know I would get too much flak, so I will not.

I might have on sufficient "lamellar" lol; but not the time to explain, without confusing others.   


Bring 'em JB. You actually caught my attention. I appreciate the feedback. When I read your first Scripture 1 John 3:9, it slapped me in the face - well, not that hard. I've just always knew we were human & sin & when I read that, it dawned on me what you was trying to say in other posts. Sorry I've never paid them any attention before. I've studied the word for 20 years & never seen it that way before. Thanks again. 

Thank you taminator, All I can say is ; “it’s in the book!!”  ( ;>)>>


Amen JB. It's amazing how you can read something half of your life & not see certain things. I can read a Scripture 20 times & see something different every time. Don't know if it's the age, maturity, hindsight, don't know but I'm always willing to be open to anything new the Lord has to tell me. Be blessed

Taminator, I know what you mean, I had the same problem with faith several years ago, so one morning I just sat down and said, God I am just going to ask you about faith, and it seemed as though I went into a little sound proof room, like when getting your hearing checked, and I don’t want to say it was an audible voice, but it was a strong impression anyway, and it said, “Faith does not move me” well I just about fell over, because I never heard anything like that before, and I said that’s right, faith moves mountains, but it doesn’t move God, God has already moved on our behalf. Of course, I had to question it, so I said “but Lord, I try to do everything you tell me to do in the Word, but I don’t see these signs following me as you said they would in Mk.16, you told the disciples to go out… and lay hands on the sick and they would recover etc. they just went out and did it, but we are in the same dispensation as they and I don’t see these sign following me, so what did they have that we don’t have”? And that voice said, “it’s not what they had that you don’t have; it’s what you have they didn’t have, your radio, Television, Car Payments, House Payments, An all these things that pulls your eyes off of Me. I said, “But Lord I use my radio to get more Word in me, and I use my TV. To watch certain ones to get more Word in me ” and He said, “that’s another one of your problems, when you listen to the one on radio, this man says it is not my will that everyone be healed, or they would be healed wouldn’t they? And when you watch TV., that man says that it is my will for everyone to be healed, so when you go to pray for someone, you don’t know if it is my will for that person to be healed or not, read Ja.1, I knew what Ja.1 says; with a wavering faith, let not that man think he shall receive anything of the Lord.” So I said that’s right, so Lord from now on I will listen to the other preachers, but I will only believe what you tell me in your Word.

There is a lot more I could tell you, but I know you  like short responses, so that is enough for now.

Blessings to you, and may you gain wisdom and knowledge of Him as you study His Word and apply it to your life.


PS. Age does have a way of catching up with us, but you have a long way to go before you can consider that as an excuse. lol

 “it’s not what they had that you don’t have; it’s what you have they didn’t have, your radio, Television, Car Payments, House Payments, - That's incredible INCREDIBLE. Man, it moved me & He didn't say it to me. Well, He just did thru you.

K. Thanks LT. I like the short replies actually.

He does have His ways, And sometimes they are hard to figure out, aren’t they?



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