Hi all, Can anyone recommend any good websites/books on the history of Jerusalem and what is/has happened/ing there. I want to understand more about this. I know we can't post links so maybe inbox me if a link. :)
Many Thanks Lucy
Hi Lucy,
Judaism.com has some interesting book titles on Jerusalem. Not sure about any website(s) in particular but when I googled "a history of Jerusalem to the present" some interesting sites came up, so all I can suggest is google!
Next month I will be asking you questions on Jerusalem ..... so start reading (*_*) (*_*)
warm regards in Him,
lol thanks Desmond, yes Google always good, but also can be overwhelming, dont wanna read too much!;-)
God bless
The Jerusalem Post is a good source of information....current and up-to-date. (online)
Interesting article is the US Justice Department investigating certain Israeli banks for helping US citizens evade income taxes. Wonder when Swizz banks and those in the Caribbean will be investigated???
Joel C Rosenberg also has a web site (through wordpress) where much current info can be gathered.
Hope this helps!
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