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It seems to be a Catholic Belief that there are Mortal sins.  In my opinion they might be going a little over board by singling out sins as Mortal and Venial sins, however Biblically speaking I think they are on the right track, or at least they have a point to this whole thing.  But I'm curious how many of you believe in mortal sin, and what scriptures would you use to back up your view?  Also to those of you that don't believe in Mortal sin, what scriptures do you use to back up your view?

If you don't know know what Mortal Sin is, then before you comment, you will need to read about it.  Here is a link to a Wikipedia page on Mortal Sin.  Be sure to read the whole thing, and if you feel that you need to do more research, do so before you comment.

Mortal Sin

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My own food for thought on that....if it meant we were not allowed to defend ourselves, then what on earth was David doing charging at Goliath and slinging rocks at that poor giant for? 


Excellent. Your point is well stated.


I would go a step further. There is the born-again experience where we are transformed. I do not believe (my belief) Peter had been transformed as Christ had not yet died on the cross paying the penalty for his (our) and resurrected bringing life. I do not doubt he had faith, but the great internal change was post resurrection for all. Therefore I believe that the Peter who spoke at Pentecost is not the same Peter (un-regenerated vs. regenerated) who heard the rooster crow.


This falls into some debatable territory when we (I) try to nail down the when in regards to the effects of the cross (before/after effect).


Lord Bless,



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