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If one asks, how do you know there is a God what would be your reply? 

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Thanks Roy

Life doesn't make sense, and I'll never understand God's ways, either, but as far as predestination goes, I'd like to think that foreknowledge doesn't over rule free will or cause all events, but that the events cause the knowledge, and since God is all knowing, then God saw the end from the beginning and fore knew. God sees the reality before it happens in time, unlike we, who only know after things happen, even though at times we get a feeling that a certain something is going to happen. But the question remains of how much God affects events, since God has a plan and it's unfolding. God would have to cause some things, or maybe even a lot of things, wouldn't He?


I was pretty sure you wouldn't let me get away with that one. First, let me be the first to congratulate you for being wise enough, smart enough, good enough to make the decision to follow Christ. And, what is worse, you just might be right. Are these people so stupid that they would choose not to believe in Jesus? Salvation is absolutely free. Who, with any kind of intelligence at all, would turn down this free gift of salvation and choose hell instead? Is it because they are not as good as we? If faith is a gift, do these tun down this free gift? Is it just because they are so preoccupied with this life and the things of this world that they refuse the gift of faith? 

There are many religious but how many really do believe in Jesus as their Savior? That's one that I can't answer but it does appear to me that when one is presented with the reality of God and Christ the Savior, they do a turn around. Their lives change. They don't become perfect but they sure want to be. They desperately want to please God our Savior. This is what I see. What is it that makes these people turn around like this? I think it is faith that God is real and that He has come to save us all from our sins. Do people just choose to receive this gift of faith? 

For sure, one thing we do know is that some have this faith and some do not. There is nothing you can say to make someone believe in God our Savior. That is totally a work of God the Spirit. He may use one of us as a tool to accomplish what He wants to accomplish but it is nothing we say or do. It is all God. Jesus said He came to find the lost. That is what we are charged with. When we preach or tell the Gospel, those that are lost will come to Him. If you don't go He will find someone to go. Jesus said that the Father's will was that He would not lose even one of those that had been given Him by the Father. I don't believe He will lose one. They all will be saved. What is so remarkable and exciting is that we get to be a part of that happening. But as far as convincing someone that God is real, forget it. God Himself will have to do that. 

I think we must make the decision everyday of whether or not we will follow Christ or do our own will, and those who choose to follow Him and die to self are wise, but that's different from being born again. As you know, I believe salvation is all a work of God, with the exception of just God allowing people who have become enlightened to choose to receive Christ or reject Him before God regenerates them. Faith comes by hearing. I don't know how, but I believe it does. The scripture says not all have faith, 2 Thessalonians 3:2. It doesn't mean it isn't possible for them to have it. Their eyes, ears, and hearts must be opened by God, very true. Having faith though doesn't always mean one has believed to the saving of the soul. I think belief must contain repentance. Both things are enabled by God, of course.

"Having faith though doesn't always mean one has believed to the saving of the soul"

very true.  I've spoken to many people who have what they call 'faith' in something, they believe they will go to heaven when they die, but Jesus is completely ignored and left out of their lives.  There is a saving faith...  There is also a blind faith.  This is an important distinction.  Great point Amanda.

But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul. Hebrews 10:39, KJB

I don't know why people shrink back, probably for reasons too numerous to number but no doubt all fall beneath wanting to remain in the kingdom of darkness, even after seeing the light of the Son, but I believe it is a choice allowed by our Sovereign and Just God.

I'm not even talking about those who shrink back...

For instance, I have a cousin who believes in a heaven, and all 'good' people go there when they die.  She believes there is nothing for 'bad' people. 

I've shared the gospel with her on numerous occasions, but for now she doubts the bible is God's word, and says since it is written by 'men' it is unreliable.  So she holds on to a blind faith of heaven.....kind of like a new age belief....

By shrinking back, I mean those who hear the gospel and don't believe it's truth and repent. Since you've shared the gospel with her, yet she continues believing lies, then the question is, is she choosing to believe those lies instead of the truth?

In that way, I suppose she is shrinking back from the truth.  She has never believed or trusted in Jesus though... But she is very willing to say she believes in 'god'.  I asked her how can she believe in Someone she does not know?  She didn't know how to answer me.

The same is true for many professing Christians -- they know about God but don't have a relationship with God.

Yes... I agree. 

These professing Christians believe they are Christians because that's what they were raised into. 


Who is God speaking of in these verses from Jeremiah:

Jer 31:33-34
33 "This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel
after that time," declares the Lord.
"I will put my law in their minds
and write it on their hearts.
I will be their God,
and they will be my people.
34 No longer will a man teach his neighbor,
or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,'
because they will all know me,
from the least of them to the greatest,"
declares the Lord.
"For I will forgive their wickedness
and will remember their sins no more." NIV84

34 No longer will a man teach his neighbor,
or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,'
because they will all know me,
from the least of them to the greatest,"
declares the Lord.

Who are these that will ALL know Him? Is this talking about a future time say maybe the millennium? All these are forgiven of their wickedness and their sins are no longer remembered. This is a pretty fortunate group of people. They all know God and all their sins are forgiven. They are a very, very fortunate group. Perhaps they choose and then again perhaps they do not. 


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