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Yesterday i have slept with one of my guy friend. He is just my friend and we both don't have feelings for each other and we have done nothing except for sleeping and we were not just two but two girls counting me and two boys counting him. Me and my friend in between and the boys slept by both our sides. Is it bad?

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Just for assurance,i can tell you that there was no a bit of temptation. We are just friends and the boy have some other girl in his life and he too have no feeling for me except as a friend. Sex was far away. It was not even in our mind for sure. Especially not me. Thank you for making me clear. Bless you and your family. God is always with us. Love You God. Amen..

Hi Ananya,

I agree with Linda and thanks Linda for answering, couldn't quit figure out what to say :) 

Never forget who you are Ananya, a daughter of the only true God. You are worth the blood of Jesus Christ.

We all need to establish who we are and who we are in Him. We must always have greater faith in His ability to keep us pure, than in our ability to fail.

Be blessed!


I will surely never disappoint Him for this reason for sure. We were just in one bed and me and my friend git scared. So we ask the boys to sleep with us. And i guess we didn't even thought about sex or any of these things.
Our bodies are the temple of The Holy Spirit Of God. Once we believe it and accept it, we'll embrace it and do nothing to shame The Holy Name Of Jesus Christ.

Hi Ananya,

I've read the replies and your response, and I understand this is purely a friendship.

My caution to you is, 1 Peter 5:8

New American Standard Bible
Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

We read this and could easily think 'Not me'.  Pay attention to the word 'prowls'.  It means to move around quietly in a place trying not to be seen or heard, such as an animal does when hunting.  Our enemy satan, is hunting....and when he catches his prey, he will seek to 'devour' the prey.

Devour means to drink down, that is, gulp entire (literally or figuratively): - devour, drown, swallow (up).

Last night my husband and I were watching a documentary, and they were showing snakes who hunted their prey in packs.  I've never seen such a thing... I had no idea that snakes hunted that way.  They would hover underneath rocks and hide until the prey was completely vulnerable and out in the open.  Then, they would attack. They came from all different directions and overpowered the prey until it was completely devoured, the prey was literally swallowed up.   It was one of the creepiest things I have ever seen.

Be wise, and on the alert.  Do not put yourself in a position where you can be devoured.

Not only that, but be careful of your reputation.  You know it was innocent, but sometimes people will be unkind and spread rumors that are a lie.  It could destroy friendships, your reputation, your Christian testimony and so much more.

Hope this helps, Carla

I wanted a specific reply and i got one. Thank you so much. In that moment, not a single doubt came to my mind but after coming from his home, my mind kept on asking'was it bad? ' and that guilt was too much to handle. So i wrote it down here and when nobody replied, i felt so bad and helpless. Thank you so much for clearing my mind. Bless you and your family. You people are inspiration. God bless you and your family. Love God. I love You God. Amen.

I think the fact that you had to come and even ask the question shows the doubt in your own mind. I don't think it's a sin however, others may see it differently. Those on the outside may not see that you were innocently just sleeping. If they see guys walking out of your home in the morning, they aren't going to have the best thoughts concerning you. We should always be on guard when it comes to our testimony as children of God & the born again saved by Christ. 

Thank you so much for guiding me. Bless you and your family always. Love Jesus. I love You God. Amen..

You too hun.


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