Porn is one of the highest addictions out there. I think it would be safe to say that it towers over all other addictions put together. I think it's because it's a matter of the thinking & in the mind. The other addictions has to put actions behind those thoughts for example: you think of drinking then you have to physically buy the alcohol to drink it & put that thought into action. The question I want to raise here is more specific. Jesus said that to look with lust is to commit adultery in your heart (Matthew 5:27, 28). Does this mean that a porn addiction can be equated with infidelity? And if it can, do you feel that could be viewed as legitimate grounds for divorce (Matthew 5:32)?
YEssss...AMEN... Sin is SIN,, whether it be stealing or looking at another, lustfully, (like at all really,,its that 2nd look that need not be taken...) Or, Porn.. One leads to the other in most cases..
The HOLY SPIRIT will guide you all to TRUTH in CHRIST and the HOLY WORD of GOD...CALL on HIM for ANY and ALL situations or circumstance... We can NOT do this , turn from temptation on our own...ONLY Thur the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT LIVING in us!!!!
PRAYING for each f us ,,,Draw near to GOD and HE WILL draw near to You.. in JESUS MIGHTY PERFECT name....amen
But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.
For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God;
Porn is sexual immorality and we all know that sexual immorality can destroy a marriage. Is porn = to adultery? In many ways, if not in all its ways, it is. Adultery is having sexual relations with another woman/man other than your spouse. Porn is use to have sexual relationships with many different "other" woman/man in our mind. It engages our imagination in sinful acts.
Is there a difference between mental adultery against physical one, yes, of course, but as far as sin is concerned, they are both counted as the same sin. The extend of the sin differs, but it remains sin.
YES YES YES and Thank YOU JESUS ,,,and Bro D...
What is worse - being addicted to porn or being addicted to over-eating? When you get into the game of comparing one sin to another, you get into a dangerous area. I think we should all get over our own addictions before we begin to cast stones at those with this one. I know some people have been deeply hurt over this one. However, I think this falls into the category of getting rid of the plank in our own eyes before we try to deal with the speck in our brother's eye. One of the best persons I know has this addiction. I don't have this one but I have other addictions. The person I know is working diligently to be rid of his addiction. I think sometimes we think our addictions are less serious and don't work as diligently to be rid of them. Maybe your addiction is hurrying too much or allowing your time to be so consumed with other matters, you fail to leave time for God. Do you wait until the very last moment to get to an appointment and then speed to get there on time. I wonder how many of us have that addiction.
Most are avoiding the real question in this forum.
Ok, I do not want to become really technical for I know I will get into great trouble. However, please read the verse very carefully and I think some will agree with me. It is obvious that Jesus is speaking somewhat culturally here. I think that is all I should say on this subject.
Maybe this has already been said. I haven't read through this discussion. We can be certain that God hates sin, all sin, including divorce for whatever reason it happens. But the most amazing thing is that God forgives all sin when we belong to Him. What we can't do is justify our sin or make excuses for it. We must confess it and turn from it and to God asking for help and strength to live as God wants us to live.
Sooooo well and beautiifully put....GLORRRRRY to GOD!!! LORD YOU REIGN!!!
Brother, do you realize how much freedom this gave you. As long as we hide our sins in the dark, we are more likely to continue to walk in them. When brought in the light, it becomes easier to face the temptation & gain the victory. James 5:16 tells us Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. S0 just know, there is always a way out. If it means sitting in the house until you gain the strength needed to carry on, so be it. Our sins begin in our thoughts. It's how we react to it that makes the difference. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. Since porn is a fantasy of our imagination, the sin occurs right off the bat if pondered on. It isn't like other sins like stealing for instance. For stealing to be a sin, you would have to physically carry out the act but with porn, it starts in the thoughts. Another thing about confession is the accountability you allow others to have. So, now that you've confessed, you will feel more accountable to your fellow brothers & sisters & will think harder on the sin. I will be praying hard for you Chip. You got this brother. We've got the prayers going up & the Lord has got your back. Stay in the Word & on your knees. Just know that since you've confessed, Satan is going to come at you from all sides, no holds barred. Persevere brother persevere. Also, just remember, your sin is not any worse then anything else others do. The Word says sexual sins are sins against the body. It seems to carry a greater guilt but in the Lord's eyes, you're just as forgiven as the thief or the liar.
After reading these
Bottom line """"Whether porn or adultery it still remains the same, called SIN and in the eyes of our creator it is dirty and always filthiness separates us from our Holy God"""""
I was addicted for 10+ years. After my divorce, I justified it. I made a vow of no sex; I also should have made a vow of no porn.
Well, it's sin! It gives place to the devil. And I felt like I lost my salvation, and tasted hell. It was like an evil spirit personally attacked me. And the peace of God had left me.
So I did a complete 180. I made a choice, I will serve the Lord Jesus Christ, and the bible with my whole heart. I will love God too. And it was a battle, not over porn, but my peace just left. I went through a season of fear and mental torment. I sought God with all my heart. I could not find him, like there was a big wall between us. I knew it was my fault for opening that door.
The good news is, since I have been 'on fire' for the Lord for 3 1/2 years, I have been BLESSED in every way but one. (Share that later). Now the fear of falling away from God, has kept me on the straight and narrow.
God worked in every area of my life to clean it up, from the words I say, to forgiving others. Forgiveness, God brought to mind everything and anything that needed forgiveness. It IS liberating to forgive!.
Now I choose to “bless those who curse you”. And it works!
One girl wanted to sleep with me; I had a wave of lust come over me like never before. The sugary thought of doing things with her, whew! But I said no, I will not open that door. Satan lost, and God won!
Finances, even though I live check to check, I tithe and everything is in order!
The one thing I desire, and I do not have, is he peace of God. It’s like that evil spirit hangs in my thoughts. King David said "my sin is always before me".
So I have only one choice, to keep seeking God in my life. I would give everything to get the peace of God back.
In conclusion: This trial has made me the best Christian I have ever been. I look up to God and say "Lord, without this trial, I would still be battling porn".
Here are the steps I took. I called my pastor and told him about porn. It put me in touch with a church counselor. I willingly put an internet monitor on my computer. He could see any webpage, even pop ups.
And men’s prayer meeting, I spilled the beans. (About 15 men) and not one judged me, most (privately) told me they had battles too. They prayed for me.
And I made a vow, no porn.
John P.
I just found it a bit strange that thru this entire reply on sex & porn, you stick tithing in there. No questions. I just found it curious.
One reason the men's prayer group didn't judge you is probably 10% sitting there still watches it & 75% use to.
Yes, some of the men (none in leadership) shared their porn battles when the wife was gone.
Today, I still battle but have been 99.99% free of this. And the .01% that my eye sees is delt with quickly and the Lord let's me know not to open that door, even a crack. I feel free of it.
I am ashamed of what I used to watch years past, and thankful that I have not fallen back into it.
No need to be ashamed as much as you can glorify the Father for your victory brother. Also, a bit of insight, many leaders watch porn as well though they may not confess their sin one to another. That's their downfall is their accountability. They won't confess so they can continue to hide it which makes it grow until they've dug a ditch so deep, they can't climb out of it. Amen for your victory.
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