Porn is one of the highest addictions out there. I think it would be safe to say that it towers over all other addictions put together. I think it's because it's a matter of the thinking & in the mind. The other addictions has to put actions behind those thoughts for example: you think of drinking then you have to physically buy the alcohol to drink it & put that thought into action. The question I want to raise here is more specific. Jesus said that to look with lust is to commit adultery in your heart (Matthew 5:27, 28). Does this mean that a porn addiction can be equated with infidelity? And if it can, do you feel that could be viewed as legitimate grounds for divorce (Matthew 5:32)?
Thanks Gary. Indeed, the internet has brought a lot of homes under the curse of porn. It's a battle in the outer darkness but it's also a battle in our own minds as well. I'm sure the percentage of women running around has risen as well over the years that the internet has become so popular. It pops up when you accidentally type in a wrong letter on a search engine. I feel sex is Satan's biggest tool. He's not having to work too hard since the internet has started.
Men looking at other women WRONGLY is called a LUST of the Eyes. God "talks" about THREE sins, two of them are LUSTS and the other is PRIDE. Pride...God hates. 1 John 2:16
2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.
3 Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.
Amen Chip I like your comment as well as brother Gary your commments are powerful
Come to think of it. Hhhhmm.. considering that even unbelievers knows that this is an unacceptable act of a decent man/woman.. knowing that to do this is not good.. why should you? Specially for us believers of Jesus Christ, who claims to love God.
Let us not give the devil even a glimpse to manipulate our minds but let us allow God to capture our mind through His words. Amen.
Nice Grace. Amen. And you're right. Even those in the industry know there are nasty. The girls have to stay high to block out the acts while performing them. They attempt to make it more "acceptable" by even having Adult Movie "Grammy" Awards. They do the red carpet & everything. Who knows, next year they may be in People Magazine for the Do's & Don'ts on what to wear & what not to wear?
Whether porn or adultery it still remains the same, called SIN and in the eyes of our creator it is dirty and always filthyness separates us from our Holy God.
Can you define porn, please? Chip gave a story about the monk looking at a girl in a mini-skirt. Would a girl in a mini-skirt be porn? If so, where can we go to avoid it? Church? School? Work? Mall? Wow! Help! What is porn? If it is defined as looking at someone dressed seductively with the intention to cause a look, we are in trouble. I think we for sure have to move out of this country. It seems the Muslims have this one figured out.
So, Seeking, if I am married and my wife takes a second look at someone scantily clad, is that grounds for divorce? You probably have figured out my answer to the question. I do not believe that viewing porn is grounds for divorce. Basically, when God brings two together, they should not get a divorce. If we say that pornography is grounds for divorce, where will it stop. However, I also don't think that an affair is necessarily grounds for a divorce. We can forgive but should be very careful when we are justifying it.
Child molestation is not just sin, it is a crime punishable by prison. Please understand what I am saying. I am not saying a person cannot get a divorce or cannot be forgiven for a divorce. Of course they can. I think the question was does Scripture okay divorce on the grounds of pornography. I do not think that the Scripture does.
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