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I've always had a picture of what my husband would look like. but this guy am dating is everything but taller. some say if he does not match up i should quit cos it might haunt me eventually when its already late.

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Shorter, fatter, taller skinnier, black, white, yellow. non of these matter. what matters is that both of you have a belief in Jesus and enter into marriage with Christ as well as your soon to be new spouse.

Marriage is like a three legged stool. each leg is represented by you, your mate, and God. It will not stand with one leg missing.

thanks alot Gary. I guess av always known that the physical don really matter, I just needed reassurance. thanks again!

Hi Victoria,

I agree with Gary - also have a read of 1 Samuel 16:7 

You (both) want to have Gods blessing rather than rely on peoples (unbiblical) comments.

In Him,


thanks so much. I'll read dat right away.



God loves people with a sense of humor.

Hi Dillon,

funny you should say that ... from your post I thought it was cents not sense ....!!!!!!!! (*_*)

Hi Desmond,


when i get down to my last few cents, i really feel short.

Hi Dillon/Desmond,

now dats funny...

only if he has a trust fund and has been a christian for at least three years.
''only if he has a trust fund and has been a christian for at least three years.''

-thanks ,very funny! neded a giggle LOL

Thanks Chip. God has settled it. I dont remember how tall or short he is anymore!


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