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I made a post a while ago on if speaking in tongues is mandatory, and I received some pretty clear answers on that. In addition to that discussion, I would like to know if speaking in tongues is learned (through constant repeating of words in the unknown language) or is it automatic (by the laying on of hands)? I recently joined a church and went up to receive the 'baptisim of the Holy Spirit' with evidence of speaking in tongues. They took me and others to a private room, but when I said the prayer to receive it, and when the woman was praying in tongues for me to receive it nothing happened. I was very nervous and didn't know what to expect. I didn't end up speaking in tongues, but the woman said that it takes time, even if you want to speak in tongues. She told me to keep practicing and that I would get it, but I have no idea where to start. I always thought it was some 'fire' that comes on you or something (that may be something totally different..).I would love to start praying in tongues, but I'm just a little confused. Can anyone help me?

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1 Corinthians chapters 12,13,and 14
Very Helpful, Thank you!
As born again Christians we are promised the Holy Spirit. The gifts of the Spirit are Jesus's gifts to us. In my experience in the Holy Spirit is to ask to be filled with His Spirit. Receive His love and keep seeking filling of His love. Gift of tongues are a prayer language for you in strengthening you and for the church. Keep seeking Him and He will reveal Himself to you. He truly wants our hearts. Our minds want to try and figure it out but God wants us to worship Him and receive His love.
God bless you on your journey of discovering the Holy Spirit and all His gifts.
Love to you Sister in Christ.
Thank you for your encouraging words..God Bless!

Obviously, different churches teach different things about the gift of speaking of tongues. Some believe the gift does not exist or is no longer needed. Some believe that the gift exists and God gives it to some and not others. Some believe that the gift is for every person and that those who don't have it may not even be saved. I belong to the second group.

To me, the question comes down to this, "Is speaking in tongues a gift from God?"

If it is a gift, we should not have to manufacture or practice it to get it right. If it is a gift, you either have it or you don't. We can ask, and are told to "earnestly desire the greater gifts," like apostleship and prophecy (1 Corinthians 12:31), but we don't beg for gifts.

If it is from God, then it is not we who decide whether we get it or not. If God is the ruler and king, He decides for us. And that is what we find in Scripture: "All these [gifts] are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines. (1 Cor 12:11).

Scripture teaches us that we should not expect that everyone has the gift of speaking in tongues. The Apostle Paul asked the rhetorical question, "Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret?" (1 Cor 12:30). And the obvious answer is NO.

Be honest with yourself. Why do you want to speak in tongues? Is it because others expect you to? Will it in some some way prove that you are more acceptable to God? Do you need some kind of outward manifestation to prove to yourself that God is real? These are all the wrong reasons.

You may love to start speaking in tongues, but God may have gifted you in some other way. What if he has given you the gift of mercy instead? Are you open to that? Would your church support you in in that other gift or do they expect that you have to speak in tongues or else you are a "second class" Christian, or perhaps not even saved?

Don't let anyone put that guilt trip on you!

Right On Brother!! You said it all in a few words.

GOD Bless Us All,

Well, I want to speak in tongues because I thought it was greater then normal prayer. I watch christian television too, and they say the same thing. One preacher went as far as to say that praying in tongues saved His life. I don't really care what people think, I know that I am a daugter and joint heir in Christ, and I believe with all of my heart that God is real. I just want to know the truth. It also says in 1 Cor 14:5 that Paul would like for all of the church to speak in tongues, but would rather have them prophesy, as if they had a choice. To be honest, speaking in tongues is very strange to me, and if I DIDN'T have to I wouldn't mind one bit. I would just like to know for sure so I don't miss out on everything God has for me and wants me to accomplish. Thank you for your reply.
I was also raised in a pentecostal church, but they didn't bring up speaking in tongues too often. I don't remember them ever saying that it was a requirement (but then again I was in teen church for most of the time I was there and all we did was play games and watch christian movies).

Thank you for your comment! God Bless!
I think if you ask 10 different people, you will probably get 10 different answers. All I can tell you about is my own experience, and maybe it will be of help, and I do believe that each person receives things differently from God.

I was seeking the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the infilling of the gift of toungues, Many times, I would experience Gods spirit strong upon me, but, no tongues, then one day, as I was setting on my couch, just praising the Lord, I "heard" a three letter sylable in my head. Since it was not a word, nor was I familar with it, I spoke what I heard.

That may sound silly to some, but, that is exactly what I did, and I truly felt it was from God, because it didn't generate from within, because I had no clue what it meant, but, I incooperated it into my prayers, from then on, just speaking what I had heard, and I believe, if I remember right, that it was yah.

I continued to do this for a week or so, and one day, just all of a sudden, I was fluently speaking in tongues, it just began flowing from within, and it has never been a problem since.

One pastor called it talk tongues, and that hurt my feelings, but, it came from God, and I cherished it, even if he didn't.
Since then, the Holy Spirit has alllowed me to give a message in tongues, and then, he gave me the interputation.

I still think of what that pastor said, but, I am convinced what I have, is from God, so, just continue to seek him, and when the time is right, you will get what he has to give. Do not feel pressured by man, on any count, you serve the Living God, not man, even if he is in office.
Thank you for your reply. I heard a simliar story about how someone began to speak in tongues, and your right, I asked ten people and got ten different answers. I know that it isn't something that your mind can conceive and that it is a gift. I guess I just have to read the Bible more and just try to get more understanding from it. God Bless..
hello, my dear sis..
i do agree to all our brethren who replied in your question..

speaking in tongues is a gift from God.. yes we need to desire it.. but then if our purpose is because we want to have that gift just like other brethren has, that will be not the right attitude to have that gift....

Before i don't have this speaking in tongues gift... as we walk in God's righteousness.. we discover lots of gifts from our Lord, we just need to discovery it... and to be use for His glory alone!

but after i had prayer and fasting... ( which i know its God's will for me to do that fasting..)
one Sunday in our worship service.. during our praise and worship...
i can not control my voice.. then my mouth started saying something that i cant stop my mouth from opening and saying that words.. ( upon remembering the Words i said-- Ive learned its Ukrainian language!... )
though i don't understand the language I'm uttering -- i know what I'm telling to God that time: God bless your people in this church... especially the youth whom you called for your ministry!
speaking in tongues is a communication to God.. it is just between you and God!

when you have this kind of gift.. it is a great feeling that you can feel the Holy Presence of God..
in one church when there are some speaking in tongues.. there are also people who interpreting the words....
God is yesterday, today and forever.. the experience of God's disciples in Acts can be experience in our own time..
1 Cor. chapter 14
however, we have different gifts from God.. and we serve only one GOD...

God gives these gifts to us.. to glorify Him and not own selves....
and God knows the desire of our hearts..
Delight yourself in the LORD;
And He will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the LORD,
Trust also in Him, and He will do it. --Psalm 37:4-5

one more thing to share, sis..
as we are in a process... continuing to walk in God's righteousness...
a complete brokenness must also desire...
the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak..

Have a blessed day to you....
To God be the glory...

Thank you fpr your reply! Have a blessed day!


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