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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Brothers and sisters, this is an up-to-date firestorm controversy that I need your help on. Glenn Beck was recently joined by several Evangelical well-respected leaders in a sort of Evangelical rally at the Mall this last weekend. I am pasting a tape of his apparent testimony and I'm sure you have already seen much of the coverage of the rally. Evangelical leaders are greatly divided over the issue of whether or not to support him in his effort to get a Spiritual revival started in America. I am asking for your advice in this matter.

Remember, Glenn Beck is a declared Mormon. Take a look at the video if I can get it on. If not I will past the link and ask someone to put it on. Thanks and God bless you.


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Anyone may come but they must accept the Jesus of the Bible and not a false representative.

Is one saved as long as they choose one of any of the following Jesus’?


Jesus A: The eternal Son of God, God incarnate.

Jesus B: The created son who was a man that ascended to godhood.

Jesus C: Michael the archangel who became Jesus.

Jesus D: David Kiresh


Or, is there only one choice as the Bible teaches?


Jesus says, "I am the way, and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me." He does not say through us or false versions of Me.

Does one have any light at all if they are following the wrong Jesus or are they walking in darkness following a fake?


We make judgment calls every day. We can call it judgment or discernment, but in essence we are evaluating things every day and we should be doing this. The key to applying judgment regarding this specific topic is the Word of God and the Word alone is our standard. There are no extra biblical books that have a word to add to what the bible clearly states about God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We may examine what others think or even believed in the early church (and I do), but it always comes back to the Word. The Bible does not state that there is a mother in heaven who is married to the man who became god. The Bible does not state that Jesus was created in heaven and then indwelt a human body as the result of the physical father god having literal sex with Mary. The Bible does not state that Jesus was a man who became a god. These things are clearly not there, because they are not true. In fact the Bible refutes them and establishes God, the eternal God, who is without beginning or end.


Back to the concept of judgment. We make judgments based on the Word. That is different than judging the eternal destination, meaning proclaiming them lost forever. Matthew 7 can be understood as "do not condemn." We can examine what they believe and understand that they are still lost (to the exception of a few that God may be reaching through methods other than their gospel) based on their errant theology and doctrine, but we cannot judge (proclaim a verdict regarding their eternal condemnation) while there is still breath in the body. They may find Jesus, the living God, repent and be saved. Jesus is the judge of their eternal soul, but the Word is clear as to what that verdict is for all who do not come to the one true Jesus.


I would be doing them a dis-service to proclaim that what they believe is good enough. It is our responsibility to address false teaching, especially in the fundementals of the faith. I would be misleading new believers if I accepted their thorology as acceptable, leaving some to possibly follow them. One day I will stand before the eternal God and give an account of my actions or in actions.


I think it all comes down to if whether or not we have to accept the Gospel message to be saved - if we have to accept the Gospel presented to us in Holy Scripture. Many in the church today do not believe that is necessary - just believing that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead is enough. I personally believe that we will have to eventually accept the Gospel of Holy Scripture. Whether or not a Mormon can be saved is not for me to decide. The Book of Mormon was a book designed to lead many astray and produce money for its author. Initially, Joseph Smith preyed on the weak Christians. Did they lose their salvation by following after him? Were they really saved in the first place? Do the innocent people today that are deceived by this false religion receive judgment? I certainly cannot speak for all of them but I am very confident that those who are capable of research can easily spot the errors in Mormonism and then must decide if they will continue to follow it or walk away. Since many walk away, I am thinking they all are required to do so. If Beck is a true believer, with his research skills, I think it is required that he walk away. Otherwise, I for one will just think he has joined another false religion. I am not qualified to judge all the Mormons. I do think some are perpetrating deception and are of their father the devil. In my opinion, true believers will have to leave that camp and follow the Jesus of the Bible. The true Gospel divides. It divides mother and child. It divides brothers and sisters. It divides. It does not reconcile us all to one big happy family. It divides friends. This is what Jesus said:

Matt 10:34-39

34 "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn

"'a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
36 a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.' 

37 "Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38 and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. NIV

When we choose to follow Him, we are separating ourselves from many, many people. The true believer will not be willing to compromise the Gospel. There might be a few discrepancies within the camp on interpretation but there will be no discrepancies on Who that Person is that we are following. He is clearly spelled out for us to be the eternal God. I personally believe that is the only Jesus that can save you from your sins.

I agree that it can become too complicated and I know that is not the Lord's purpose. There are those who purposely misaligned the Word of God and those who just don't have everything straight. I definitely do not believe you have to have all your doctrine perfect to be saved. Yes, I would also be in trouble if that were the case. However, to be given the truth and then denying it I think would be the area where we part company with God. Truth sets us free.


Being saved and secure in our faith is not about getting all the doctrines right, as you know. It is possible to have all the right answers to all the bible teachings. It would take an excellent relationship with God, a constant and steady abiding in Him, plus a life time of studying the word and many  if not all the possible interpretations of biblical truths, but above all, the Spirit of God enlightening our minds. I certainly do not have all the doctrines down yet. I continue to seek the Lord's face about some issues, but I am not where I was, which can also be said of you.


1 Corinthians 15:3-4 (New International Version)

 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,


The plain and simple teaching of 1 Cor. 15:3-4 is excellent to share with unbelievers, so they can be presented the Gospel and it's also a beautiful reminder to the believer of how great God's love is for us. We are born again already and we need to drink the pure milk of the word, which will mature us enough to go on to the meat of the word, as you do beloved. 


The person and work of Christ is important--who He is and what He did for us, so we preach it and so we never take this great salvation for granted, but we are to build on our sure foundation. You are right at saying that sin is one of our main problems, I will add to that that not really knowing who God is on top of the list of our biggest problems.  Doctrine helps us know who He is and in turn the knowledge of the Holy renews our mind and makes every other part of our Christian experience fall into place.


>>False teachers have corrupted the Truth. Who will be held accountable? The teachers or those who have been deceived?

Both parties will be held accountable in different degrees. We are without an excuse. God has blessed us so much, especially in the time that we are living in. A time in which we have so many bible versions  that people want to argue which version is the best. In the past and even now in some places, having a bible is a luxury or something you can be killed for possessing. God has given us teachers, but reminds us that He is "The Teacher," told us that we are to question and align everything against scripture. He has warned us that there will be an onslaught of false teachers. The New Testament epistles all have an apologetic design to them. They were refuting false teachings.

>>What if you have been wrong about some things? Will there be forgiveness for you?


I think you are asking this more for the benefit of other than for yourself, because you know the answer to that. God is faithful and just to forgive us when we repent.


Blessings sis  


Are you talking about David's short response to Vero. If so, I don't see the connection. I have agreed with you that we cannot know absolutely who is saved and who is not. I have said that I believe that if Beck is a Christian then he will eventually have to walk away from the LDS church. The Bible presents Jesus as the eternal God. It is difficult for me to believe that Beck is not able to read that for himself. I do believe that a true follower of Christ would want to know Who He is. LT has given a great presentation of the Jesus of the LDS church. It just doesn't match up with the Bible.

I cannot make that statement.

Key Person:     Joseph Smith Jr. (1805-1844), founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1830 in New York. Headquarters in Salt Lake City.


Key Writings:  The Book of Mormon; Doctrine and Covenants; Pearl of Great Price; the Bible (KJV only or Smith’s “Inspired Version”); authoritative teachings of Mormon prophets and other LDS “general authorities.”


Who is God?:  God the Father was once a man, but became God. He has a physical body, as does his wife (Heavenly Mother). There is no Trinity. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost are three separate gods. Worthy men may one day become gods themselves.


Who is Jesus?: Jesus is a separate god from the Father (Elohim). He was created as a spirit child by the Father and Mother in Heaven, and is the “elder brother” of all men and spirit beings. His body was created through sexual union between Elohim and Mary. Jesus was married. His death on the cross does not provide full atonement for all sin, but does provide everyone with resurrection.


Who is the Holy Spirit:           “Holy Ghost” is a god separate from the Father and the Son. “Holy spirit” is a fluid-like substance by which the Father exercises his influence.


How to Be Saved:      Resurrected by grace, but saved (exalted to godhood) by works, including faithfulness to church leaders, Mormon baptism, tithing, ordination, marriage, and secret temple rituals. No eternal life without Mormon membership.


What Happens After Death?  Eventually nearly everyone goes to one of the three separate heavenly “kingdoms,” with some achieving godhood. Apostates and murderers go to “outer darkness.”


Other Beliefs and Practices:   No alcohol, tobacco, coffee, or tea. Baptism on behalf of the dead. Two year missionary commitment encouraged. Door-to-door proselytizing,. Secret temple rituals available only to members in good standing. Extensive social network.

Another thought:

If you had a friend in another town that was looking for a church and asked for your input, would you include the LDS church in your list of possibile choices for your friend?

Excellent question. The LDS church is definitely one I would not recommend. How can I? Regardless of their very aggressive advertising campaigns to make us all believe that they fall under the Christian umbrella, they don't. When one examines their beliefs, we find a very different God and Jesus they worship. The same thing can be said of the Jehovah Witnesses.


I truly believe both of those cults were started by Satan himself.

I have neighbors who are the early 80's when we were new to the neighborhood, they attempted to proselytize us. We found that they use many similar words as main Christian faiths but the words have totally different meanings to them.  The word 'salvation' for instance has a different meaning.  I hope too that Glenn Beck will learn the truth about the Mormon faith....but he is pretty entrenched in it along with his friend and mentor...Pat.  Mormonism is very different than Christian faiths that believe in the trinity. Unfortunately, most people don't know the differences.  Read up on the book Kingdom of Cults.  

But, I too hope that Glenn Beck is saved....and will see the light in time.


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