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Brothers and sisters, this is an up-to-date firestorm controversy that I need your help on. Glenn Beck was recently joined by several Evangelical well-respected leaders in a sort of Evangelical rally at the Mall this last weekend. I am pasting a tape of his apparent testimony and I'm sure you have already seen much of the coverage of the rally. Evangelical leaders are greatly divided over the issue of whether or not to support him in his effort to get a Spiritual revival started in America. I am asking for your advice in this matter.

Remember, Glenn Beck is a declared Mormon. Take a look at the video if I can get it on. If not I will past the link and ask someone to put it on. Thanks and God bless you.


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Up and down,around and round ,back and forth ,it dont matter much how you go about things as long as you can gain some ground ,even an inch ,if we are moving foreward it is a great thing ,and I can see everyone gaining something here ,Amen to all you people,and to our Father who is helping to guide us , its muchly appreciated by this labourer who still struggles so much......Blessings ....Andrew.
I want to share something that I heard in the video that David posted(interview FNS). They were talking about the fact that since Glen confessed Jesus that he weeps alot. Now i also heard that he has a degenerative eye disease. However.......I have a son-in-law who is born again. He is a weeper. Whenever he is speaking or singing, he begins to weep and he continues through the time he is speaking or weeping. I watched him do this for 20 years. He gets up to sing for the congregation and the congregation helps him finish the song because he can't seem to finish it. I think this is a sign of the Holy Spirit being on him, and I am wondering if that isn't the same with Glen Beck. People do different things when the Spirit of God is working. Some pace rapidly back and forth, some speak in tongues. Could it be that the weeping from Glen is God showing us that he is a Christian as he claims to be, a sign we might be ignoring?

Just curious about this...

I noticed that as well. I surely do hope so.

Hi Rita,

This is an interesting point. I too have this during my worship time with God. I begin to weep, particularly when I am singing, although, sometimes it has happened apparently out of nowhere, for no particular reason when I am in the presense of God.. It has even happened to me when I have not been worshipping Him, but it immediately brings me to a point of worship in that instant.
Also sometimes it happens during prayer.. I just end up weeping.
When this happens I know the strong security of God's Love over me. It's not a 'feeling' but it is a 'knowing'.

Before I became a believer, I was quite 'hard'.. I didn't cry at anything.. God has sure softened me.. It's a good thing. ;-)
Again.. interesting point.. Blessings sweet sis, Carla
I thought about these verses while reading this thead this morning.

7 not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.
10 For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.
The Holy Bible : English Standard Version. Wheaton : Standard Bible Society, 2001, S. Ga 1:7-10

In Glen Beck's videos, I haven't heard him preach. I have heard him testify. Glen Beck doesn't, by what he says, have a long history with the Mormon Church. They (his family) started to attend because of his daughter's feeling of warmth when she attended. Or at least that is what he said. My question is this....if Glen Beck had not mentioned the church he attends, would all this conflict occur?

Glen Beck is a public figure, and as a public figure, his every move is open to scrutiny. But what the public can't see is his heart. How do we know that he doesn't worship the same Jesus? By his choice of churches? I don't think so.

I am a Christian. I have the Holy Spirit the same as all other Christians. What i heard Glen Beck testify on Roy's video was truth for me. For those of you who didn't hear that truth, or that are letting something cloud what he said.....I'm sorry. Glen Beck is trying to bring this country back to God. That is as it should be as we have wandered far from the path. He is sincere, he speaks his mind, and i don't believe his agenda is to preach the Mormon way but to encourage us to get back on the right path and condemning those things that are pulling us away from that path we should be on.

My opinion of what is being said against him is because he isn't of a popular denomination. God, over time, will correct Glen if he has it wrong. We don't need to, but...we do need to give him credit for what he is trying to do, and that is to unite this country and point them to the one TRUE God.

"He that is not against us is for us."


The problem is that the LDS do not teach the one true God of Scripture, but another God. Beck is following and is being influenced by an organization that teaches that God the Father was a man that ascended to godship. That Jesus did not pre-exist, but came about when their father god came to earth and had sexual union (physical union with Mary). They teach that Jesus and Satan are brothers. They teach salvation by works and that you can become a god too. These are just a few samples of what they teach regarding core issues.

It is not the same God nor the same Jesus that you believe in today.

It is important to understand who the LDS are, where they have come from and what they teach. They changed all of their terminology a number of years ago to sound Christian, but their definition or meaning of the various terms are far different than Christians.

The question for me is this: Is Glenn Beck a Christian? I don't know. What I do know is that he sits under the teaching of the LDS and thus is being influenced by it. Therefore, should we Christians in the name of Jesus be following a man that follows the teachings of Joseph Smith?

Now lets separate the issue. Politically I might align with him, but cannot align with him spiritually in his current condition.

Lord Bless,

I appreciate your heart. You are one that looks for the good. That is very refreshing. In the end Jesus will make all the decisions on this one and on us as well. I do have the feeling that he might believe in the same Jesus that we do but what does he do with that? If that were true, that would be devastating to his Mormon friends and wife. What if he is praying a prayer like this: "O Jesus, please show me who You really are"? He decides the Bible is the more important work. (I think he will.) He comes to a similar conclusion that we have such as John 1:1-2. What would he do with that? That would be a very rough time for him.

I am going to keep praying for him. I am praying that God is doing something wonderful in our nation. We so need God's help. We have strayed so far from Him. I think he is going to get some good done in our country.

It is time for us to fast and pray for God to move. We can't allow this one to get away from us. We are seeing something happen. I'm not absolutely sure what it is but something is happening.

O, God, move by Your Spirit and Power to cleanse our land. In the Name of our Savior God, Jesus Christ. Amen.

not only is he a mormon he obviously is mixing it with new age lingo. in his new book on page 220 he states...there is only your truth. and on page 165 he says people are inherently good. heres the big one though, page 79.... you have a polestar inside you. it is connected with all the energy in the universe. when you begin to follow that star and align yourself with immeasureable inexplicable forces that will actually help you manifest your best intentions. so i dont get the question of your discussion is he christian? how is a mormon christian. they have many gods, they believe you can become little gods and achieve this. seeing some of the others comments on here shocked me as well saying, yes hes a christian knowing full well he into mormonism. not saying no one should watch him or anything. just kinda shocked by some replys here
I agree.
What was it that Beck said that has you saying this?


Doctrine is important. Saying that doctrine is not important is approaching universalism. No, the disciples did not completely understand their Lord but they certainly believed in the right One. Has your Lord already returned to earth once? Has he evolved from a lower form into what He is today? Or, has He always been God. Their is a huge difference between partial and limited atonement. They are not even in the same ballpark. One is a works based salvation while the other is a faith based one.

I wouldn't be too concerned about wondering why some believe in Him while others don't. I doubt if we will ever figure that one out but it is very nice to know that you do believe. There are some things we just need to trust God in. There is no way to get around the fact that He chooses. What we don't know is what He bases that upon. We do know it is not works or favoritism. He has a system but we certainly don't know what it is. He tells us that His way is not our way. I am convinced that if He left it up to us, we would certainly mess it up. I think it is a necessity that He does it for us. I trust His system. I believe it is fair and will be easily understood in the future. I don't think we should spend a lot of time worrying about it here. I do think it is important for us to understand that He has chosen us to believe in Him. Don't worry about the rest. He has that all taken care of. We do not need to completely understand. Where would the trust be in that?

I don't believe any of us have it all figured out. However, the Word is very clear on Who Jesus is. I do believe we need to come into compliance with the Gospel on the person of Christ. That is my opinion. When His sheep hear His voice they follow Him. They may not understand all about Him but they do know Who He is. They know He is Lord.

After saying that, I can say that I don't know if Beck is one of His or not. I do think that if he is, he will have to come into compliance with the Gospel.


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