I think you have a good attitude towards the Mormons. If Beck is saved, I believe he will have to see the light. I don't believe you can believe what the Mormon church teaches and be saved. Thank you for your input.
Do you believe the Mormons have some responsibility to compare Scripture with what they believe? Scripture tells us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. We are instructed to come into obedience to God through Scripture. There are many cults and many religions represented in our country of America alone. When Jesus spoke of the broad way that leads to destruction He was undoubtedly referring to the many religions created by Satan. However, the road that leads to life is narrow and only a few find it. Trix, are you on the right road?
I believe we have a responsibility to search the Scriptures to find if we are on the right road. The most important reason we have to teach our children to read is to teach them to read Scripture for by them they will find life. Satan will do his very best to distort what the Scripture says. That is exactly what he has done with the Mormons. He has completely distorted what they believe and removed them from the true road that leads to salvation. You are correct that only God can judge. However, I do not think you can remove all responsibility from Mormons to search the Scripture and if they did they would find how distorted what they believe is.
Good family values, teachings and practices will not get you to heaven. Being good will not get you to heaven since there are none that are good, "no not one." There is no other way other than through faith in Jesus Christ. Those who add to this by believing you must belong to a certain group, cult or religion are in big trouble. It is not necessary to follow me but you must follow Him. There is no other way. Thinking you are following Him is not good enough. You had better be sure.
I agree that their good family values etc. won't get them into heaven, just like my sister's Buddhist practices won't either. I still love both my neighbors and my sister. The way is narrow. God only knows their hearts...
I agree that Satan is great deceiver and the father of lies. The leaders of the Mormon church will have the greater responsibility for leading their flocks astray.
I am confident I know the way, truth, and the life...and that salvation is through the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
I am not the greatest writer or communicator....let alone witness.
Blessings to you...
Hi Sister Trix,
I think YOU ARE one of the greatest writers, and communicators, and witnesses that I've seen lately.................
And that's because you summed up your post very succinctly when you said =
Grace and Peace.
Another wise post, Richard. Thank you. And thank you, Trix, for showing an example of you love for others.
I watched the clip of Glenn Beck making his confession in front of a huge TV audience. In fact, I watched it several times. His confession was true and not unlike confessions of other Christians. He was attending the Mormon Church during that period of time.
I was in the wrong church for a number of years until I finally got it into my head I was in the wrong place, listening to the wrong kind of teaching. During those years I didn't love Christ any less. In fact, I probably grew in my love for Him as I studied.
Glenn Beck is no different than I am. He confessed Christ. That is a requirement for a person to accept Christ. We don't have the right to judge his confession. God will do that.
I believe the position of those who are not ready to say that Beck is a Christian are saying that if he is, eventually he will have to come out of this cultic religion. Just as I am not able to judge another man's faith, neither is anyone else. You appear to have the same position. I can understand that some may not come out due to certain circumstances of lack of knowledge, information, etc. However, I believe Beck has enough intelligence and opportunity to find the Truth if he really wants to. A study of Scripture, including the King James Bible that the Mormons have, will indicate the true Christ. The Jesus that the Mormons perpetrate does not exist. We are taught that words alone do not save us. James clearly teaches us that true faith will bring forth action. If Beck has true faith, he will begin to seek the Truth in Scripture. He is well aware of those who do say that the Mormon Jesus is not the true Jesus.
Recently, we had a pastor from Texas refer to Mormonism as a cult in reference to Romney. The batch of weak candidates we have all rose up to say that he was wrong. Even Joel Osteen refuted the words of this Texas pastor indicating that he believed Mormons were Christians. That may be your position as well but I don't think so. Words alone can deceive. That is why Jesus requires fruit (action).
Also, a certain position does not indicate a lack of love. Sometimes a solid position shows more love than a wishy washy one.
One thing we can all agree on is that we cannot judge a man's faith. I think we will be surprised when we get to heaven as to who is there and who is not. We are commanded to search the Scripture to be made wise unto salvation. Jesus warned the Pharisees that they thought they knew Scripture and that by them they had life. However, they did not receive the Messiah of the Old Testament and therefore they were bound for hell to be with their father, the devil. We MUST search Scripture to make sure that we are worshiping God as required in the Bible. If we truly want to follow Christ, I am convinced that He will lead us as you have testified that He did you.
Faith in Christ will now become more confusing than ever due to this presidential campaign. This last campaign gave us a President that indicated that there are many paths that lead to God. Now, it is very possible that our next nation's leader might actually be a Mormon. I imagine that many have over the last several years have accepted the more politically correct position that other religions can help you to God. Now, it appears that the Christian's more politically correct position is broadening to welcome into their fold the Mormon church. I think Beck has had a major part to play with this more politically correct position. You will have to judge whether you accept this more politically correct position. If so, the teachings of Scripture become less and less important while the position of the state begins to monopolize our thinking.
I am sixty-four but still daily searching Scripture to be made wise unto salvation. I am working out my salvation with fear and trembling. I am not taking anything for granted as there is absolutely nothing in this world more important than our faith.
I never said that I thought Mormons are Christian. What I said was I believe Glenn Beck is a born again believer. Unless you are privy to Glenn Beck's every thought and action, you don't know if he has fruit or not.
I believe the Word and only the Word of God.
I also stand on John 3:16.
There are many people who never get past John 3:16. If the follow God's Word they still have eternal salvation.
Unfortunately, there are many *Christians* that would rather stand on the teachings of a person rather than God. The Mormon Church isn't the only one that does that. I see many out of Bible believing churches that do that. If every one of those were put in with the group with the Mormons, Christianity would sink.
Believe God not someone who is human that speak against His teachings. I stand on the Word of God.
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