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Tom DeLay says there is a "war on Christianity" in America

Evangelical Christians met up for a Washington event called War on Christians and the Values Voters of 2006 this week. Speakers gave impassioned testimonies about Christian persecution across the country.

At the event, Tom DeLay had this to say,

"We are, after all, a society that abides abortion on demand, has killed millions of innocent children, degrades the institution of marriage and often treats Christianity like some second-rate superstition. Seen from this perspective of course there is a war on Christianity."

TONY PERKINS, PRESIDENT, FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL: It's not just me, Chris. A poll by the anti-defamation league end of last year, 64 percent of Americans say religion in America is under attack. Eighty percent of evangelicals agree that religion in this country, in particular, Christianity, is under attack.

MATTHEWS: What are the specifics of that charge?

PERKINS: Well, clearly, it's not a war on Christianity like we talked about last week with Abdul Rahman and what he was under, but it's a hostility nonetheless. I mean, just last week in San Francisco, 25,000 young evangelicals gathered there for a rally, and the board of supervisors passed a resolution.

It's first time I've ever seen a legislature pass a resolution condemning them as a right-wing Christian fundamentalist group that spreads hate. That was the official language. I mean, you see that. You see Indiana were the legislature there no longer allowed to open their sessions in prayer, if they pray in the name of Jesus.

I mean, you ask any parent if America today, they're concerned. Their kids cannot pray in school, graduations, football games, no prayer, even the pledge.

MATTHEWS: But those are court decisions, aren't they?

PERKINS: They are court decisions, but nonetheless it is a branch of government and most of the time spurred on by the ACLU, that many times is funded with taxpayer dollars.

MATTHEWS: Reverend Sharpton, do you think that Christianity and religion as such are under attack by our secular institutions?

REV. AL SHARPTON, NATIONAL ACTION NETWORK: I think there's a difference when you say that polls say religion is under attack and saying Christianity is under attack and then acting as if Christianity and the right-wing are synonymous. I think that the right wing has got Christianity under attack or Christianity that was the basis of the Civil Rights Movement and the anti-war movement.

It's certainly not the Christianity that they are talking about. So I think that we've got to really narrow in what we're talking about, and to say that someone stops a prayer that makes others that may pray a different way feel like they're being imposed upon and then to act like the symbol of Christianity is Tom DeLay is a great leap. And I think that is where many of us that are Christian are offended by this group trying to misuse these kinds of situations.

MATTHEWS: Do you believe, Tony, that you feel under attack? Or is this a clever marketing tool?


MATTHEWS: You know, if you say circle the wagons to anybody, that's a great way to get them rallied, that's a way to get them juiced up, and they may vote more frequently. They may get out there and vote, where if they don't feel under attack they're not going to vote. It's human nature.

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The Lie: Evolution
Genesis 1:1 & Romans 1:17-25
As Contributed By Rev. James Moses
These are from a series on Creation vs. Evolution. The info came from Ken Ham (Back to Genesis) and Arlo E. Moehlenpah, D.Sc.(He taught at CLC Stockton, CA.)

Christianity is Under Attack

Years ago, our society was based on Christian absolutes. People knew what was right and what was wrong. Behaviors such as sexual deviancy, easy divorce, public lawlessness, abortion on demand, pornography, and public nudity were considered to be wrong. Varying punishments for offenders were meted out by society. Value judgments were basically built on biblical principles (for example, the Ten Commandments). Most people accepted or respected a belief in God.

Recently more and more people have rejected the God of the Bible. As belief in God has been abandoned, people have questioned the basis of the society in which they live. For instance, if there is no God, then why should they obey the Ten Commandments? Why should anyone say that homosexuality is wrong? Why should women be barred from having abortions whenever they desire? Once people eliminated God from their consciences, they set about to change any laws based on Christian absolutes that held god as Creator (and thus owner) of everything.

Christian absolutes have been diluted or removed as the basis of society and replaced with a world view that says, "We do not have to accept that the Christian way of doing things (basing our world and life view on biblical principles) is the only way; we must tolerate all religious beliefs and ways of life." However, this "tolerance" really means an intolerance of the absolutes of Christianity. This false idea of tolerance has subtly undermined Christianity, and most Christians have not recognized what was really happening. Many Christians have been deceived into believing they have no right to impose their views on society. We are told, for instance, that anti-abortionists have no business impressing their particular bias on society. Have you ever heard anyone say this about the pro-abortion groups? The result is one bias being imposed on society by the pro-abortionists - legalized abortion on demand! No matter what you do, you cannot avoid the fact that a view is being imposed on someone by someone. There is no such thing as neutrality, although many Christians become ensnared in the trap of believing there is.

The idea of open-mindedness comes from the notion that there is no such thing as absolute truth, or that truth cannot be absolutely known. Some say, "There are no absolutes." Ironically, this premise has become their one absolute. Such ideas are derived from an anti-biblical philosophy, which holds that everything is relative.

Christian absolutes - those truths and standards of Scripture, which cannot be altered - are becoming less and less tolerated in society. Eventually this will result in the outlawing of Christianity. When Christian absolutes were the basis of society, immoral activities such as homosexual or lesbian lifestyles and pornography were outlawed. There has been a fundamental shift. Our society is now based on a relative morality: that is, a person can do what he likes and is answerable to no one but himself as long as the majority of people can be persuaded that their interests are not being threatened. This results in society's being told that no one can say anything against those who choose to be sexual deviants, go naked publicly, or do whatever they want (within the limits of the law, which is also changing to become more "tolerant" of people's actions).

Most people have the wrong idea about what the creation/evolution question involves. Instead of perceiving the real issue, they have been deceived into believing that evolution is science. It is not a science at all. It is a belief system about the past. We do not have access to the past. We only have the present. All the fossils, all the living animals and plants, our planet, the universe - everything exists in the present. We cannot directly test the past using the scientific method (which involves repeating things and watching them happen) since all evidence that we have is in the present.

It is important to understand that special creation, by definition, is also a belief about the past. The difference is that creationists base their understanding of creation upon a book which claims to be the Word of the One who was there, who knows everything there is to know about everything, and who tells us what happened. Evolution comes from the words of men who were not there and who do not claim to be omniscient. This whole issue revolves around whether we believe the words of God who was there, or the words of fallible humans (no matter how qualified) who were not there.

Atheists, agnostics and revelations (and theists) hold to religious positions; and what they do with the evidence will again be determined by the assumptions (beliefs) of their religious positions. It is not a matter of whether one is biased or not. It is really a question of which bias is the best bias with which to be biased.

The reader needs to be aware that, when we discuss creation/evolution, in both instances we are talking about beliefs, that is, religion. The controversy is not religion versus science, as the evolutionists try to make out. It is religion versus religion, the science of one religion versus the science of the other.

Evolution is a religious position that makes human opinion supreme. As we shall see, its fruits (because of rejection of the Creator and Lawgiver) are lawlessness, immorality, impurity, abortion, racism, and a mocking of God. Creation is a religious position based on the Word of God, and its fruits (through God's Spirit) are love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The creation/evolution issue (is God Creator?) is the crux of the problems in our society today. It is the fundamental issue with which Christians must come to grips. The creation/evolution issue is where the battle really rages.

The Root of the Problem

Why do evolutionists not want to admit that evolution is really a religion? It is related to the fact that whatever you believe about your origins does affect your whole world-view, the meaning of life, etc. If there is no God and we are the result of chance random processes, it means there is no absolute authority. And if there is no one who sets the rules, then everyone can do whatever he likes or hopes he can get away with. Evolution is a religion, which enables people to justify writing their own rules.

The real battle is aligned with the fact that these people do not want to accept Christianity because they will not accept that there is a God to whom they are answerable. Perhaps this is why one evolutionist lecturer said: "You will never convince me that evolution is religion." In other words, no matter what we were able to show him concerning the nature of evolution, he refused to accept that it was a religion. He did not want to accept that he had a faith because then he would have to admit it was a blind faith. And he would not be able to say that it was the right faith.

The public has genuinely been misled into thinking that evolution is only scientific and belief in God is only religious. Evolution is causing many people to stumble and not listen when Christians share with them the truth of the God of creation. You will notice in humanist opposition (through debates, the media, books, etc.) to the creation ministries that they very rarely identify any evidence for evolution. The main reason is, of course, that there is none.

Genesis Does Matter- It Gives Us A Foundation

Let us look in detail at some important Christian doctrines, to show why this emphasis on a literal Genesis must be accepted.

Suppose that we are being questioned concerning the doctrines Christians believe. Think carefully how you would answer in detail:

Why do we believe in marriage?
Why do we promote the wearing of clothes?
Why are there rules - right and wrong?
Why are we sinners - what does that mean?
Why is there death and suffering in the world?

We will consider each one carefully, as it is important to have reasons for what we believe. In fact, God expects His children to be ready to give answers - to give reasons for what they believe. In 1 Peter 3:15 we read, "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear."

Christianity, as distinct from atheism, is not a "blind" faith, but an objective one…our object is Jesus Christ.
He does reveal himself to those who come by faith believing that He is. John 14:21 says, "And I will love him, and will manifest myself to him." Hebrews 11:6 "For he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."

If reasons for the validity of the Christian's faith are not forthcoming, His witness is weakened and open to ridicule. Christians must be prepared to make an intelligent defense of the gospel by arming themselves with knowledge and an understanding of the form unbelief takes in these days. Many Christians do not know how to communicate the fact that God's Word and God's laws are true. The net result is generations of wishy-washy Christians who believe in many things, but are not sure why. Personal witnessing can lose its impact if the Christian fails to share intelligent reasons for his faith. This must be avoided, lest ridicule and dishonor come to the name of Christ.

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I am in complete agreement with you in every area I can remember reading. My mind is a little mushy from being ill and away from the LORD for a while, but, as I read your insert, I began to get a surge of urgency in me, which comes around often. We Christians are not "A BIG ENOUGH VOICE," and what is there to be afraid of, because "if GOD is with me, who can be against me!" I had a strong voice and I pray to My LORD JESUS it is coming back and that this set-back (illness for 6 years) caused me to be cut down to a stump, leaving remnants of the Ten Solid Years that I "Walked in the LIGHT because HE was in the LIGHT," I walked in the SPIRIT of GOD, hand in hand, knowing HIS PRESENCE AT ALL TIMES, Knowing things before they happened...and so much more, more than I can even remember; a time of GODLY BLISS AND BLESSING EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY! but, the remnants are growing (and not fast enough for me), Patience I have learned only through extreme perserverence. There was nothing else I could do about anything, but be ill! I proudly thought that I could go through it 'Glorifying JESUS,' but I failed that test. I have complained from the beginning and to this day. I'm trying to turn all of this over to GOD and accept life on HIS terms, and I struggle everyday, always, but, GOD is with me and I do know "I can do all things through Christ who strenthens me," but, thanks for your words of the strength and power we have in CHRIST to take a stand, speak out for our JESUS, OUR SAVIOR!!! Paul sang while he was in prison, "singing praises to the LORD" and all the chains broke, the doors opened and the guard and his family ended up getting saved by such a powerful experience. We can't expect power and miracles to rise above all humanity, for everyone to see, if we don't get out there and tell everyone we see and talk to about JESUS DYING ON THE CROSS FOR OUR SINS, and HE IS COMING BACK TO TAKE HIS PEOPLE...AND THE ONE'S WHO DON'T GO WILL HAVE A CHANCE TO CHOOSE JESUS DURING THE TRIBULATION TIME AND WILL GO THROUGH HELL ON EARTH JUST TO MENTION HIS NAME; THEIR LIFE WILL BE MISERABLE WHILE THEY LIVE UNTIL THE LORD FINALLY TAKES THEM INTO HIS KINGDOM, BUT, THE REST WHO CHOOSE AGAINST JESUS WILL BURN IN HELL FOREVER, HEARING OUR VOICES TELLING THEM ABOUT JESUS OVER AND OVER AND REMEMBERING THE MANY CHANCES THEY HAD TO CHOOSE HIM AND DIDN'T. AND THEY WILL ALL BOW DOWN TO OUR SAVIOR, GOD ALMIGHTY, AND PRAISE HIM AND GRACIOUSLY ACCEPT HIS RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT...ETERNITY IN HELL...TO KNOW YOU DESERVE THAT AND TO NEVER HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE TO CHANGE SCARES ME FOR ANYONE WHO WILL NOT RECIEVE HIM...I BELIEVE HELL AND THE CONSEQUENCES OF NOT KNOWING JESUS NEED TO BE BROUGHT BACK INTO THE CHURCHES. WE ALL LEARN HOW TO BE GOOD CHRISTIANS, BUT, VERY SELDOM DO WE HEAR ABOUT HELL AND DAMNATION.



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