Some Christians seem to struggle very much in the Christian life, and are at almost constant war with their flesh, often falling into sin (I'm talking here of sins like selfishness, anger, impatience etc).
Other Christians seem to be living in such glorious victory. They don't seem to give in to selfishness, impatience, anger etc.
When I look around, there seem to be two tiers in Christianity: Those who seem to have it easy must have either graduated into a higher tier of Christianity, or perhaps they're pretty self-controlled by nature or upbringing and so there's less work to be done.
Then there's those who have so little victory, though they want it.
My personal experience as a believer has been one of almost constant struggle. I feel my sin nature so keenly, and am most often in great temptation to live according to my flesh, often succumbing to the old habits of sin that come so easily to me.
I know the answer to our struggles in the Christian life is: FAITH. Maybe those who I imagine in the "upper tier" are simply those who have stronger faith.
If simple faith is the answer to those in the thick of the battle with their flesh, what does it looks like to apply simple faith to the daily failures and so little daily victory over sin?
Thanks in advance,
It helps to see these all laid out here, thanks.
Many of those verses have bothered me. Especially when I find myself angry over something, or emotional, irritable, etc. But I just ran across a little illustration from someone that is so on target.....,
When I joined the Army at the recruiting station in Raleigh, NC. I made a choice to join the regular Army. I was not drafted nor force to join. I wanted to become a soldier. I raised my hand with a group of other young men and swore an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States, to defend this nation against its enemies both foreign and domestic. I was officially a soldier in the US Army, but I knew nothing of how to be a soldier or little of what a soldier was to do. I was no longer a civil, but a GI which means "government issued." The next 16 weeks of my life I was a Fort Jackson, SC and I learned though the grueling training how to become a soldier. They gave me a uniform, field gear and a weapon and taught me how to use it. But even then I was untried, but for the next seven years I continue to train and perform my duties and I lived the life of a proficient soldier. I was tried under fire spending one year in Vietnam. My service record shows that I was a good soldier.
Even after accepting Christ (I wanted to become a soldier). Even when shown the truth (through the grueling training), given the full armor of God (uniform and field gear and a weapon) and taught how to use them...even then he was untried and spent 7 years continuing to train and learn.
I've found that I truly hate those feelings and sometimes feel powerless to stop them but at some point I'll learn how to put them all off. But I've also learned that the devil can beat us over the head because he knows we feel bad about it so he heaps condemnation on us to keep us down and questioning our salvation because we do get mad or irritated or selfish at times.
"It's no different when our minds are stressed worrying over our sins wondering if we're truly saved. So the stress of that worry can actually help to cause some of our anger and irritability or selfishness."
I've never heard it put like this before. This sounds like the story of my life for the past few years.
It reminds me of John Bunyan's struggles in his early Christian life which he writes about in Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners.
thanks for sharing this, and its nice to know that other people know the feeling and that its normal
Seek I so agree with you about some "seem" to have it together. I'm one of those people a lot of times. It's like we don't want other Christians to see those failures & down time. We always want to seem we're trusting in Him. When you're down, you must not be trusting right? That's the mind set I have a lot of times. Sooner or later, it piles up on me though & I explode & have a breakdown. They're not that bad but they're still tears for days.
Seek and Amanda,
Good words, Sisters.
Grace and Peace.
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