Some Christians seem to struggle very much in the Christian life, and are at almost constant war with their flesh, often falling into sin (I'm talking here of sins like selfishness, anger, impatience etc).
Other Christians seem to be living in such glorious victory. They don't seem to give in to selfishness, impatience, anger etc.
When I look around, there seem to be two tiers in Christianity: Those who seem to have it easy must have either graduated into a higher tier of Christianity, or perhaps they're pretty self-controlled by nature or upbringing and so there's less work to be done.
Then there's those who have so little victory, though they want it.
My personal experience as a believer has been one of almost constant struggle. I feel my sin nature so keenly, and am most often in great temptation to live according to my flesh, often succumbing to the old habits of sin that come so easily to me.
I know the answer to our struggles in the Christian life is: FAITH. Maybe those who I imagine in the "upper tier" are simply those who have stronger faith.
If simple faith is the answer to those in the thick of the battle with their flesh, what does it looks like to apply simple faith to the daily failures and so little daily victory over sin?
Thanks in advance,
Wow, thanks for sharing that. I never realized the names meant so much.
It's a good lesson- its easy to create an idol out of being loved, respected, etc by other people, but all that really matters is that in Christ we are accepted and beloved.
Awesome Jenny....LOVE GOD with all your might and with all you've got!
I never realized Leah's lineage was the one God used. That's awesome. I always felt so bad for her. I know it wasn't Jacob's fault because her father tricked him but it wasn't poor Leah's fault either. That woman had a hell on earth in my opinion. Her father felt he had to trick a man to take her & the man she got wanted her sister. Her children was what brought her the happiness that she had. That really brings lots of Scriptures to mind that he used her.
I have very similar thoughts.
James 5:16 makes me even more sure that it's good to reach out in times like this. I'm praying with you.
Please read the post above about Abraham and Sarah....and love the LORD and don't give up. The end is near. Its time to get right if your not right with GOD and if your right then stay right and hold on.....HOLD ON!
I just decided to check on here and see if there were any more replies, and I'm glad I did. Thanks for this, its very encouraging. I'm walking out!
The answer is this; " To Love the LORD our GOD with all our hearts, with all our soul and with all our strength. Deut 6:5
It sounds simple and it is but lets understand what these three things mean.
A. The Heart - The battlefield for the heart in always, always, always and don't let anyone tell you any different if you want to live, fought in the mind. If you love GOD then guard your thought life, put GOD first in your thought life and you will have a third of the battle won. Fight the unclean thoughts with GOD's word and always, always begin with "It is Written."
B. The Soul - It is written, " Israel soon forgot his works and did not seek his counsel or wait for GOD's plan to fulfill but lusted exceedingly and tempted the LORD in the wilderness, so GOD gave them their request and with it came a leanness of soul a disease that wasted them away [Physically and spiritually]." Psalms 106:13-16.
Leanness of soul is a leanness of faith, patience and commitment brought on by lust. Just read the chapter 106 verse 13. "They soon forgot his works" This is the spiritual manifestation of a lean soul in a christian. Another manifestation of a lean soul is failing to pay your tithe to the LORD. The tithe is the testimony to you and your soul that GOD is first in everything. It produces the fear of GOD in the heart and soul of man. As it is written, " Blessed is the man who fears the lord and delights in his commands." psalms 112:1 Honoring GOD in your substance protects you and me from idolatry [ putting things before GOD] .
An example of a fat soul is Abraham, Whew! Praise GOD I feel the Holy Ghost right now while I write. You see Abraham did not stagger at the promises of GOD through unbelief but remained strong in faith and gave GOD Glory and was fully persuaded that what GOD said GOD would do." Rom 4:20
C. Strength - Simply any spiritual act that requires the strength of the body or affliction to the body. e.g. Prayer, going to church and here goes, you really want to know what it means to love GOD with all your strength? Well just go back and ask yourself for a moment what was the heaviest sacrifice or the greatest burden, or the most you have ever given for the sake of sin and corruption then turn around and make a greater offering to GOD [ A 7 day fast should cover it] because one of the things that hinder GOD's people the most are Idols and the only way to tear down the idols that have already been set up in the heart is to tear them down and erect an altar to the LORD in our hearts that is in highest ground in our hearts [ 7 days is a perfect number] but 3 is good and is a better start because 7 days is not easy but when you're there and you want to eat just remember the things you were willing to do for evil and ask yourself who do I love more?] . Thats why when Israel would repent of their idolatry they were always commanded to tear down the groves and the idols on the high grounds. Its the only way. Sorry thats just the way it is. Its in the bible.
To answer your question: Yes, there are tiers. Those who drink milk and those who eat meat.
Love the LORD....LOVE HIM and don't give up. Giving up is leanness of soul. When you want to give up ask yourself how determined were we in our sinful lives. How many hours were we willing to do evil, how much we were willing to sacrifice for corruption then ask yourself how much do I love GOD? I hope that makes sense!
Moses Good Word!
Yes, that makes sense. Thanks for taking the time to write- I feel convicted and hopeful.
As a side note, one of the greatest things I sacrificed to sin was an important relationship I had with a dear friend. Now the most important earthly relationship I have is with my husband. I sacrificed one relationship to sin, and will I now sacrifice my relationship with my husband to God? This would mean obeying Him in submitting to and respecting my husband, and not rendering evil for evil, but doing His will and trusting Him for the results.
"My personal experience as a believer has been one of almost constant struggle. I feel my sin nature so keenly, and am most often in great temptation to live according to my flesh, often succumbing to the old habits of sin that come so easily to me.
I know the answer to our struggles in the Christian life is: FAITH. Maybe those who I imagine in the "upper tier" are simply those who have stronger faith."
I don't think Christianity is "two tiered".
"When I look around, there seem to be two tiers in Christianity: Those who seem to have it easy must have either graduated into a higher tier of Christianity, or perhaps they're pretty self-controlled by nature or upbringing and so there's less work to be done.
Then there's those who have so little victory, though they want it. "
This is simply not one who professes Christianity has it any easier than anyone else. This is a fable.
To those who are Christians, nothing is easy, the Bible will verify that. I remember one time early in my years of complaining to my husband about a certain problem I was having and it wasn't going away. My husbands response quite surprised me, His word to me, was that if I REALLY wanted to stop what I was doing that I would go into my prayer closet and not come out until it was over. He basically told me that I did not want the problem to go away bad enough. He said tears don't count, sorrow doesn't count, but walking into the Throne Room of the Lord counts, that is what true repentance does to a soul.
I never forgot that & he was right. Billie Sunday once said that Christianity is a sweaty affair, you fight for it, you have to work out your Spiritual muscles.
You have to be real, you have to be sure, and you definately need to be dependent upon the Lord of Glory. You cannot sit and be's a war, a literal spiritual battle.
Get into that prayer closet and stay at all costs.
You'll be a different person, a strengthened person, a person who has given their entire being to the Lord.
Abide in Him.
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