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I see this verse as a good reminder of how our suffering can actually be a blessing

Romans 5:3-4
More than that,we rejoice in our sufferings,knowing that suffering produces endurance and endurance produces character and character produces hope.

How do we dwell in our Lord God Almighty rather than dwelling on our problems?

Understanding that we are human and have human emotion and need to be able to talk about them how can we as christians convey to others , gently and in love how to focus onthe things around them that.God has blessed them with in their lives and focus on those blessings? There comes a time when out of love for someone , you have to be honest and tell them what they do not want to hear.

I am really struggling with this right now! Have prayed about this but would like input from ythe body of Christ at the Holy Spirits leading . I believe it is something He wants us to share. Thankyou and lord bless !

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Yes Amanda! It took me a very long time and it aches so much to see others so far in a pit that they lose sight and cannot focus on anything else. I know the power of prayer and sometimes it is all we can do. When I cannot help or DO anything it can make me feel helpless. You know, ever since I was knee high to a grasshopper, I remember never wanting to see anyone sick as I would rather see myself ill than to see them ill. I would want to take their pain away from them. So I guess when I am left with nothing else to do but pray, I am dieing to self and my own need to control or "fix it".
See , this discussion is already revealing things to me. TRUST EVEN MORE IN THE POWER OF PRAYER and allow the Holy Spirit to lead , just as He did in prompting me to post this discussion
David. Nice reply. Its blank on my end. Could be because I am on mobile. Or should I take this personally ? Hahahaha. :D
Oh, and I refuse to believe you have nothing to say. That wouldn't be at all like you! Tee hee! :D


When we are hurting, be in physical, mental, the "pain" demands attention.  However, sooner or later we come to the end of ourselves.  We discover there is only, so far we can go; so much attention we can give.  Then what ?  The pain continues, or for this reasons or that, we may not hurt as much, but we find that we have limiations that we never had before.  Then what again ? 

 So when we are faced w/ "then what," we must turn to Jesus "the Healer," Holy Ghost "the Comforter," God "our Dad."  Now I must say, do not miss the key word there,"turn."  That word will mean different things to diferent people, what we all have in common is, we know what it means to us.  So turn into the Arms of the One who Created you, turn into the Arms of the One who, they nailed to the Cross.  God's Word is True, it is not respecter of people, what is true for one it is true for all.

  We hold to "pain" after a while because it is what we know.  Strange as it sounds we get comfortable w/ the compromises we make because of pain.  We want change, we want to be better but...

Well, Nancy it is like this I suppose, I don't want anyone hurt from, any of these words, so I've stopped rewritten some only to come back to the same place.  When we come to God, we must Turn.  Turn from the way we think, talk, see, we turn and serve Him.  Does that stop the pain... I know this, had it not been for my pain I would be no where near, the place I am today.  And for that I knee,( the best I can) and Worship Jesus for ALL that has happened in my life.  Hope I did not go to long and it made sense.

This is very helpful. Everyone. Thankyou. Before I was saved I would dwell on my problems constantly. The Lord delivered me from depression the moment I was saved. I guess the dwelling on my problems went away with it. Yes , I have had to relearn how to open up about things that are bothering me and yes , I feel pain but , I don't know, it's kind of strange , I am a much more carefree person now. However, it does not stop me from reaching out to others who have problems. I used to say , if I ever had a lot of money I would never forget where I came from. Well I don't have money but the Lord gave me freedom from depression and dwelling and I will neVER forget where I came from and thank Him every day for this deliverence. I just mostly have to learn more about if and how this can be useful to Him. I am learning also how to share my pain when I am in pain.
Like Chris's comment. Nancy I would just like to add in the turning I learned that The Father has used my pain to teach me to turn. Think a moment about all the people I have touched in my short life 60 years. They all saw ( and learned from) someone who would not ask for help (pride). The Lord used my pain to teach me to ask for help. As well He taught me that I had to be much stronger to do so. He taught me only the weak can't ask. Wow does He not ask us for help. Think about it seriously. 
Oh boy! Now isn't that just hitting the nail on the old noggin Dean! As you well know,I am STILL guilty of doing that. have been on my own for so long that I do not know how to ask for help and when I was not on my own I could not get that help when I did ask which reinforced In me that I SHOULD NOT ask. . I thank Father for your life and that He placed you in my path. I see more and more why He brought me here! :)
And Chris. I am totally in agreement with you however I think everyone may be missing my point here. Yes I agree we need to talk when we are in pain. Or troubled. And Yes I DO thank God that I have been through everything I have been through in my life. I totally believe our testimonies can be very powerful tools for the Lord. The point I am trying to make here is when we DWELL on our problems. Especially Christians who have been in the Lord for many years. I find,personally that the more time I spend dwelling in the Lord,the less time I find myself dwelling on my troubles. I hAve seen many who do not seem to be taking the authority god gave them to overcome. Is it that the church is leaving out the teaching of that. Our lack of being able to compprehend His power? Lack of faiyh and trust in him? I sooooo know what the Lord has done in my own life and maybe it is just my deepest desire to see others who seem STUCK in the pit. To be able to know that mighty power of our Lord as well. Does this make sense?


I must agree w/ you completely.  Not long ago the idea that many seem to forget, that our Father is MIghty and Powerful.  When we come into His Presence we will first and formost BOW DOWN at His Feet.  We will not be blaming Him and questioning Him the way we all do here.  Don't get me wrong I would be on the top of many a list of people who have.  I feel if and as we remember first the He is Holy and Loving, we would not complain in the same fashion.  Thank you for bring your idea to the front.

remember when I commented to you about being accused of being insensitiveand uncompassionate by others in my life at times Chris? Well, I suffered throughout my life with depression and anxiety. I have also never really had a relationship that was not codependant. There ARE codependant relationships in our lives that are codepent in a good way and others in a bad way. Until I came to know our Fathert I was in the Bad kind of codeppendancy. The Lord has sent others and taught me Himself that sometimes,as hard as it is, we have to loosen apron strings if we REALLY love someone a lot of times if someone is depending on you to always be there to hash over the same things over and over and over again,how do they reach out to God where their real help cimes from? How can they get close enough to Him to hear his voice and draw that wonderful strength and peace from him. If we are not careful we can become enablers. When you raise children there comes a time when you teach them how to ride a bicycle. Eventually we take our one hand off the handle bars and the other off the seat of the bike. If you don't let go you are enabling that child to get STUCK never being able to ride it on their own. There was a christian friend I had once who was appalled when I tried to explain that sometimes. This is what you have to do in order for someone to REALLY turn to God. There is NO other way to learn to trust Him and no comfort and strength better to draw from than HIS once we have learned to seek Him for everything. I pray this comment does not offend anyone but it is something the Lord has been placing on my heart to speak.
cChris , it was only my idea for a discussion after I could not ignore the Holy Spirit' leading in the need to talk about this. It is He who can give us the boldness to do so no matter whether anyone does not agree with me or not. It would not be myself that anyone would not agree would be he who sent his obedient servant. I just the messenger , my friend. :) believe me,the enemy did try to stop me


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