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I want this scar on my hand healed, How should I ask Jesus? photo included

I stupidly punched my Right hand through a shed window about 5 years ago after somebody egged my Brother's car.

Now, 5 years on it still seems to be as visible as ever, I did try using bio oil e.t.c. for a while but gave up on it after it didn't appear to be working. 

How shall I pray to Jesus for him to heal my scar so that it is no longer visible? 

God Bless 

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Sometimes we miss the thing that God is working on us as we are sanctified.  I'm sorry that your scar causes you so much distress.  God may heal your distress in a different way than removing your scar.  The scar may not actually be the source of distress, but rather something deeper...  That's what I've found in my life anyway.

Very true Carla....I've found that in mine also....

The scar is a painful reminder of a time when he acted without thinking; when he was impulsive. He has shared that he feels terrible about it and that it was done "stupidly." He has also shared he is OCD in some things. When one thinks too much about something and even has compulsions, attempting towards perfectionism, then turning around and being impulsive in a situation will be distressful, for it means loss of that obsessive-compulsive control -- going from one extreme to another. Perhaps that describes Mark. It's difficult for someone who wants  everything to be just right all of the time to say, “This will need to be good enough right now," especially when it means allowing for one's mistakes. It's hard for anyone, IMO, to do something different than what you’ve been doing and it often causes great anxiety, distress, in someone who won't allow themselves to make (or, forgive themselves for) any kind of a mistake. I might be wrong. It's just what I see in the things Mark writes and shares. It's a paradox -- becoming comfortable with discomfort. It's just my two cents, based on my education and experience of working both in healthcare and in public schools with both children and adults who have emotional-behavioral challenges, and if I'm wrong, Mark, just tell me where to get off :) But, Carla ... You are right. The scar isn't the root of the distress. Just the tiniest shift in the way one thinks about something, a change of mind about it, about the way it is viewed, in a better light, so to speak, will lead to a better attitude about it due to thoughts becoming re-framed, concerning it. The scar is a negative consequence from a wrong action, a mistake. Forgive yourself.

Very insightful Amanda.  I hadn't noticed the comment about OCD in Marks posts. 


I'm sorry if my replies came off as insensitive.  I've seen too many people cling to a false 'name it and claim it' teaching, only to be disappointed because they have misunderstood why Jesus came and how He works in our lives... The hope, healing and reconciliation Jesus truly gives is so much better than 'name it and claim it'.

Blessings, Carla

He has shared he has OCD in other discussions, but I was just thinking before you replied, that, even if it what I said isn't a good word for him, perhaps someone will benefit from it, and maybe it's even for me, because I struggle with forgiving myself for making "stupid" mistakes, and I think perhaps everyone does once in awhile. If we were perfect, we wouldn't need Jesus, and all of us, after become spiritually alive are caught up in the battle between the spirit and the flesh. The flesh doesn't want anything to do with discomfort. I think to manage emotions, it means being willing to sit through feeling all of them, even the bad ones, while not reacting to them, but having self control, and that's very uncomfortable. I've even wondered if I have unconscious motivations. But that's a different discussion :)

I think that each one of us could fill our day with remembering past mistakes...and put our palm to our forehead while saying 'DOH' out loud.  Oh yes---we are certainly in this battle.  BUT GOD.  GRACE is such a beautiful word to me. 

I resemble that remark! Lol.

No one is "good enough" or can be good enough, right? I sort of get the idea that Mark is scared, afraid that, because he at times does things which he isn't very proud of and views as being "stupid", that he will really goof up, royally, and do something that will cost him his salvation, such as taking the MOTB.

loss of salvation...  Just like we can't be good enough to earn our salvation, once we trust in Jesus, we can't be bad enough to lose it.  :-)

I tend to think of it in terms of the mind being renewed and transformation as mentioned in Romans 12:1-2. For those who believe salvation can be lost (which is OK if they do) after being born again, it's important that they realize that we are always choosing, IMO. Sometimes the choice is giving in to the flesh. The flesh wants what it wants and that's by default, isn't? It has to be subdued. I think we're not always aware of the process that's going on, and we need to grow in discernment concerning it -- become more aware of what's going on. Then we will find that we act less and less impulsively. We will see our choices and choose more wisely because we will want to. We see the light, so to speak, and are renewed in our minds in that area and now understand that God's will is designed to help us function most like we were created to function and really is best for us and we really do want to obey God! Of course the flesh is still not regenerated and fights this transformation that is taking place within us, from the inside out. The biggest paradox of all is that, really, we need to come to the place where we give in to the helplessness and the powerlessness that we feel and receive empowerment from God.

Yes.. Well Said.  Additionally, people do live to satisfy their flesh and take advantage of God's Grace.  However, even though they do that, God's Grace still remains true.. Natural consequences sometimes are a great teacher.

I had forgotten about his other posts & the OCD thing. I still believe we should be truthful about the situation although he may not be as accepting of it due to his situation. I agree about the 'blab it grab it' as well.

Amen Carla


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