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I want this scar on my hand healed, How should I ask Jesus? photo included

I stupidly punched my Right hand through a shed window about 5 years ago after somebody egged my Brother's car.

Now, 5 years on it still seems to be as visible as ever, I did try using bio oil e.t.c. for a while but gave up on it after it didn't appear to be working. 

How shall I pray to Jesus for him to heal my scar so that it is no longer visible? 

God Bless 

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Jesus has scars. They were still present even after His resurrection. Check out this sermon by Charles Spurgeon, The Wounds of Jesus.

In heaven, Jesus still bears the scars He suffered when He was crucified. Personally, I don't think we will have our scars when we receive a resurrected body. Of course, I suppose it's debatable. Nevertheless, the scars He bears were suffered in sacrificial love for the foolish things we all do in this life, such as acting out our anger and punching through a window.

Would it be so bad to keep your scar? Since it remains, it appears to be God's will that it remains. Most scars do remain, although they sometimes fade and become less visible as time goes by.

Amen Amanda

Hi Mark, God bless you!

No guaranties, but you could try vitamin e oil. You can buy it in a bottle or the capsules and break open the capsules and massage it into the scars.  Over time it may break up the scar tissue. No quick fixes just something you can try.



So is bio oil the same as vitamin e? I know you probably notice the scar a lot, but it didn't look that bad to me. Maybe it will help to know how other people see the scar.

I apologize in advance if this sounds like a cliché...  But our scars really do remind us where we've been in life.  They don't define us but they can build character and help us to grow. 

I have so many scars....some of them are stupid things I did to cause them, others are things that happened to me.  I don't say that as a 'victim'....but rather from the perspective acknowledging that in this world we will have many trials, but we are to 'take heart' because Jesus has overcome it all.

Our scars are a part of who we are, but they don't define who we are.

Some of my scars:

My middle finger on my left hand, I was cutting carrots and I cut my finger half off-- I needed four stitches.  It has healed, but it sensitive and will be a reminder to me to slow down and pay attention to what I am doing.

My right upper leg I have a three inch x 1 inch scar on my leg.....melanoma. Removed and gone.  The melanoma was my fault for being irresponsible in the sun and in tanning beds as a younger person.   It reminds me to value this life, and not take it for granted by not respecting my health.

My neck... under my jaw line... A bump removed as a child...thought it might have been cancer, but turned out not to be. It reminds me that even as a young child, before I knew the Lord, He was watching over me.

My chest... 7 inch scar... Open heart surgery 5 1/2 years ago from a congenital heart defect.  It reminds me that God has a purpose for me here, and I still have things to do, and God is always with me and watching over me.

Countless moles removed all over my body (melanoma checkups)

Legs are scarred from cycling.....feet slipping off the pedals.

Gee--- by human standards, I'm a mess.

It's a good thing that I am not defined by my appearance, my scars or my weaknesses.

Jesus says who we are and He says that IN HIM, we are Blessed, Chosen, Adopted, Accepted, Redeemed, Forgiven and Loved.

Blessings, Carla

ps....on the other hand, I agree that the appearance of scars can be diminished by using vitamin E oil...

All things are possible with God. He raised people from the dead. However, that scar on your hand is there forever. It took layers of skin off of your hand & it will never be replaced unless you have some kind of plastic surgery. I don't mean to discourage you but we all carry scars emotionally as well as physically. Some scars are reminders of who we once were. In remembering who we once were, we also remember what the Lord has done for us. Jesus left his scars after being hung & resurrected. 


All things are possible with God like you said, amen to that. 

Why then did you say however your scar will be there forever? Jesus can do anything and he can heal my scar and I pray he will.

Jesus kept his scars because of the SIGNIFICANCE of what he did for us, to remind us how important we are to him. His scars are Meaningful. 

The scar on my right hand was from an act of stupidity, that being me punching my hand through a glass window of a shed.

Jesus will heal that scar in Jesus Name, Amen ! 

Hi Mark,

Are you familiar with the movement referred to as 'Name it and claim it'?

I would disagree with you as you said that our scars are not meaningful.  Of coarse they are.  Jesus's scars are meaningful in a different way, but somehow also similar.  Jesus relates to our pain and our brokenness.  He came to earth as fully human, yet fully God to identify with us in our brokenness, and show us who God reconcile us back to God. 

Our scars have a different purpose though;

They serve to remind us that our lives are fragile.

They serve to remind us that we are broken and fallen and in need of a Saviour.

They serve to remind us that we are to be grateful...and to identify with others when they experience things in their own lives that are hard.  People need to be reminded that just because they are going through something hard, challenging, uncomfortable....etc... Jesus is with them through it all.  He never leaves us. 

There is an element of 'testing God' when we say things such as 'Jesus will heal that scar in Jesus name. Amen.'  God will not be manipulated or told what to do.  Do you believe God owes you something?

I'm going to put this in simple terms. there is nothing hard to understand about it. 

I will ASK Jesus to heal my scar so that it will no longer be visible.  I never said I would tell him, of course I wouldn't do that, I wouldn't put the Lord my God to the test.

It doesn't mean that I can't ask him though does it. 

Why would myself or God want me to keep a scar I am unhappy with, a scar that reflects negativity and causes me distress. 

If God decides to not heal my scar then that is fine, I can live with that, I will accept God's decision to leave it as it is, but I can request of him to make my scar disappear.

But you've had it for 5 years & don't live with it. You're still frustrated with it. Sooner or later we all must move on, putting away the things of the earth & look towards the more important things in Christ. 

As far as what to pray, I pray just like I would speak with you. There is no magic formula in asking God a certain way. No secret prayer, nothing. You just ask Him then you walk away satisfied with the answer He has provided & accept it as His will. 

"Why would myself or God want me to keep a scar I am unhappy with, a scar that reflects negativity and causes me distress."

I wonder why God would want us to keep anything we're unhappy with?  I think that the first thing to realize is that God has eternal perspectives...not how He can please us during this life. Every day we are faced with things that we are unhappy with, it's not about my or your happiness, it's about glorifying our risen Lord and Savior.

I know that I say this over and over, but lets travel back and look at the story of Joseph...

He is one of the 3 in the Old Testament that no evil was spoken of him.  He kept close to God in his thoughts, habits, and actions.  What he thought when he was obedient to God and still suffered for it...never is questioned.  He stayed the course, no matter what the cost. 

What you need to dwell on, is, eternity with God, and how you will be perfect in every way, no disease, no sickness, no sadness, no scar.  

As Amanda posted, the only One in eternity that will bear any scars is Christ Jesus....can you imagine?  The perfect lamb having to spend eternity with the scars.  How little that scar is costing you if you have been forgiven.  Think upon that and I'll bet you that scar won't seem so important anymore.  

We can't even weigh rightly what's important anymore....


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