Well I was trying to distract myself from this thought by goofing off on YouTube but I ran into a conspiracy nut and now I'm depressed again.
To the point, I just don't see it. We're like a cartoon: entertaining, but we don't effect anything or one once it's all over with. If I go to Hades none of you will care, even if you say you would I highly doubt that it would last anywhere close to an eternity, and once I'm there it just infasizes my point; my life meant nothing and it never will and this, all of it, was just a waste of time.
I really wish the guy will just get it over with, this planet, this life, every single thing he's been doing for his entertainment, I just want him to get all of this over with. It's nothing but a giant headach for everyone at some point. I used to ask this question when I was younger and now I'm asking again, what's the point to this life?
So I was right, we really are nothing but little play things in a sense. There is no point for us, only him...
Curious.. if you had a time machine, when/where would you go?
I want to remind you of some things you posted on a discussion of mine:
Tammy, I love your honesty. But to be offended or angry at someone because they didn't sympathize enough or say the right thing is just not right. It's just as hurtful to that person who extended that generosity about their faith. Yeah, maybe it wasn't what you wanted to hear at the time, but note: everything IS in God's hands, everything, that is THE most comforting thing to hear, know, feel, and express. I am immensely comforted by that. Maybe that's all that they were trying to express.
David is right, we ARE overcomers, we have something to rejoice in, death HAS lost it's sting, and no matter what....God is and always will be in control.
None of us is perfect....but....when trials and tribulation happen to us....we say Thank You Lord, for perfecting me in the kiln of your perfect love.
"When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot Thou hast taught me to say
Even so, it is well with my soul"
I feel you should reread your response & choose to do the same things you have said in those words.
Hey you Dekote,
It is hard to see the beauty of life, the wonderful gift it is when life has been difficult and unbearable for long periods of time. God has given us the ability to do it, but we can't do it apart from him.
Check out this testimonials:
Even non-Christians find life worth living: there is such a richness in learning about so many things. And so much to explore be it a beach, woods, or just people watching (long a favorite of mine). As a Christian, all things become even more interesting, if for no other reason but to try to figure out "How does that fit into His plan?" Life has lots of ups and downs, some very serious traps & pitfalls along the way: surviving can be a challenge, yet when you do make it through another day, a victory. Small moments can be special, like an especially good cup of coffee, a hot soaking on a cold day or a cold shower on a hot day. A point to life? Why? sure, at the end of one's days it would be nice to get the reward of no more pain and suffering from God. But, to me, it's the journey getting there that's a blast! Lots of screwups on my part to where I could kick myself, but every once in awhile I do something good like a random act of kindness, or maybe influence someone in a good way. The "live, love, laugh, and learn" cliché actually does work, and for me, I like to take big bites out of life, moderation is for monks. Again a cliché "life is what you make it". Having God at your side smooths the way, and if you fall, well, He is there to pick you up: if you let him. There is nothing you can do in your life that you cannot go home to Him.
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1)
That fellow on youtube hasn't done anything to merit your trust. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Anyone can put a video on youtube. Jesus on the otherhand gave his life for you. You can rely on Jesus and trust Him. He cares.
And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. (Matthew 10:30)
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