The seed that fell on rocky soil, to the wayside and on good ground was symbolic. Jesus often spoke in parables. But for a believer, the mark of the beast isn't something that will be an issue with them. Dwelling on it will only cause you grief and turmoil and steal the joy and peace God has provided for you.
There's a lot of speculation on pre-, post- and mid-tribulation. But here's a verse that speaks volumes:
Revelation 13:8 And all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain.
I see no mistaking this. ALL who dwell on earth will worship (the beast). ALL. And the rest of it...EVERYONE/ALL whose name has not been written in the book.
If you're born again, find peace in this...YOU won't be here! ;-)
Hi, many thanks
Can you please explain by all who dwell on earth will worship the beast?
And I am born again, I won't be here! I will try me best to find peace in that.
God Bless
That's self explanatory. Everyone on the earth is going to worship the beast. That tells me that everyone who is written in the Lambs book won't be on the earth when that happens...the rapture will have already occurred.
Your salvation is between you and God. Did you confess your sins to Him, repent? Only you and He can know that one. If you did and you MEANT it...if you TRULY felt remorse over things you've done and you wanted God to repair your heart and wanted to live a life that resembles the one Christ lived, then you're saved. It's in the Bible.
The problem comes in when satan whispers that you weren't saved and you start wondering if that voice is right. Satan whispers you've messed up too much and you begin to fear he's right and God won't love you, CAN'T love you. But if you keep reading the Bible, you're going to see what God says, how He loved us WHILE we were sinners, how we were created in HIS image, how He sent His only son to die in our place so we could come back into a relationship with Him that was lost in the garden, how He will NEVER leave us or forsake us. The more you keep reading these, the more you begin to believe them over those little lies satan is whispering and when satan whispers you weren't really saved to begin with, you say, whosoever believes in his heart and confesses with his mouth is saved and I'm a child of God and God sent His son to die for my sins so that I AM forgiven. When satan whispers you've messed up too badly, you say that God will never leave me nor forsake me, and it's not by MY might or my strength but by His and God will make my paths straight and cleanse me of all unrighteousness.
This is how Jesus answered every one of satan's temptations to Him. Eventually, as your mind is renewed and your faith strengthened, the little voice of satan will grow dimmer. He's always gonna be there, whispering, but we come to a point where we recognize it for what it is and we know the devil is a liar and the father of lies.
The mark of the beast isn't in effect yet. No one is demanding that anyone must receive the mark of the beast in order to buy, sell, and trade. Therefore, you haven't received the mark,
Now that's a good point I don't think anyone had brought up yet.
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