I just wanted to make my shame public. For the last few months I have found more intersting things to do than reading my Bible... I have been "busy" looking for job, looking for house, looking for the perfect hair regimen that will keep it healthy, but i havent even had a minute to look for a chuch or to read a few bible verses. I cancelled my bible study and i just focused on myself and my ridiculous needs.
I found a house and a dream job that i will not be able to do because God has given me the privilege to be expecting a new baby. I've been feeling really disappointed and upset because i 'm finding very difficult to build my career, when what i should be is happy about being pregnant. I've lost most of my values and my faith has weakened so much in the past few months just because i havent been feeding it. its so important to feed our faith...
Its never too late... i keep saying to myself, i just need to focus on building back my relationship with Him. I have the feeling He is looking at me and shaking HIs head.
I'm not actually looking for advise, I think i know what to do, maybe a little support from you guys...
Thanks and God bless.
Dear Sister,
I think u actually know what to do.Tthe Bible says in Joshua 1:8 that: This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt good success.
My sister, i want you to have meaning to this. i will also encourage you to have a winning mentality so that you can win consistently but remember you cannot be different from your thinking:
Your words reveals your thoughts.
the way you talk will determine your lifestyle and your lifestyle controls your destiny.
God be with you.
Hey, David, yes I'm a stinky old man, but I want one of those hugs!
<Virginia, this church you spoke of has done you a terrible dis-service. They have exalted "flesh" over spirit.......... they have taught you to look inward....and God teaches us to look outward....toward him. In fact, it is all about him..... and little to do with us.> Gayla, what excellent words! Amen, sister! (May I call you sister?)
Virgina, we all must go through times when the muddy business of living in the world just consumes us. Don't feel bad, sister; God knows we're made of clay! When I'm doing all the worldly business I have to do, I carry a pocket-size NT with Psalms and Proverbs, and I've trained myself to pull it out and read a few lines as often as possible. I've also memorized a few Psalms and prayers that I recite periodically. I also recite the Creed, the Pater Noster, and an Anglican Rosary at least twice a day, even if it's only while I'm waiting at the pharmacy or the bank. If you are a young protestant who doesn't like to recite prayers, then little bites of lectio divina can "work" just as well for you.
Dearest Virginia,
Congratulations on your new baby and i dont know whether you are still living seperated from God but you must must know that Jesus came and died for you, he paid the price for you in full so you may go to heaven whether you sin or not.
I made the same mistake as you where i would not turn back to God because i just knew hed say i told you so, i thought hed be so mad at me. I kept going in my own ways for so long it nearly killed me. When i finally turned back to Him i said Im so sorry Lord and he said to me "what for my darling? I have already forgotten." All that matters is you being with him. He loves you my sister. Never ever forget this. I hope all is well with you.
All my love,
Emma :) x
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