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Have you ever been to a church for a number of months only to feel that God was asking you to leave that church simply because you sensed that religious pretentious wealth-focused members of its church?

I have and left many churches as a result. In fact, I can honestly say that the number of good churches and genuine Christians are in the minority.

Now I have started to go to another church which I consider healthy. The pastor and his wife are both open, vulnerable about their shortcomings and are both growth-oriented people. By comparison, the differences between the former church and the current church is huge. The former is a matter of facade, appearance, a feeling that I am stepping into a club, cocktail party or even Hollywood life.

The number of hypocrites in the church is staggering that I am not surprised that not so many people are going to church or even impressed by Christians.

While I was going to the 1st church, I invited a non-Christian friend who came only once and did not go there any more.

Please share!

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Good afternoon Wisdom,
What is seen and why we attend church are two great concerns. Am I there to see everyone's faults or am I there to worship my Lord. With the Lord's help I will look straight ahead, not to the left or the right, my eyes fixed on Jesus, my Redeemer. My God is a mighty God and maybe the Holy Spirit will use me in some way to edify the church or encourage another believer who is struggling. I am not there to get something but to give my God Glory, Praise, Honor and Thank offerings. When the Lord called me to this church I told Him , not this one????? I obeyed, I'm blessed beyond measure.

God Bless You,
Hi Wisdom
I agree with Mercy777. As a child of God I attend church primarily to worship and glorify Lord Jesus who has reconciled me to the Father through the Cross and Resurrection. As a result my nature is progressively being transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord wants to use his love and grace within ourselves to reach out to all people in need of his mercy.The Lord has forgiven me for my wrongs, so in turn I try to focus on people themselves and not any shortcomings that they may have. ( Love the sinner, but not the sin) The Lord will do the rest.

God bless
I know EXACTLY what you are talkin' about! I went to a "community" church in Colorado that was like that. There was even an expresso cafe in it! Haha...
Yes Mike you seem to understand Exactly what I'm talking about!

I believe we should listen to the prompt of the Holy Spirit when He talks to us and change that church and never settle for less that where God wants us to be.

At the beginning, they to keep a low profile, just wait for 6 months and you will be surprised by their judgemental attitude.

Choosing our church and sticking to a particular church says a lot about our personality and faith.

Have you changed that church Mike?

Wondering???? Have we not all been hypocrites at one time or another? Jesus saves, yesterday, today and tomorrow, so completely.

Jesus loves all of us,
Mercy....hypocrisy is different from immaturity.

A hypocrite is someone who is pretending.

An immature Christian is someone who is growing in his/her faith.

On of the things God hates is a lying tongue which means a hypocrite.

Hypocrisy existed ever since biblical times and Jesus condemned it as is the case with the Pharisees.
The question was..have we not all been hypocrities at one time or another?

God Bless you,
I think the main issue is, "What is the message that is spoken from the pulpit"? If the message is from the Word of God, you are safe in that church. If the message is something other than that, something that "tickles the ears", get out. There will be "hypocrites" in many churches. That is exactly where they need to be. However, what God wants us to be attentive of is the message that comes from the pulpit.
Our job is to know the Bible well enough that we know and recognize the truth of the message. IF THAT TRUTH IS NOT PRESENT...GET OUT!!! DON'T WALK------ RUN TO THE NEAREST EXIT!!!

Well the issue at hand is...does the church practice what it preaches? Talk is cheap and the main issue is do they really believe and practice what they are preaching?

From my own experience, there are many red flags you should look for and I have seen them in that church and thankfully changed it to a better one.
I agree with Rita that the message from the pulpit is what is most important. I would add to that Jesus actually taught about this in the Parable of the Weeds. The crop/harvest are the believers. The weeds are the hypocrites and unbelievers in the (physical) church.

24Jesus told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.

27"The owner's servants came to him and said, 'Sir, didn't you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?'

28" 'An enemy did this,' he replied.
"The servants asked him, 'Do you want us to go and pull them up?'

29" 'No,' he answered, 'because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them. 30Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.' Matthew 13:24-30

All churches are not perfect,people are not perfect,not all whogo to church are good people only God can see their hearts.I struggled for more than 2years 0f not attending my church because I saw alot of things I don't like in my co-members and I felt out of place.But I prayed and my husband for it too.All those years I was not in my churchI tried attending other churches(Baptist),at first I was satisfied w/the servces and the pastor.And I can come and go when I please.That church is okay but I still long for something.Finally,this month only,after praying so hard about my church,I went to Sunday Worship w/ my husband.I was really overwhelmed and overjoyed w/ God's blessing to me.He was victorious and I was victorious w/ my struggle.We should'nt fix our eyes on peoples' shortcomings but we should try to face reality as it comes.It will make as strong and faithful to God.I still have those feelings but I try to overcome them.It's God's problem not mine anymore.He will e the one to fix things for me.Let us not be bothered by people's attitude,let's give God the glory He deserves!Praise God for problems and challenges because it will make us strong in our faith!
I was hoping some of the elders, pastors would comment on my thread since this topic is really serious and real and something the church has always been suffering from.

Pastors and elders, I pray God will help you see my thread and give me some of your take about this theme!


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