How important is WATER BAPTISM for the born again child of God?
Please do not turn this discussion into a debate about how baptism saves us or doesn't. That is not my intentions here. I also am not interested in discussing whether infant baptism is something born again believers should practice or not. We have multiple discussions in the archives dealing with both those topics.
Here, I am simply asking How important is water baptism for the born again child of God?
Why did you get water baptized or why haven’t you done it?
What does the word “baptize/baptism” mean?
It is always good to hear from you. Thanks for taking the time to share my sista.
>>I got baptized because I wanted it to.
haha - sure, you are right. Yes, yes my heart burned to please Him.
I was baptized as an adult believer because the Word of God tells me that it is what I was supposed to do to be in alignment with Jesus and the Word of God. Since it is a command it is not just important, but the right thing to do.
Lord Bless,
Hi, Bro. I wanted to run this by you but if it's too controversial, just delete it.
Don't laugh at me but I think we have some things backwards and this is one of them and because we do we don't really understand the true meaning of water baptism. It does not save but there is a beautiful meaning to it. Very beautiful! IMO :)
Let me explain.
There are two different things that happen regarding the Spirit who lives within us. The Baptism of the Spirit and the Filling of the Spirit. These are not synonymous in my POV. I know I could be wrong. I am teachable :) My questions mean I am still learning. It's my current understanding.
But my thoughts are this: We are baptized in the Spirit when we are born again. The Spirit does not baptize anyone. Jesus baptizes us in the Spirit.
This is the new birth.
(1 Cor 12:13) "For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body . . . and all were made to drink of one Spirit.”
John the baptist said, “After me comes he who is mightier than I, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. I have baptized you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” Mark 1:7-8.
Jesus told Nicodemus about being born again.
The Holy Spirit does not baptize. Jesus baptizes us in the Holy Spirit with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus saves us. New birth.
The filling of the Spirit happens throughout a believer's life. The NT is full of it. We drink to the fill of the Spirit after being baptized in it -- after being born again.
The purpose is to unite us into one Body.
There are many experiences in the NT of people experiencing fillings of the Spirit and receiving His power and presence.
People do have encounters with the Spirit and experiences of the Holy Spirit after being born again.
I think the new birth is the Baptism and then we experience fillings. For ministry and for living.
What does this have to do with water baptism?
Many people think that the Baptism of the Spirit is the same thing as the filling of the Spirt, and I think they are missing out on a beautiful truth about the meaning of Spirit Baptism and it means being Born Again.
When you look at Jesus as being the Baptizer and the Spirit as being the "living element" so to speak in which and with which we are being baptized by Jesus -- How beautiful is that! Jesus baptizes us at new birth -- just totally immerses us into the Spirit and we are born again!
It's all God and it makes the new birth so meaningful. All the Scriptures about being immersed in water as a symbol of what really happens at new birth -- they all make so much sense in that light. To me, anyway.
Like Acts 2:38, “Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Acts 11:16, "John baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit."
Titus 3:5. One of my favorites.
Then we drink of the Spirit -- are filled -- throughout our lives continually and sometimes the Spirit ebbs and then flows again. We can grieve the Spirit. We can have an Elijah under the broom tree experience.
We can be filled again and again and grow thirsty and dry and return to the well. Many many times.
Tell me what you think.
Amanda - I am in agreement with all you wrote and will simply say Amen and amen.
We are baptized once into the body by the Lord with the Spirit and we can enjoy subsequent infillings/refreshments/anointing, the verbiage we use to describe it varies, but indeed we can be filled up to the rim over and over again, per say.
Thank you for sharing
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