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How does a backslider go back to God> Especially when it seems everytime they try , it seems impossible.  No holy spirit drawing them back... does that mean they arent chosen? When they ask for comfort but instead recieve such evil , does that mean Gid is saying go away? I am in my 50s and i know my questions seem like a dumb hick  but i need to know. Thank you in advance for any replies. I know to read and pray and to repent... I just cant ever believe I am saved. My children needs a praying mom. I need to trust in God... I just have so much fear of Gods rejection.

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PS I realize the new birth was not possible before Jesus died but everyone who was saved was still saved by grace through faith. Peter was saved by grace through faith under the old covenant and then experienced the new birth as well under the new covenant. Now, that part is wonderful, or awesome!

Exactly Sir...I believe what you are saying. So lets use a perfect example of this very point you made. 

Was Samson a backslider? 

I say he was. Its clear that he was. You would have to be blind or you can see where this question is headed and want to avoid being cornered to say anything else other than that he was a person with faith in GOD, tremendous faith in GOd yet he was backslidden. 

So as Amanda points out,"the more faith one has, the closer to God one stays. IMO" If this were true then explain how Samson could have so much faith yet be backslidden? Samson was a person who knew his GOD personally. Like all of us. His faith was not in his faith but in his GOD. 

Moses, there are people with lesser faith who have sinned as much or more than those in the Bible who had great faith. As people mature spiritually, if any connection between faith and sinning can be made, then IMO the opposite should be true that those with more faith will stay closer to God. Please don't twist my words. What I said was this:
As far as one who has more faith backsliding farther into sin based on their great amount of faith, I don't see that as a biblical truth and am having difficulty understanding where you're coming from. Just the opposite should be true, and the more faith one has, the closer to God one stays. IMO
I said just the opposite should be true, meaning that if you're going to use that kind of rationale, then the opposite should be true.

As far as one who has more faith backsliding farther into sin based on their great amount of faith, I don't see that as a biblical truth and am having difficulty understanding where you're coming from.

You pointed out very well in another post Amanda that Jesus is who saves and that its not your faith that saves therefore we should not have faith in our faith to save us but faith in Jesus. I though that was a pretty profound point you made.... but now im confused with you because your telling me your having trouble understanding. 

So can a believer have faith in GOD and be living in sin or in other words backslidden? The answer is yes. If you disagree then I am willing to listen to your argument with an open heart on this point.





Moses, we are saved by grace through faith. The faith is planted in our hearts by God. No one comes to Jesus unless the Father enables them. I am stating that only a true believer can backslide. If that's what you have stated, then we are in agreement, but I am having trouble understanding your post because it appears you are saying that the more faith one has, the farther one will backslide, and that the lost are able to backslide.
I realize in the OT that people of great faith, like King David, did backslide greatly, but I don't make a connection between their level of faith and how much they sinned. I'm sorry but I can't see that connection.

Amanda do you think Samson was a backslider?  

Yes. And he was restored before he died. That's what I think.

Yes, Yes Amanda but you said that (the more faith in GOD the closer to GOD) isn't that what you said? 

Moses, you are stating that the more faith one has, the farther they will
backslide. I can't see that connection. Using that rationale, then it would appear to
me that the opposite should be true. Can you clarify?

Ok! Perhaps its my fault that Im terrible writer but lets read it again. The more that was given the more was required but if .....IF the saint of GOD did not return to GOD that what was required then that saint would backslide in proportion to the measure that he was given because that is justice. That would be consistent with Lk 12:48 he would pay many strips in this world and in the world to come if he doesn't repent.

Its a spiritual law: The more GOD gives the more he will require. Remember the Parable of the Talents. If a saint of GOD takes this lightly  then that what was given shall be taken away and more shall be taken. Then it will be given to another. Mt 25:29 ; Rom 12:3 ; Lk 12: 48

What I posted in the original post is solid in the scriptures. We just have to think this trough and make sure GOD shows us these things through the bible.  

Oh one more thing. I firmly believe that this subject is not so important that a persons Salvation is at stake unless they are backslidden already. I mean a person can go though life living for Jesus and fulfilling the purpose GOD has for them without knowing anything of how a backsliders come back to GOD. The only ones who I would suspect needs to know about what were talking about are the backsliders. 

And Im pretty sure you and I believe the same thing here here. I have read a few of your posts. I do believe in eternal security.  I dont believe the lost can backslide. I do believe only true believers can backslide. I do believe that many think they are saved but are not. I also believe a person cannot enter the kingdom of heaven unless they are BORN AGAIN! of water and spirit. 

I think we believe in the same Jesus.  


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